Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1077: Extremely lore

"Ah, Mad! Damn boy devil, I will definitely crush you."

Xi Huangfu was shocked and almost vomited blood. When he burst, he was slammed and stepped into the dirt with one foot.

虽然 Although he had an invincible faith, he couldn't stop such devastation, and gradually became suspicious of himself. He couldn't remain calm anymore. He was furious and his eyes were blood red.

"It's useless, I'm wearing the armor of God, and no weapon can kill me."

When Ye Tian's golden gods were matched, an angry roar came out, accompanied by a grudge.

Boom, boom!

The golden god's foot method is comparable to a mountain's mass, but under the struggle of Huang Fu's shock, it caused a violent shaking.

Buzz buzz!

The beacon was splattering and buzzing. This was the high-frequency wave of the sword being cut. Like a wheel saw, the **** foot method cut out a hole.

At the same time, the catapult armor of the legs, the impact armor on the arms, the impact armor on the shoulders, and so on are all operating at the same time. Rising through the mountain, shaking the mountain and turning the earth.

"Really?" Ye Tian sneered, quite disdainfully.

The golden God's foot slammed suddenly, and the earth-colored thunderbolt exploded, sinking into the soil beneath his feet.

In the dwelling time, the golden god's foot seemed to have weighed hundreds of millions of dollars, causing the earth to sink more than ten feet.

This is the God of Lightning Earth, which can condense the gravity of the earth. When the sound of thunder sounds, it is as heavy as Mount Tai and crushed by God.


Under the golden god's foot, Huangfu screamed in horror.

His entire body, as well as the armor on his body, have been trampled and deformed, almost to a pancake.

Although the No. 0 armor is powerful, there is still a limit after all. As long as this limit is exceeded, it can be destroyed.

The flesh of Huangfu Jinghong was naturally uncomfortable under the condition that the armor was stepped on and deformed. He didn't know how many bones were broken. If there is no armor protection, it must have become a pool of blood.

"I am undead. Anyone who can't kill me will only make me stronger. Juvenile demon, you better not let me go out, otherwise I will cut off your head and slaughter your nine races." He again He growled angrily, and the whole person was a little bit enchanted.

He's not shouting, it's okay, and shouting is a **** thunder into the ground.

神 This **** thunder is very strange, like water, permeating all the way, following the cracks crushed by the earthen **** thunder, and penetrated directly into his body.

This is Guishui Shenlei. It does not have a strong attack and killing force, but it is very good at penetrating.

Following Tianshui Shenlei, Ye Tian stomped again, burning flames under his feet, a big earthquake, thunder roaring, earth and stone melting into magma, as if a super volcano was brewing.

This is Cuihuo Shenlei. With the cooperation of Guishui Shenlei, it penetrated into the body of Huangfu Jinghong from the cracks in the armor, and suddenly blasted him to the outside with a fleshy skin.

In such an extinct state, the fissures on Battleplate No. 0 had no time to heal, but were torn more and more.

Xi Huangfu was finally scared, and he could obviously feel that his vitality was being lost, and he roared like a beast, struggling as hard as he could.

He was also considered to be lucky. When Ye Tian wanted to serve another Gengjin Shenlei, suddenly the power of the divine foot method was exhausted.

Of course, it is also related to Huangfu Jinghong's resistance.

Under the divine foot method, C-vulcan thunder bombarded wildly, and numerous earth and stones melted into magma.

The exhaustion of the power of the god's feet and the power of the gods, and the direct result is that a horrible "volcano" erupted.


It ’s like a sky-scraping scene. In the raging flames, there are numerous explosions of thunder, more mixed with rolling magma, flying to the sky, shock waves sweeping in all directions, and even a mushroom cloud rises.

In the big pit, the rolling magma quickly cooled, crystallized, and turned into colorful, crystal clear glass.

Brush brush!

I glanced over my eyes and looked at the bottom of Dakeng, wanting to see if Huangfu was shocked and died.

He saw that there were no silhouettes in Dakeng.

"Is it gray?" Someone doubted.

"I went, I found the wrong place, in heaven." Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Brush brush!

Another pair of eyes looked into the sky, and in the cloud of mushrooms bursting by numerous thunder lights, they saw a figure that was devastated.

On the so-called immortal armor, fissures still sparkled with thunder and thunder.

The pupae were even extravasated with blood, staining the light blue armor with blood red.

Xi Huangfu was terrified and terrified. This time he was really injured.

However, no one laughed at him, but awe in his eyes.

After all, his opponent is the young demon king, a near invincible existence on this planet.

"I haven't died yet, it's really immortal Xiaoqiang!"

Many people are shocked.

Ji Huangfu flashed away from the mushroom cloud in a hurry, hung in the air, first looked down at the scaly wounds all over his body, and then gritted his teeth and stared at Ye Tian, ​​yelling: "You devil, you're offended me!"

"So what?" Ye Tian flicked his fingers and said lightly.

"I am the son of God's choice, how could I lose to you this ants. Now let you see my true strength."

"Gravity field, increase by 500 times!"

In the fierce howling sound, Huangfu Jinghong held up his right hand, and the wide metal fingernails spread out with five fingers to dominate the sky.


The gauntlet's nails glowed, and the white veins flowed like blood, spreading out.

Stuck in silence, the space in the palm of his armour was suddenly distorted, showing a terrible vortex, like a black hole, which caused a sky to shake violently.

What a terrible divine power is the increase of the gravitational field of 500 times.

指 He pointed at a parking lot outside the paradise town with palms, gravitational vortexes surging, cars flying up to the sky, fragmented in a crunching sound, whistling towards him.

Countless people in the paradise town came to watch the war today. I stopped without knowing tens of thousands of cars.

"A thousand times!" He shouted again, doubling the increase in gravity.


More cars flew into the sky, and even buses were rolled.


His body armor glowed, and cracks began to ooze, more blood and water leaked out, and using this magic power, he also paid a price.


Suddenly, a monk screamed, attracted by the gravitational vortex, the flesh was torn in midair and turned into a mist of blood.

"You two, please hurry up and call somewhere else. My little Aurora country cannot afford to destroy you."

直升机 A helicopter came, painted in camouflage, very large and mighty. It was an armed helicopter of a small neutral army. A man wearing a camouflage uniform shouted with a big horn.

Xiao Zhongli made a mistake this time. I originally wanted to rely on the gimmicks of Tianjiao to promote tourism and make a lot of money. I did not expect that the war was too fierce, destroying Paradise Valley and Paradise Town, and I do n’t know how many people died.

As soon as the voice of the man in the military uniform fell, a horrible scene happened. Under the gravity, the helicopter lost control.

Xi Huangfu was shocked by the fact that the inside of the helicopter was torn into pieces, and the people inside turned into a mist of blood.


Zhongli small country military building, an old man with five stars on his shoulders slaps the table in anger.

"General, just bear with it. It seems that they are almost over, and they will soon be divided." A young general comforted with a bitter face.

"You can't bear it, you have to put up with it, who keeps us from nuclear weapons."

Uh ...

Paradise town, in the battlefield.

"You young demon, did you see that? This is the power of God, manipulating the field of force, and controlling the world!" Huangfu said in surprise.

In front of him, hundreds of cars shattered, forming tens of thousands of metal fragments large and small.


Ye Yetian sneered, speechless.

"If you surrender at my feet, I might as well spare you my life. In the future, my journey is the stars and the sea, the boundless cosmic starry sky. As long as you follow me, you will have a brilliant future."


"Go to death then!"

As soon as the words of the crickets fell, Huangfu's palm of his hand trembled suddenly, and a blazing white pattern flowed backwards, saying: "Anti-gravity, increase, three thousand times!"


When the Tiantian Dome rioted, the tens of thousands of metal fragments suddenly turned into a torrent of iron and steel, just like tens of thousands of sharp swords, accompanied by harsh screams, and left Ye Tian overwhelming.


The sound of violent explosions is like a burst of thunder ~ ~ It seems like a series of thunderous rolls, endless, is a sonic boom formed by tens of thousands of metal fragments breaking through the speed of sound and entering a supersonic state.

Even some metal fragments burned fiercely under intense friction with the air because they were too fast, like a shooting star, dragging a long tail light.

The emptiness is gorgeous, the breath of destruction and death swept the world.

Thousands of pieces of supersonic debris, like locust swarms, went side by side and rushed to one place, what a terrible destructive power. An aircraft carrier was hit and it would burst into a sieve eye in an instant.

Ji Huangfu was shocked and tried his best to disregard the injuries on his body and the damage of the No. 0 armor. His face was like a devil, and Ye Tianzhen was killed in one shot.

"so horrible."

"This kind of power is almost like God!"

"Can the young devil survive?"

Uh ...

所有 All people in the audience are thrilled.

He saw that facing such an extinction blow, Ye Tian did not shy away, nor did he see any fear.

A golden stream of golden light burst out of him, spread out from his body, and made a sound of avenues and humming, and finally formed a huge light film with a diameter of more than ten feet to protect him.

This is his golden **** realm, chaos is surging, a golden lotus is swaying, and five thunderbolt snakes are constantly moving.


The sound of violent bombardment came out, and the sharp sword turned into tens of thousands of metal fragments was stuck in the Golden God Realm, densely covered with layers and layers, but no piece could break through, and all were intercepted. .

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