Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1165: Happy early

On the other side of the ocean, the capital of the great empire, Liberty City, and the building of the Ministry of National Defense.

Through satellite communication, the situation on the front line is clearly visible here. The huge mushroom clouds, the peerless destruction of the shock wave, and the deep and old forests that have been blown up.

As in the combat command room of the Mediterranean aircraft carrier battle group, the atmosphere here was initially depressed and deadly silent. Until one minute and one second later, there was no news of the young demon king, the atmosphere began to relax, and a group of imperial elites smiled and smiled. .

"Head of state, general, we succeeded, the young devil is dead, and world peace is beckoning to us." A staff member said excitedly to General Elson, the head of empire and general commander of the operation.

"It's still General Elson's wiseness, taking advantage of the backdoor loophole we left in the Satan anti-missile system, and hit the young devil by surprise, otherwise it will be difficult to lead him into the valley, then it is much more difficult to kill him with nuclear weapons. "A general Samsung praised General Elson.

General Elson smiled humbly and said: "It is mainly the head of state who is well-instructed. Takahaya Kenju gave some excellent opinions, such as the direct launch of nuclear weapons without the consent of the old empire of the peninsula. Therefore, everything is due to the head of state. Do things according to the will of the head of state, just an errand and a messenger. "

"General Elson doesn't need to be humble, you work hard, I see it in your eyes. The empire has you, it is the luck of the empire, and it is my luck." The head of the great empire said, giving General Elson a high rating.

General Elson's two old faces suddenly turned a little ruddy, and his two dim old eyes glowed in an instant.

"Everything is for the empire, everything is for the heads of state, and I am willing to be sullen." General Elson said with some excitement.

All the military personnel on the field were shocked, and they paid tribute to the military salute and shouted loudly: "Everything is for the empire, and all is for the head of state."

"After this battle, the world may be in trouble for a while. Our great empire will be on the cusp of the storm." The head of state said with a steady look.

He carried his hands on his back, straightened his spine, and looked at the picture from the front line. Shen Ning's eyes showed a kind of wisdom, a kind of majesty, a domineering, as if Taishan collapsed on the top.

"The heads of state can rest assured that as long as the imperial army does not collapse in a day, no one in this world will dare to chew on the root of the tongue." General Elson looked firm and gave a package ticket to the head of state. Deterrence by force.

The head of state nodded and did not speak, but a group of elites discussed it.

"To protect the glory of the great empire, after all, you still have to rely on the military department. Two fists are invincible, no matter how strong your personal ability is, you ca n’t compete with an army. The same is true of an organization. Do n’t think that you have attracted a group of the best in the world. A powerful individual can overpower the military department and squash the military department. "A Samsung general yin and yang strangely aired, and when he spoke, his eyes squinted at Balov, the **** leader who sat in a corner.

"If the head of state has let General Elson take charge of the demon hunting, the young devil may have been killed. How can he procrastinate to the present, causing many negative effects that should not have been to the great empire, and huge Property damage. "

"Who is the mainstay of the empire, I believe that the head of state has made a choice."

"As for the property losses in this demon hunting operation, I suddenly had an idea. Can I claim compensation from the great powers in the East? The devil from their country is already responsible. We help him get rid of the devil. ? "


A group of military personnel whispered and pointed at the Imperial League of Gods. They had long been dissatisfied with the Imperial League, and now they finally let out a bad breath.

There is also a small second-hand goods who want to make a claim to the great powers of the East, but people who are cheap are invincible, and even have no face.

The head of empire listened to all the words in his ears, but he did not express his attitude and did not see any change in his appearance.

This is an old man with good calculations, and the city is deeper than the Mariana Trench. No one can understand his thoughts.

"The head of state, the old empire of the peninsula, has called for the eighth time. Look, do you want to ...?" An assistant came over and said to the head of empire.

"Connect." The head of empire thought without thinking, and then left to answer the phone.

The head of the head had just walked, and General Ayerson came to the front of the **** leader Barov. He was followed by a group of military personnel with high ranks and at least three stars on his shoulders.

"Sir Lord League Master, I helped you kill the young demon king, shouldn't you congratulate me? Or, do you think I snatched your limelight and took away your credit, and you have a grudge? Empire Service, you do n’t have to think this way. ”General Elson smiled, very fake, very hypocritical.

"General Elson, it is too soon to conclude, is it too early?" Balov raised his eyelids, his face cold.

General Elson sneered suddenly, and said, "Why, General Elson thought the young devil was still alive?"

"Yes, I have a strong intuition that the young devil may be alive." Balov said seriously.

As soon as he said this, everyone suddenly laughed, thinking he was whimsical.

"Master God Alliance Master, when did you become a **** stick? That was 14 million tons of genocide nuclear weapons. No one could survive, even a **** or a fairy. This is a technology planet, technology weapons Doomed to dominate the planet, squash all avenues, all magic, all martial arts ... "

General Elson couldn't help but talked and talked excitedly.

However, Barov didn't listen to him at all, his eyes were fixed on the direction of the big screen, he suddenly got up and rushed past with an arrow.

Alson immediately glared openly ~ ~ gritted his teeth with hatred.

As a five-star general who leads a million troops, who dares to ignore him so much?

Just as Elson was about to go viral, there was a terrifying scene on the big screen. Over the Mediterranean Sea, a thundering black cloud suddenly fell, hitting a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a displacement of 100,000 tons directly below it. .

At this time, on the deck of the aircraft carrier battle group, a group of soldiers were carnival, embracing each other, applauding and whistling, celebrating a great victory.

When the last big cloud fell on that day, everyone was stunned.

"Quickly attack, break up this big cloud, quickly!" Elson sprinted into a microphone and shouted loudly. In a flash, his words spread across thousands of miles to General Wilson's ears.

"It's too late, not saved, all resistance is in vain." Balov shook his head, his face twitching.


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