Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1161: 1 Sword Mountain

General Wilson was crazy, completely crazy, and even dared to launch nuclear weapons against a country ’s military base without permission, even without notification, and ignored the lives of thousands of people.

This is an act of aggression by Chiguoguo and the bloodiest violation of a country's sovereignty.

Although he was under the banner of beheading the young devil, he could not change the nature of this aggression.

However, General Wilson is fearless. He has a powerful empire behind him, which is his strong backing. No matter what he does, the great empire will help him smooth out everything.

He was crazy just on the surface, and behind him was the great empire he was in, and was driven crazy by a teenager.

If there is no upper level approval, how can he get the launch authority for submarine nuclear weapons?

Therefore, everything he does is following the instructions above.

In order to stifle the young devil, the current great empire has despised everything, deducing the hegemonic behavior to the fullest, tearing off the final disguise, even the faceless.

At the moment, the other side of the ocean, the capital of the great empire, the Liberty City, the building of the Ministry of National Defense, and the head of empire are holding an emergency meeting with a group of staff and military representatives to discuss strategies to deal with the young devil.

A group of people just started a fierce discussion about whether the young devil will kill the empire and how to successfully kill the young devil.

It may be because the discussion has not been long enough to discuss a clear result.

"The head of state, the submarine-launched nuclear weapon was successfully launched, and it will erupt in a minute. Fourteen fusion nuclear warheads, with a total equivalent of 14 million tons, and a saturated strike, the young devil must be in a disaster."

A powerful clang of steel came and interrupted everyone's discussion.

It was a five-star general who was reporting to the head of state.

I saw this person in a magnificent uniform decorated with various military medals. He was tall and tall, with a straight waist and a strong hole. Although he was over 60 years old, he looked very young and very spiritual.

His name is Elson. He is one of the top gangsters in the military department and one of the most trusted people in the head of state. The hawks are very serious and have the title of "war madman".

In the Persian Gulf, North Africa, South America, and many other places, there are shadows behind him.

He is fully responsible for the military operation against the young devil this time and is the commander-in-chief.

"Well!" The head of state nodded gently, and then put his hands against his chest, silently said: "God bless the great empire!"

This is a sparse old man, wearing a suit, very thin, not tall, looks not surprising, but it is not dare to be underestimated.

This person's aura is very powerful, throwing his hand in the foot, and any casual action reveals a kind of king's majesty and domineering, not angered, makes people involuntarily afraid, and dare not face his majesty directly.

He is the head of the current great empire, the most powerful person on this planet, the most feared person!

Any random decision by him may affect the direction of the planet and influence the future of mankind.

"God bless the great empire!"

Following the head of state, everyone in the field did the same, neatly and uniformly, giving a sense of dignity and sacredness, and a trace of little fanaticism.

"Just now I wasn't sure whether the young devil would kill my homeland of the great empire. Now that I have a clear answer, if he can escape the assault of 14 nuclear warheads, he will surely kill the homeland of my great empire. Moreover, it is difficult for us to stop him. "A general in the field said.

"Yes, if all fourteen nuclear warheads can't kill him, then he really won't kill him. With such patience, he will surely kill the mainland of my great empire to ask for a statement."

"The young devil once made it clear that as long as we surrender the **** leader Barov and let him punish him, he will not blame everything in the past, or should we ...?"

"Hush, Balov is here, be careful to be heard by him, hack you to death."


Barov, the leader of the gods, also came. He closed his eyes in a corner and did not participate in the discussion. He seemed out of place, and seemed to be disdainful to be with a group of lay people.

Five-star general Elson gave Barov a sudden glance, a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Once, Barov was the most trusted person by the head of state, and now he is destined to replace him.

Although the organization of Shenmeng is small, it claims to be omnipotent, especially the head of state attaches great importance to it. It has been pressing the military, and has always issued orders to the military. The military has long been dissatisfied.

The hunt for the young demon, the League of Legends was defeated, the myth of omnipotence was broken, and the head of state greatly reduced his trust.

In the Mediterranean, I do n’t know how many military satellites are locked here. When that submarine-launched nuclear weapon broke out of the sea, it was discovered by many satellites at the first time.

Suddenly, the whole world was in an uproar, and countless people filled with indignation.

It is no problem to launch nuclear weapons in the world empire, and to hunt young demon kings, but it is not okay to launch nuclear weapons at a country ’s local military base. .

However, when the current great empire overwhelmed the invincible hand of the stars and its combat power was unparalleled, everyone was dissatisfied and helpless.

How many countries have been destroyed by the current great empire?

At this time, Ye Tianzheng was galloping at the rocket forces in the mountains and forests of the old empire of the peninsula, and he couldn't contain his anger.

Before the United Army attacked him, the old peninsula of the peninsula also participated in the crime and the crime was heinous, but he was open-minded and did not want to pursue it because it was already terrible to see this country.

Without thinking, this stupid country did not learn a lesson and dared to attack him.

At a distance of ten kilometers, he quickly flew at several times the speed of sound. Not at all nonsense with the people here, he mentioned the long sword and fell down, wanting to destroy everything here.


The juvenile shouted loudly, thundering like Jiuxiao, and deafening.

A dazzling sword rainbow shot out, like a long river training, sweeping through the sky, continuous.

Nothing can describe the sharp edge of this sword, illuminating Tianyu, as if the world and the sky were split, the tsunami-like sword gas spread like a huge galaxy, sweeping the whole universe.

Numerous people in the base suddenly contracted their pupils, and they saw this heavenly sword rainbow in their eyes, and everything else was no longer visible.

A sword is out, and the world is eclipsed!

This is a sword of peerlessness, which can cut everything in the world, even the missiles cannot be intercepted.

Just considering that it would be intercepted by missiles and artillery, Ye Tian's sword was so fierce.

However, the result was unexpected, Mo said that the missiles and heavy artillery firepower did not even have a gun bullet.

"Strange, the young demon king is dead, why don't you see the rocket forces of the old empire of the peninsula launching missiles to fight back?"

"Are you scared stupid?"

"Stupid? Will it?"

"Oh, boy, you are still too young. Let me say, it is possible to surrender by raising the white flag below."

"Or the pee during World War II?"


There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and many people were puzzled. It stands to reason that when Ye Tian hacked this sword, he would be greeted by thousands of artillery pieces, guns and bullets, but now the rocket base is still silent, and there is no return. Signs.

However, it is said that in any country, the Rocket Force is the ultimate force and the mainstay of safeguarding national sovereignty.

At this juncture, we should not counsel.

"All rolled out, squatted on the ground, raised a white flag, and surrendered to me. If anyone dares to fight back, even if a bullet is shot, it is the sinner of the nation, I will personally twist it to the military court."

The instructions of the President ’s Master came, and the Rocket Force dared not follow.

So, as General Giovanni expected, the Rocket Force surrendered.

When Ye Tian came down from the sky and fell with a sword, he could hardly believe his eyes. Many people were squatting densely in the valley, and the white flag was raised high.

There is also a missile launcher parked here, at least a hundred missile swords pointing to the sky, but not launched.

"This ..." Ye Tian was suddenly stunned.

As the so-called fussing does not laugh at the face, fights do not kill the soldiers, the rockets of the old empire of the peninsula are so posture, so that he is not good to die!

He had heard an interesting story about the old empire of the peninsula during the previous war period, and he surrendered every moment. It was unexpected that he really encountered him once.

"Damn it!" Ye Tian shook his teeth, looking embarrassed.

But his sword has been hacked out, and there is no reason to recover it, nor can it be recovered.

At this moment, the entire Rocket Force raised his heart to his throat.

All the people in the National Defense Center were too nervous to dare to breathe.

Clank clank!

The sword swayed, the tsunami-like sword burst into thin air, the cold biting murderous intention swept the entire valley at once, the rockets were all brave and cold, and even some people could not bear the pressure, their eyes were black and they were scared In the past.

Ye Tian's sword is too terrible. If it is hacked, it will definitely cause heavy losses to the Rocket Force.

Suddenly, a miracle happened, just when that peerless Jianhong was about to split into the valley, and suddenly tilted at an angle, slashing towards a mountain.

Then, in everyone's eyes, there was a scene of terrifying horror. Click, accompanied by a burst of sound, a mountain was split open, showing a huge gap of a few feet wide.

The hard granite stone, under the sword of the young man, was like a paper paste, and was easily broken apart, from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

A sword hacking the mountain!

"Is that human being?"

"Not a man, but a god!"


All Rocketmen were shocked collectively, some collapsed to the ground at once, and some knelt to the ground, like a god.

Holding the Sun and Moon Excalibur, the teenager fell from the sky, glanced at the Rockets who were almost scared, and drank three times in a row. "Who gave the order? Who fired the missile? Who wanted to kill me?"

"It's him."

Many people raised their hands and pointed to the same person, Major Officer Belluni.

"It's not me, it was fired by the missile itself, something must have happened. Don't kill me, I don't want to die!" Belluni was peeing and sneezing ~ ~ tears.

Can this kind of soft egg also be a Rocketman?

If not afraid of dirty his sword, and seeing the young man cry so sincerely, Ye Tianzhen was going to hack it out.

"Satan!" Ye Tian looked at the three launch vehicles and recognized them at a glance.

It was not the first time that he and Satan ’s anti-missile system met. When he was in Hanjing in South Korea, he was hit by Satan once. Then, he erased the base.

The products of the current great empire are unreliable as always!

Ye Tian lifted his sword and split the three launch vehicles in two with one sword.

"Considering more military products of the great eastern countries in the future will definitely be more reliable than the current great empire."


Having finished speaking, Ye Tian rose to the sky without killing one person.

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