Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1167: Fierce battle

A spear of lightning almost torn a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a displacement of 100,000 tons into two pieces. This is a shocking scene. It is not what I saw, and no one can believe it.

With just one blow, the so-called most powerful war killer on the planet was destroyed, becoming a pile of broken copper and iron, and lost all resistance.

Many people once again thought about the attack power of the rod of God and the Spear of Lightning and its absolute match!

This is very terrifying. A staff of God takes countless manpower and material resources to be put into space orbit, so the wealth of the current great empire is rich, the technology is advanced, and it cannot be deployed in large numbers. At present, it is only successfully deployed. Once, it was all launched.

The lightning spear, Ye Tian seemed to come in handy.

Of course, this is just the surface. In fact, Ye Tian can't do it by hand, and it is also very expensive, but it is much easier than the rod of God.


The torn hull, at the fracture, sparks sparkle, and the traces of melting can be clearly seen.

In addition to tearing the body of the ship, the energy of the lightning spear also penetrated into the cabin, like water, it penetrated without holes, and it could also penetrate without holes. How many soldiers burned into coke, there was nowhere to escape. Innumerable ammunition that was too late to be fired was ignited and exploded directly in the warehouse, causing the aircraft carrier to explode and burst into flames.

The sea was boiling, the big waves rolled up dozens of meters high, and the broken aircraft carrier was crumbling, like a flat boat in a storm, which could capsize and break in two at any time.


Seeing this scene, countless people took a breath, their teeth rattling.

"He really dared to fight against the carrier battle group of the current empire! This is to declare war on the current empire. This is to provoke the greatest empire in the history of mankind. Does he really care about anything?" Someone exclaimed.

Although a few days ago, a military sub-helm of the current empire in Dongying was attacked, and the news has been spread, believed to be by the young devil, but there are no witnesses and no direct evidence. Many people hold negative Attitude, more willing to believe that the aliens.

Now it's different. Under the large crowd and witnessed by countless people, Ye Tian personally buried an imperial aircraft carrier. This is a true declaration of war.

"Since World War II, no country in the world has dared to wage war provocations against the current great empire. It is as strong as the Soviet Union. Now. "

"Yeah, we are fortunate to witness a myth, the rise of a young invincible road, and the destruction of an imperial myth."

"The current great empire has been crushing this star for too long. It is unscrupulous and wanton. It is necessary for someone to clean up the whole world for the sake of one's own self and to make the whole world go wild."


There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and many people expressed their opinions after being shocked.

Obviously, there are more voices supporting the young devil.

The outbreak of the nuclear weapon just now caused the current great empire to exhaust its last good relationship.

"How dare he, how dare he be against the great empire?"

In Liberty City, the National Defense Center, General Elson gritted his teeth and was furious and unbelievable.

In his angry eyes, the young figure in the void moved, holding a sword in his hand, stepped out sharply, and rushed towards the beating aircraft carrier below.


A golden battle spirit swept through the sky, swept the world, swallowed thousands of miles, the young blonde with golden eyes, and the suit hunting, just like an ancient **** came.


In the terrified eyes of countless people, the young man slashed down with a sword and slashed to the torn fracture of the aircraft carrier.

A golden sword rainbow rushed to the sky, chopping down into the sky for more than a thousand feet, illuminating Tianyu, tearing the sky and smashing the void.

This sword seemed to sway the sun, moon and stars, and one day and a full moon, and countless stars, fell along with Jianhong, as if a hung galaxy was falling.

The sky and the sky are filled with vastness, filled with cold sword spirit.

He couldn't wait for the aircraft carrier to sink, and he wanted to help again.

At this moment, the whole world was quiet. All the people widened their eyes and watched quietly. Numerous keyboard men's hands were frozen with ten fingers.

General Elson's face was pale and his body was stiff.

But a roar sounded: "All the warships heard the order, the firepower was full, and they blew towards the aircraft carrier."

This is an old voice, revealing a vicissitudes, a dignity, a domineering.

At a critical moment, General Elson fell off the chain, or the head of state saw the situation clearly, and with the bravery of a strong man, he issued an order related to the survival of the entire fleet.

The next sentence of the head of state shocked everyone in the command room:

"Nuclear-powered submarines, launch strategic nuclear weapons, how many launches. Regardless of all costs, regardless of all consequences, beheading the young devil. The flames of war must not be burned into the territory of the great empire."

General Elson breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes flickered a little, his head's courage, extraordinary insight, judgment, and determination, he was ashamed.

At this time, many aircraft carriers were still alive. Although the dozen or so steel warships scattered around were ready to attack, they dared not attack.

As soon as the command of the head of state was communicated, dozens of steel warships immediately went violent, popping up like rain, various naval guns, rocket artillery, and missiles, like the rain of arrows that cut through the sky, overwhelming and blasting towards Ye Tian. , Also the bombardment of the broken aircraft carrier.

However, before the arrival of the intensive bomb rain, the peerless sword rainbow had already slammed onto the aircraft carrier. The torn fracture was the original bridge position.


In the terrified eyes of countless people, the super alloy hull, which is fifteen stories high and more than 30 meters wide after being torn, was split open with a sword, so fragile as tofu , Without any resistance at all, the fracture is as smooth as a mirror.

After breaking into two pieces, UU reads the book www. When stands, the aircraft carrier capsizes, rolls over, and rolls up monstrous waves.

At this time, the horrible bomb rain arrived, and the power of the sky was destroyed.

In the eyes of countless people, only a wave of attacks, both aircraft carriers were shredded, it was really shredded, and it was blown into copper and iron.

"Hey, where did the young devil go?"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Just like the same glimmer of light, Ye Tian's figure suddenly disappeared in place, which is incredible.

All satellites, all radars, have lost his trail, as if disappearing in this time and space.

"He was underwater and rushed towards us, **** it! Quickly, launch a torpedo."

Under the sea, a scream suddenly came from a submarine.

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