Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1156: Declare war

A huge ruin, standing quietly on the ground, lifeless, like a ghost domain.

Smoke and dust filled the void, like dense fog, covering the sun, moon and stars.

The ground is riddled with holes, huge cracks crisscrossing, and hot lava flowing at the bottom.

Thick pillars of smoke rose from the ruins into the sky.

The wind whimpered, as if weeping, as if complaints of injustice questioning the injustice of heaven, as if accusing the cruelty of the current great empire.

In short, this is a doomsday scene like a sky-shattering.

"This is an urban area, not a backcountry. How many people have to be wiped out of a clean place?" Looking at everything in front of him, Long Xiaoyun was filled with indignation, and his pretty face was a little grim.

"One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand ..." Liang Fei muttered to himself, and clenched his fists tightly.

"The current great empire is the public enemy of all mankind. With this country dominating the world, the world will never be able to achieve peace." Even Sima Xuankong, who has always been very quiet, opened his mouth, revealing his indifference to the current Complaint of the Empire.

The three of them were sitting on the back of the black scale eagle. After all, they did not have the ability to travel in the air.

Gu Xiaoman and Ning Haifeng were sitting on the back of Huoyun Lion, and Meng Yao and Zhao Tianlong were separated.

As for Miyamoto Taro, Pope Francis and Xiao Qingtian, the three stood steadily in the void, like a flat ground.

The wounds on them were all intact. When hiding in the ground, Ye Tian used the Yimu Aura to help them heal.

That is because some time is wasted for healing, otherwise it may come out earlier.

At this moment, everyone's face was very unsightly, only felt that after staying in the Xuanhuang Linglong Tower for a while, the whole world changed after coming out.

Among them, the most ugly face is the Pope. Not only is the main hall of heaven broken into powder, but also the old city hall is gone. There is only a huge deep hole left in the place. If you want to rebuild, you ca n’t rebuild it. This battle is really even a battle. The pants are lost.

All of this is because they provoke Ye Tian for no reason and then get retribution. If he does not regret it, it is false.

"Pope, what are your plans?" Ye Tian asked Pope Francis.

Although the Pope is a prisoner of his rank, he will not have any restrictions on the Pope, nor will he allow the Pope to join the Northern Sect.

"The holy city is gone, and there are still plans, so you can only wander around." The pope said with a tearful expression.

"Maybe, this holy city is gone. Isn't there another holy city. The Prophet is no longer there, so why don't you replace it? No one is more suitable than you, and no one is more prestigious than you." Ye Tian Kankan said, pointing the way for the Pope.

As soon as he said this, the pope looked at him, and two old eyes that seemed to be dizzy bloomed.

"Do n’t you want to be the first Pope of All Ages, now you have a chance to stand in front of you and take the place of God and take a firm foothold in Yecheng. Then promote the unity of the Holy Church that is torn apart. As long as the major event is completed, you It ’s the first Pope of Vanguard. I ’ll support you behind my back. I can talk to me about any needs. ”Ye Tianyu said surprisingly, but he said it very seriously, not as if he was joking.

He is so attentive to the sacred religion, and naturally has a plan, faith in thought.

He needs faith in faith, the more the better.

The chaotic **** fetus is gone, and he is ready to use that drop of blood to transform the spirit to create a "god".

"I don't dare to meddle with the cause of the unification of the Holy Church, it is too difficult. However, now I have no place to go except Yecheng, just go to Yecheng for a walk."

After saying goodbye to everyone, the Pope flew away as a Changhong and went straight to Yecheng.

"You all go back, here is very dangerous, the nuclear weapons of the current empire may strike at any time!" Ye Tian said to everyone.

"Xiaotian, then you ..." Gu Xiaoman asked nervously.

"Relax, Mom, I will be fine. I'm just going to be fair, and I will go back soon." Ye Tian said lightly, with a light smile on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't say it clearly, but everyone knew what he was going to do.

Enemy against the current great empire, this may be the most dangerous and craziest thing on this planet.

However, Ye Tian had no choice. Instead of being chased and killed endlessly, it was better to kill the enemy's nest and fight back.

This world is awe-inspiring but not virtuous!

To treat a country like the current great empire, only if he is more arrogant, killing blood and rivers, and killing dead bones, can he be remembered and his head lowered.

Xiao Qingtian stopped talking and his identity was special. This kind of thing could not be intervened. Otherwise, it would involve the Eastern Powers.

Although Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong wanted to fight side by side with Ye Tian, ​​but the fighting power was not enough, so it was not enough to delay the question.

"I'll go with you," Taro Miyamoto said suddenly, his expression very firm.

He has now completely surrendered to Ye Tian, ​​or has been subdued. Because Ye Tian not only saved his life, but also gave him many benefits.

He is an earth fairy and can really help a lot.

"No, I can solve my own affairs." Ye Tian rejected Miyamoto Taro's kindness.

"Ye Tian, ​​the phone, from the faucet." Long Xiaoyun said suddenly, handing over a call.

"The current great empire is willing to pay $ 100 billion to reconcile with you."

On the phone, Xiao Tianqi directly stated that there were no corners.

The phone opened an external voice, and everyone heard it.

Suddenly, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

One hundred billion dollars, what kind of wealth, in terms of the amount of cash, has already been able to claim the world's richest man, that is, the God Realm, and even the Immortals.

And the attitude of the current great empire can even shock people's jaws, soften their clothes, and seek reconciliation.

Brush brush!

A pair of eyes looked at Ye Tian, ​​because the final decision was still on Ye Tian.

Ye Tian looked indifferent, without sorrow and joy, and could not see any fluctuation of his mood.

Suddenly, he raised his head, his eyes were as bright as electricity, two divine lights rushed through the mist, and through the clouds, at a height of 20,000 meters, he saw a bomber fighter capable of projecting nuclear weapons.


In Ye Tian's left eye, a killing man rushed out, turned into a giant sword, circling around the sun, moon and stars, rushing up to ten thousand meters in the sky with his fingers, severing the arrogance of the arrogant bombardment.

"This time they should be sincere and afraid of being beaten by you." Xiao Tianqi continued.

"Really? I just cut a B2." Ye Tian said with a sneer.

He would never believe the lie of the great empire of the world. When he was a neutral country, the great empire of the world had once "subdued". As a result, once he found an opportunity, he would not continue to deal with him.

This is a knot, and there is no solution except for the killing.

"Actually, I'm just a whisperer." Xiao Tianqi suddenly felt guilty, and said: "I hope you can keep restraint, and it's enough."

"Enough is enough? What if I say no?"

"Ye Tian, ​​you need to know that the current great empire is a country with no bottom line, and it has the world's premier nuclear arsenal. Once things reach an uncontrollable level, a nuclear war may occur and the whole world will be covered.

"Then? Are you scared?"

"It means the above, hope ..."

"Don't talk about it anymore. There is no bottom line in this great empire, but I have my bottom line, my principles. I know what I am doing."

Ye Tian hung up Xiao Tianqi's phone, and his mind was decided.

At this time, all generals in the joint command of the joint legion were sitting on the needle.

"Really reconciled? Is there really no way to kill the young demon king? Why not see the mushroom cloud with nuclear weapons?" General Bowerman of the aurora small country was somewhat stunned.

"General, the bombing fighter has just lost contact." A subordinate walked over to report to General Wilson.

"Well." General Wilson nodded slightly ~ ~ seemed not surprised at all.

"What should we do? Sit here and wait to die?"

A group of generals were shocked.

"Godblessme, godblessyou, godblessUS ..." General Wilson folded his hands together and prayed like a **** stick.


"This time God will not be on your side anymore."

Ye Tian held a **** light cluster in his hand, but his palm was big, but he was full of blood, as if there was a sea of ​​blood, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and the weather was thousands and thousands of miles.


In the horrified eyes of countless people, a golden rainbow shone through the air at a height of 10,000 meters, circling through the air, rushing towards an aircraft carrier battle group in the Mediterranean.

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