Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1163: Thundercloud Burial Ground

After dropping more than thirty mothers of bombing fighters, the fighter jets flew into the distance with full horsepower, because then there was a peerless weapon that was thousands of times more terrifying than the mother of bombing sprints. If the fighter cluster escapes far enough, it is likely to be injured accidentally.

"I think the young devil may be dead."

A confident voice came from the dialogue system of the fighter cluster.

More than 30 mothers of snoring and more than 30 mushroom clouds rose into the sky. Although they are small mushroom clouds, they cannot be compared with real nuclear explosions, but the consequences are also disastrous.

The valley where the Rocket Force is located has been destroyed and destroyed, mountains and hills collapsed, fragmented, and countless rocks melted into magma instantaneously under high heat and pressure, flowing like waterfalls, forming a long river of magma in the valley, and finally became more terrifying The magma torrents ravaged all directions.

The mountains of thousands of meters are surrounded by the sea of ​​fire, all living things are turned into powder, and all living bodies are gone.

Rocket forces formed by the old peninsula's hardships have been removed from the world.

This is extinction, this is a real extinction blow!

At this moment, the whole world was shocked. All the people who witnessed this scene were silent, and their hearts were overshadowed, and the fear of the current great empire went to a higher level.

This country is a lunatic. If you do n’t play cards according to common sense, there is no bottom line, you must not provoke it, otherwise you will provoke who is unlucky!

This is a consensus, and consensus is reached in the minds of all countries in a subtle way.

"Don't take it lightly, pay attention to the surroundings. If the young devil is so easy to kill, he will die a hundred times. Our purpose is not to kill him, but to stop him, and he will have his own nuclear weapons to kill his life."

Another voice came from the dialogue system of the fighter cluster, mature and steady, revealing a trace of worry.

"Captain Alex, we have successfully completed the task. We are in triumph and relax."

"Haha, Captain Alex told us to be alert. Is it possible that the young devil is among us? Is this possible?"

"Our fighters have the world's most advanced radar system, which can be found by a sparrow ten kilometers away. I guarantee that this airspace is empty except for the 38 fighters of our Imperial Air Force."

"You are wrong, there are clouds."



A loud laughter came from the dialogue system, and the already tense atmosphere was swept away.

"Strange, how did it thunder?" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

At this time, the fighter cluster was passing through a big cloud. A normal cumulus cloud, like cotton wool, was the most common cloud on a sunny day. Suddenly, lightning and thunder threw a storm.

"We are soaring in the blue sky, we haven't encountered any weather, it's nothing strange."

"It may be raining, please go home and collect your clothes."


There was another burst of laughter in the dialogue system.

However, soon someone noticed the bad.

"No, my fighter's electronic system has been disturbed, and the fighter is losing control."

"My fighter too. Damn, what's going on?"

"The electromagnetic field in this big cloud is unusually high, and we hurried out."

Then, another high-decibel scream came from the dialogue system: "Look at the front, there is a person!"


As soon as his words fell, a huge thunderbolt struck the fighter plane he was sitting on, and instantly the steel behemoth turned into a fan, and a living person turned into blood mist.

Others saw the figure and immediately suffocated.

It was a god-like existence, standing proudly in the sea of ​​clouds, with a giant sword in front of it, looming through the whole body of thunder, and the eyes were like two golden lamps, shooting out two golden beams of light.

Bang, boom!

An ordinary cumulonimbus cloud suddenly turned into a thunderous sea, lightning and thunder, and a storm rolling, as if thunder and **** came to the world, suffocating and standing.

Boom, Boom, Boom ...

Each fighter plane was like a ball, bursting out one after another, and there were bursts of screams.

There is strong electromagnetic interference inside, which isolates everything, and I don't know what is happening inside.

In the clear sky, a thundercloud storm suddenly appeared, which should have been the focus of attention.

But no one looked at it, because there was a thick fire in the void, which was extremely shining and attracted everyone's attention.


That thick fire suddenly burst, like a bright firework blooming, from a big fire to 14 small fires, go hand in hand, facing the already blasted hole, enveloped in a sea of ​​fire The Rocket Force flies off the valley.


Numerous people exclaimed that their heartbeat could not help but speed up, because there will be a devastating scene next, far more powerful than the power of the mother of thirty bombers.

There are already some popular sciences on the Internet. The Poseidon Trident's submarine-launched nuclear weapon equipment has 14 fusion heads, which can attack different targets separately. Each one has a one-million-ton equivalent, and fourteen is 14 million-ton equivalent. It detonated in the old forest of the deep mountain, concentrated on one point, and the destructive power can also radiate tens of kilometers.

"Sir, the phone is not working."

In the defense center of the old empire of the peninsula, almost everyone was petrified and deadly still.

A female assistant is calling the Liberty City on the other side of the ocean, trying to connect the head of the great empire, but no one answers the call.


The president of the president sat down and collapsed on the sofa seat, feeling weak and sullen.

"I am a sinner, ashamed of this nation, ashamed of this ancient empire!" The president murmured.

"All of this was caused by the young devil. For the initiator, the great power of the East has such a miscarriage, and there is no way to shirk its responsibility. We must seek compensation from the great power of the East ~ ~ at least 100 billion US dollars." A suit Leather shoes, wearing gold-colored glasses, looks very elegant and elegant elite men speak amazingly, the voice is quite tough, the look is very daunting.

"One hundred billion US dollars is not enough to compensate the Rocket Force, at least one trillion US dollars, more benefits." Another elite man said, his words were even more amazing.

"Shouldn't we seek compensation from the current great empire?" A young elite was puzzled, his face full of doubts.

"The world's great empire eats people and doesn't spit bones. How dare you ask him for compensation? Do you want it?"



In the void, within the Thunder Cloud Storm, a huge sword light shone, dividing the Thunder Cloud Storm into two, as if a sky dome had been split, and a young figure walked out of it, holding a giant sword in his hand.

Through the cracks that were split, we can see countless pieces of steel flying in the thundercloud storm, and even blood sludge and broken bones, as if it were a burial ground.

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