Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1055: Break the enemy

Remember in one second 【】

Miyamoto Taro, a generation of immortals, like a nine-day **** dragon, courageously runs through the sky, invincible.

After blasting one fighter with one punch, in the shock of the eyes of the other three fighter pilots, he braved the rain of guns and rushed forward, and rushed towards another fighter.

Boom boom!

It was a multiple of the speed of sound, and a gorgeous rainbow was drawn in the void. The sound of waves was like a tsunami, and it was shaking.

Although his Dixian body is very powerful, he can hardly attack heavy artillery and small and medium-sized missiles, and has no fear of small aviation cannons, but he does not directly hit the enemy's muzzle.

His body is very delicate, and his steps are unpredictable. Like the same light, every change can jump dozens of feet away, not only cleverly avoiding the metal jets fired by the enemy ’s cannon. Even missiles capable of guiding and locking could not take him for a while.

He used to be an assassin, knows the assassin's way, and is brave and intriguing. He is inscrutable and unpredictable. If he does n’t, he will see blood.

Although he was not an assassin for many years, at this moment, when he started to work, the familiar feeling sprang up, which made his veins burst and his blood was boiling.

The assassin is the master, mastering everything, killing and killing, all in one thought!


Aiming at the fuselage of a fighter, he punched out with a punch, the wind of the fist rolled up a terrible storm, silver-white, the sword like a sword, and the void was cut to pieces.


The punches and storms passed, and the sky rolled violently like a piece of cloth, rumbling and horrifying.

One hundred meters, eighty meters, fifty meters, thirty meters, ...

Almost in a blink of an eye, the storm of punches swept through the front of the fuselage, tearing everything apart.

"Devil, this is a devil!"

The fighter pilot's pupils shrank into large pinholes, completely dumbfounded, and almost hysterical.

Between the light and the flint, his mind was instantly sober, and he made a wise move, pressing the ejection button, abandoning the fighter, and protecting himself.

However, his movement was still slow.

When the fighter turned into a sea of ​​fire under the storm of Taro Miyamoto's fist, the iron filings flew across the sea. He escaped the sea of ​​fire, but failed to escape the rain-like iron filings, and his limbs burst in the void. Save.

At about the same time, another fighter jet was shot down.

It was Ye Tian's hand, which used Zhitian War Halberd as a javelin.

He bends down like a bow full of divine power, the celestial halberd breaks through at several times the speed of sound, Shenghui waves all the way, and pulls out a long sacred mark in the void, extremely gorgeous, like Changhong Guanri, destroy everything, sweep away Everything blocked.


A missile and war halberd did not have time to burst, and they shattered from beginning to end, as if an egg had fallen on a stone.

After a flick of a finger, the fighter was pierced through like a piece of paper. From the nose to the tail, a large hole was pierced through the end. During the fall, it exploded and broke into countless pieces.

Where did the fourth fighter dare to fall in love, he turned around and ran for help.

The driver almost scared the urine, feeling like a dream. The experience at this moment is very unreal, and I ca n’t wait to slap myself to verify it.

At this time, the ground base, the alarm bell rang, the most urgent and highest-level alarm sounded.

Just hearing this alarm sounds tense, and it feels like the end is coming.

In the history of this sub-base, this alarm bell has never sounded.

This is a wartime alert and will sound only when invaded by an enemy.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were awakened in their sleep and rushed out while wearing clothes.

This is a group of well-trained soldiers. At least half of them are veterans who have experienced the baptism of the real battlefield. They have a high level of combat literacy and are in danger.

"Don't rush with me, this is only mine!" The Blackscale Eagle shouted loudly, his eyes were red.

It ate tadpoles as soon as it was shot, and its scales and feathers exploded many pieces.

This face must find it!


It turned into a black lightning bolt and chased the escaping fighter.

This is a fighter aircraft of the highest modern age. It combines the most sophisticated technology on this planet, has the title of "undefeated fighter", can be invisible, and can fly up to three times the speed of sound.

At this moment, the fighter was flying out of the limit of three times the speed of sound. The fuselage was a little bumpy, and it felt like it was cracking, but the driver's heart fell to the ground, and finally he was about to escape.

But I do n’t know. Just behind the fighter, a giant Raptor cast from a whole body such as tungsten steel flew four times the speed of sound. The two big claws are as strong as the teeth of an excavator. They are strong and can easily tear the armor. , Grabbed directly into the fuselage.


On the ground, a stream of light emerged from the ground, each light is a missile, facing the direction of the fighter, but aimed at the black-scale eagle.

The fighter pilot realized this was not good, and quickly made a maneuver to try to avoid it.

However, the black-scale eagle is a bird and the darling of the sky, which is infinitely more flexible than a fighter.

Just as the fighter jet made a cool "deciduous scoop" maneuver like clouds, the two large tungsten steel claws of the black-scale eagle caught on the fuselage.

The fighter's fuselage is very large, and its weight has reached 20-30 tons, but the black-scale eagle is larger, and the entire field of vision of the driver is black, and it feels like the sky has fallen.

^ 0 ^ Remember in one second 【】

Tear it!

The thick titanium alloy armor on the fuselage, bulletproof glass harder than steel, was as fragile as the tofu under the claws of the black-scale eagle, and it was torn apart at once.


The black-scale eagle was fierce, and its claws penetrated the driver's body, got out of the cockpit, and then threw it against the sea a few kilometers away.

After a vigorous and vigorous operation, the Blackscale Eagle finally proved itself.

Then it flew towards the large force, drawing several missiles locked on it.

"Stupid!" Taro Miyamoto scolded.

"Anyway!" Ye Tian said.

He took out the dragon's bow, opened the bow one after another, and several missiles exploded.

"how can that be?"

In the sub-rudder base on the ground, a pair of eyes widened, just like seeing a ghost, it was incredible.

This is an enemy attack, no doubt!

The entire sub-rudder base vibrated ~ ~ The three armies of sea, land and air, mobilized tens of thousands of soldiers.

Warplanes, tanks, armored combat vehicles, rapid-fire artillery, steel warships, missiles, ..., all kinds of war killers are working, sharpening their swords.

The war is about to start!

"Just step back and wait for me to finish." The boy said, his voice cold and low.

Then, he strode in the direction of the base's sub-rudder, thundering step by step, and branding step by step.

There seemed to be a flame in his body, and his momentum rose rapidly.

Suddenly, he raised his fist to the sky, and his golden fists intertwined a pattern, giving birth to a trajectory, mysterious and different.

Suddenly, a sky violent riot, roaring thunder roaring, countless purple electric thunders appeared out of thin air, a huge black cloud covered down, brewing into a horrifying and chaotic thunder sea.

Tens of thousands of soldiers in the sub-helm base, choking!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a pleasant reading! ^ 0 ^

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