Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1133: Unlucky family


In the sky of the Fan city, above the main hall of heaven, a thundercloud storm was still there, but it began to shrink. The speed was very fast, and there was no thunder from the beginning to the end.

"Hahaha, the robbery is about to go away. The young devil did not succeed in the robbery. No, he did not."

"Yes, we succeeded. As long as the young devil fails to become an immortal, we will have a way to kill him."

"The enlightenment realm of the young demon king was interrupted, and the robbery and cloud collapsed. It is possible that he is now in danger."

"It would be great if I could enter the main hall of heaven. When he was ill, he would kill him and kill him with a knife.

"The hall is too sturdy. I don't know how much the ban is inside and out. Ordinary weapons can't be broken at all. I can only hope for the military's super-drilling missiles."


A group of monks gloat over, some have hatred against Ye Tian, ​​and some are purely envious and jealous, and do not want to see a teenager grow up.

Boom, boom!

In the void, the battle between Xiao Qingtian and Carlos is at a critical moment. The battle is shaking and the sun and moon are dark.

The elder patriarch Carlos of the Golden Family was mad, his long hair with gold color was dancing wildly, his eyes were scarlet like blood, and the golden armor on his body was smashed, and his clothes were stained with blood, like a hairy male. Lion, don't choose food.

In this line of fussiness, the backbone of his gold family almost came out. More than a dozen gold knights and two disciples passed away. They all fell into disbelief, and they all died tragically.

"Ah ..."

He shouted and angered the Xiaohan with anger, which was a disgrace and a humiliation, a hatred and hatred shared by the clan.

Thinking of his golden family as the sixth empire in the world, he controlled the world's financial hegemony, and he gathered thousands of auras in one body. The supreme prestige made many great powers in the world afraid of it, but he did not expect that one day he would be trampled on his feet and abused.


Carlos rushed to Xiao Qingtian, a golden light boiled, as if burning, illuminating the sky and the ground, oppressing the void and making a wail.

He held a half-golden whip and swept a thunderstorm. The general sea surged towards Xiao Qingtian, threatening to destroy the sky.

"It's over!"

Xiao Qing's weather runs through Changhong, the fighting intention is as violent as the sea, the fiery halberd shakes violently in his hand, the clank is blaring harshly, killing thousands of people, and roaring out.


A sound of Long Yin shocked Jiu Xiao, and thousands of killing mans actually converged into the shape of a dragon, as if a real dragon was out of the sky, soaring for nine days.

Xiao Qingtian realized the truth in the killing, and merged the real dragon fist seal and the fiery battle halberd, and a dragon-shaped killing thorn was stabbed in the first battle.

At his level, he is no longer obsessed with learning the laws of others, but he must understand his own way and walk out of his own way.


At a distance of tens of feet, the majestic powers of the two sides collided together. It was a monstrous mana bombardment, and suddenly a void was destroyed, and a terrible energy storm swept the world.


Then, in the shocked eyes of countless people, first another dragon chanted through the world, and then the shadow of a dragon rushed out of the broken void storm, and the huge body shattered in half, but the majesty was still majestic and horrible .


When Carlos was struck by lightning, he flew out hundreds of feet.

"Ah, I'm not willing!"

Accompanied by a shrill scream, Carlos' body suddenly exploded, turning into blood mud and broken bones, and the blood stained the sky.

His blood turned red again, the pale golden brilliance ceased, and the divinity had long since disappeared.

At this moment, countless people on the ground lost their colors, lost their voices, and died silently.

The old patriarch of the Golden Family, a tremendously powerful summit, just died like this, after all, he died.

"How dare, how dare you kill him! Is the old God of War of China mad?"

"The Great Eastern Powers are waiting for the revenge of the Golden Family!"

"Oh, revenge? The young demon won't die, the old **** of war won't fall, how can the gold family dare to take revenge. After all, this world is still a fist."

"Yes, if the Golden Family doesn't want to die, they can only swallow this bad breath."

"This world is going to be chaotic."

"It's chaos, the more chaotic the better, not breaking or standing."


Countless people have a hard time, and think a lot about this world, about the changes that may occur in the current pattern.

call out!

Just as countless people were immersed in the fear of Carlos ’death, suddenly a blazing white light flew from somewhere in the United Legion defense line several kilometers away, as if a meteorite struck the sky, pulling out a nearly straight The long line, the target is locked in a figure in the void.

"General Xiao, be careful!"

Long Xiaoyun and Liang Fei shouted almost in unison.

Some military enthusiasts have seen that this is a tank shell, and the caliber is very large from the sound of the discharge.


Xiao Qingtian flashed quickly, evading the bombardment of heavy shells.

Although the physical strength of the gods can shake the heavy artillery, but no one will be stupid enough to really try it.

Hoo, hoo, hoo ...

Next, a more terrifying scene took place. The United Legion unscrupulously fired ten artillery shells at once, all of which hit Xiao Qingtian. It seemed that he was determined to kill him.

"The life of the old God of War in China is my little aurora. Don't be robbed by anyone."

In the joint operations command room, General Bowerman, the commander of the three armed forces of the Aurora small country, has just issued a command against Xiao Qingtian. His expression was cold, and he was bound to gain Xiao Qingtian's old destiny.

This is a good performance opportunity, which can shorten the distance with the gold family, and will have many benefits in the future.

Of course, there is another factor. Xiao Qingtian and the young devil are in a camp. He hates the house and the house.

Although there are still many innocent people at the scene who did not leave, and his brazen launch of an attack on Xiao Qingtian is likely to cause accidental injuries, but he can't care so much.

However, it is too difficult to kill a powerful **** with a tank.

Swish swish ...

More than a dozen shells flew past, and even Xiao Qingtian's clothing corner did not touch.

The old general looked like a torch, looking at the front camp a few kilometers away, and saw a very horrifying scene. I don't know how many tanks were turning the turret and aiming at him.

In addition to tanks, there are various large-caliber artillery, vehicle-mounted rocket artillery, and other war killers. They are ready to move. The targets are not only aimed at him, but also aimed at the hall of heaven.

"General Bowerman, you are too kind. The gods are heaven and earth, the body is extremely strong, and it is almost not bad, and it can not kill them with a tank. My Sunset Empire is willing to help you." Road.

This is an opportunity for the Golden Family to owe great affection. He doesn't want to miss the Sunset Empire.

Immediately ~ ~ He issued the combat command.

In the front-line camp, a twelve-barrel rocket artillery spit out its tongue, pulling up a tyrant metal storm and roaring towards Xiao Qingtian.

Then, commanding generals of other countries were not far behind, and then issued combat instructions.

General Wilson chuckled softly and asked the female assistant around him lightly: "Should I be a great empire in my life?"

The female assistant noticed that soon a combat order was issued, and a large ton of large-scale drives in the aircraft carrier battle group successively blasted several thick fires.

The generals were stunned, or the current empire was ruthless, directly launching shipboard heavy missiles.

For a time, the metal storm swept the world, and the sky was gorgeous.

This is the turbulent firepower pouring down, decaying and decaying, everything passed, all harvested, all swept away.

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