Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1137: 13 Blood Ancestor

"Who is this?" Taro Miyamoto was horrified and his eyes suddenly widened.

"An ancestor of the blood tribe, a blood demon of the ancient times, this is in trouble." The pope said, his face pale, obviously obviously very worried.

"It is said that there are thirteen blood ancestors of the blood clan, which were sealed by the gods in the sea of ​​nether blood. Is it really impossible?"

"Good, but they are not sealed by the gods, but they are self-proclaimed, and the vital energy machine is isolated by the secret method. Life is almost at a standstill, so it can survive to this day."

"Damn! One is so powerful. If thirteen come out together, the whole world must not be trampled under their feet."

"If I read correctly, this is the oldest of the thirteen blood ancestors, the weakest one." The pope murmured.

There are records of thirteen blood ancestors in the ancient books of the Holy See, so he can make such a judgment.

"What? Is this the weakest?"

Suddenly, Taro Miyamoto took a breath of breath, and then he was a little depressed.

He thought that he had broken through the earth immortal and would be able to squash the star. He became the world's first master. Unrealistic thoughts gave him several loud slaps. He was first suppressed by Ye Tian, ​​and then almost by the Holy See blood sacrifice, There is now an earth immortal stronger than him, and there is a more terrifying ancient demon in the sky.

The more you understand this world, the more terrible it is!

Wanting to stand on top of the stars is far harder than he thought.

"The people of the sacred church are all gone, and even a devil of Middle-earth can't conquer, and I am embarrassed to pretend to be a defender? I announced that starting from today, this land in the West will be guarded by my blood race!" From the sky, all the shaking people had tinnitus.

In just a short while, thousands of people were squeezed out of the blood by the thirteen blood ancestors, or turned into corpses, or broken into pieces of flesh, or smashed into smoke.

The bones turned into a mountain, and the blood stained the earth. This is a terrifying picture, which well interprets the sentient beings like ants, and brings out the power of the thirteen blood ancestors.

He didn't brag about drafts and said that he wanted to protect the western land. He clearly regarded the people here as captive lambs as their **** food.

At the same time, there was a message in his words, which was aimed at the young devil.

"Blood old demon, Hugh is rampant. My human territory, I can protect myself, and it is not your turn to be a demon."

Suddenly, a figure rose into the air, yelling loudly and shaking the field.

I saw that this was a very tall man with a height of more than two meters, a broad waist and a round waist, like a big head, holding a big sword in one hand and a steel shield in the other.

"Atres, the descendant of the ancient Spartan warriors, has been the king of gladiators for ten consecutive years, and is the first warrior in Rome today."

Suddenly, someone exclaimed and recognized the man with a respectful look on his face.

This is an ancient Western warrior who practiced the court fighting of the ancient Roman Empire. One punch can hammer the head of a lion, a pair of iron legs can hang the elephant, and the strength of the eastern horizontal master is absolutely a fierce man. .

Immediately following Atres, there are several figures rising from the sky, each of which is very extraordinary, at least has a master-level combat power, and killed the thirteen blood ancestors together.

Faced with this scene, the thirteen blood ancestors only smiled coldly and said, "It's really rare to think that there are still **** warriors in the human race! However, it is very irrational to touch the egg with the stone. This seat has just appeared. Off, you need to add energy. Since you are so conscious, donate your own blood. Eat enough to drink, I will come to slaughter the demons of Middle-earth and clean the Western world. "

In the sneer, thirteen blood ancestors burst into shocking blood, and a thick arm protruded out, and gently grabbed in the void, the blood of the evil spirit roared, and instantly condensed into a huge **** handprint, each The fingers are several feet long and the bucket is thick.

The whole **** handprint resembles a mountain, covering the sky and covering the sun, holding a terrifying atmosphere, and photographing them against the sky.


Atrez slashed with a sword force, the sword light roared, the sword was like a dragon, and the violent brute force was enough to cut off the thick steel bar of the thigh, but he failed to cut on the **** big handprint of the thirteen blood ancestors. Make a gap.


This sword seemed to be chopped on the indestructible iron, and Mars was splashing, causing Atrez to bleed.

Atrez was terrified, and his mind was sober for a moment, trying to escape, but it was too late.


The **** big fingerprints fell, and the large and stupid mammoth body of Atrez was smashed at once, and even the large steel shield of the door panel exploded into several pieces.

Then the big handprint swept all the way, blasting the remaining figures like blood cannons into blood mist.

The thirteen blood ancestors took a mouthful of breath, like a whale swallowing, like a cow drinking, and swallowed all the blood gas into the abdomen in one breath, very satisfied with a full hiccup.

Everyone was horrified, the cold air in the spine went straight out, but also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because the thirteen blood ancestors were full and drunk, they might not kill any more and drink blood.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, after a hiccup, the thirteen blood ancestors' two big bell-like eyes shot two **** beams of light, more than a foot long, looking straight at the gate of the bronze temple of heaven.

At this moment, he manifests itself in a state of body, carrying a pair of huge bat wings, a huge body of more than three feet, a mantle, and two scarlet eyes like a magic lamp, covered with a layer of hard **** scales, comparable to wearing With an armored suit, the features are ugly and ugly, and two thick fangs protrude from the corner of the mouth, which are several feet long.

In short, his image at the moment perfectly fits everyone's imagination of the big devil in fairy tales.

After swallowing a lot of blood, the thirteen blood ancestors are as strong as the sky ~ ~ The spirit of Qi has almost climbed to the top, and the blood of the whole body is lingering, and a coercive pressure like a mountain and a sea is filled, filling a large area of ​​the world.

Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

Many people cannot bear coercion, or kneel on the ground, or collapse on the ground, terrified.

This is a blood demon in the ancient times, and had met with the ancient gods, it is by no means idle!

"The devil of Middle-earth, since you do n’t want to come out, then I ’ll go in and ask you to come out. Listening to my people saying that you are the pride of the youth, it ’s rare to come out in a thousand years. I like to do something extinct in my life. A young man's arrogance strangled in the cradle. "The thirteen blood ancestors were cold and sensational, and they felt a terrible feeling.


With the eruption of a terrifying monstrous breath, the thirteen blood ancestors shot, and with a big hand, the blood raged, condensed into a huge blood-colored paw print, and probed into the gate of the bronze temple.

At the same time, his bats vibrated and turned into a **** rainbow, and rushed towards the bronze temple.

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