Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1177: Misfortune

After entering the fighting nation, the young demon disappeared into the primitive mountains of Siberia.

When this news came out, countless people expressed shock.

"I thought he would cross Siberia, cross the Bering Strait, and go straight to the Alaska province of the present great empire. Unexpectedly, he played and disappeared in Siberia."

"Did you suddenly counsel? Did you dare to challenge the current empire? Or did you accept the conditions for reconciliation?"

"If that's the case, then I'm going to turn black, 10,000 despise. I treat you as a great hero of the world, but you deceive my feelings."

"Think about it with your **** and know that it is impossible to counsel. He has destroyed a military base and a carrier battle group of the current great empire. It is already endless. The two tigers fighting, there must be a wound, otherwise it is unsolvable. There is no reconciliation. I think there must be other reasons. "

"No one knows the urinary nature of the current empire, and reconciliation cannot be sincere. If one day has the upper hand, it will be a stick in the head, and you will be beaten hard to kill you. It is just trying to find a skin with a tiger, and in the future will be more **** revenge. With the personality of the young devil, it will never be reconciled without hitting the white flag of the current great empire. "

"Is it because the young devil is tired? Or is he injured? Retreat."

"There is this possibility, and the possibility is great. He has fought so many battles in succession, and has been kept in a state of excitement like playing chicken blood. His opponents are all stubborn, or modern peerless killers, iron body It is impossible to eat away. And the current great empire is the Longtan Tiger Cave. Without recuperating and accumulating, how can he dare to rush into the peak state? "

"If this is the case, then it is the best time to kill him now? I do n’t know if the current great empire will take the initiative to attack? Otherwise, there will be no shop after this village. After returning to its peak, the current great empire will be miserable. "

"Proactively attack? How to proactively attack? Siberia is the territory of the fighting nation. Do you think the fighting nation is the small nations of Europa, only when the world's great empire is looking forward to it?"

"It is also said that large-scale combat is impossible. Will the current great empire send a squad to death? And the current great empire will move with emotion, be reasonable, and seek cooperation with the fighting nation?"

"It is the initiative to attack, as big as Siberia, if the young devil hides, trying to find him is no different from finding a needle in a haystack."


The whole world is concerned about the disappearance of the young devil in Siberia. Some of these people ’s guesses are very close to the truth, and he wants to recuperate.

The world's largest empire has the world's largest think tank, all of which are human-like characters. After a thorough analysis, it also reached a conclusion similar to that of netizens. The young devil is now in a weak period, and it is a good time to kill him. He must never be allowed to return to his peak state, otherwise the current great empire may really be flying a white flag.

"Damn, why didn't he come ?!"

The other side of the ocean, Liberty City, the National Defense Center building, General Elson was so angry that he hit his fist on the table.

When the young devil entered the fighting nation, the current great empire guessed his thoughts, and must cross the Bering Strait and land in Alas Province of the current great empire.

So the great empire of the world made a careful arrangement, the three forces of the sea, land and air were mobilized, 100,000 Chen Bing, electromagnetic guns, laser guns, and other high-tech weapons came on the scene, and more than 100 nuclear warheads were airlifted as ground radium. Used with grenades.

Tian Luodi net has been set up, just waiting for the young demon self-introduced net, unexpectedly, the strategy fell through, causing General Elson annoyed.

"Use all resources, at all costs, strangle the young demon king in Siberia, and never let him cross the Bering Strait. The land of the empire cannot let him touch the slightest trace." The empire's head gave a death order, and his attitude was unprecedentedly determined.

A group of generals looked at each other, all embarrassed.

The young devil is hiding in Siberia. The territory of the fighting nation is that the current great empire has the world's leading military power, and it is also powerless. It dares not kill it.

The only country in the world that gives the current empire a trace of fear is the fighting nation, because there is a fight between the nuclear arsenals of the two countries.

"Call me the office of the great emperor of the fighting nation." The head of empire said immediately.

In his mind, a group of generals and aides knew each other well, seeking cooperation with the fighting nations and hunting the young devil together.

"Yes, the head of state, I'll go connect now." Said an assistant.

The phone was connected quickly.

A few minutes later, the emperor's head hung up and his face was blue.

"How are you, head of state?" General Elson asked.

"The shameless coward, the stupid coward, is not worthy of being called the fighting emperor, and even refused my request for cooperation." The emperor's head was furious.

He was rejected by the Great Emperor of the Fighting Nation, although he moved with emotion and made sense of it ~ ~ said that the ceiling was falling.

The generals and staff in the field were not surprised. Now the situation is out of control. Unless it is a fool, no one will go to this muddy water.

"Strengthen the alert and wait for the young demon to exit." General Elson was powerless for a while, and now there is only this way.

The young devil is hiding in the primitive mountains of Siberia. Without the cooperation of the fighting nation, it is impossible to find people. And even if the fighting nations cooperate, it is also a needle in a haystack, and there is very little possibility of finding people.

If you have lost your luck and found the young devil, can you kill it?

After rounding, the possibility is equal to zero!

"It would be nice if this scourge could be pushed to the fighting nation! The fighting nation is not benevolent, don't blame us for injustice!" A general said to himself, his face murky.

Introduction of trouble to the water, this is a tactic, forcing the fighting nation to go to this muddy water.

"Although the method is good, how to operate it is a big problem!" A staff member pondered.

All of the staff think tanks frowned, thinking hard, hoping to come up with a perfect solution.

"I will do it!"

Sat in a corner, out of tune, silently, and gave a sense of unpredictable depth, Lord of the Lord, Barov, suddenly stood up and walked out of the door.

This kind of in-depth enemy mode, small group combat mode, no one is more suitable than the Imperial Divine League.

"Balov, I believe you can complete the task very well. You never let me down." Said the emperor's head.

"The mission will not be insulted."


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