Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1181: Big killer

Ye Tian squeezed Lei Jue's tactics, struck out a series of Lei Fayin Seals.

Thunderstorms all over the place seem to have received orders, and they are constantly gathering from all directions, and the tide is generally overwhelming.

This is a very amazing scene, like thundering over the clouds, controlling the thundercloud storm, and controlling the world.

How can this be done if it is not a god-like method?

Fortunately, Siberia is wide enough, and the area affected by the storm is also large enough so that it is not found to be too greasy.

However, it is said that there are many satellites in the sky looking towards Siberia. There are no fewer than ten of the current great empire in order to discover Ye Tian's trace.

With the passage of time, the thundercloud storm is getting bigger and thicker over the valley, as if a black ocean is floating, and it is like a black sky curtain, covering the entire valley, overwhelming the mountains Split.

In this mountainous area, countless wild animals fluttered in shock, all shivering, feeling like the end is coming.

In the thundercloud storm, the electric snake danced violently, the endless thunder burst, intertwined, and was turning into a thunderous thunder, and the terror was extremely extreme.


The thunder sea was violent, and the thunder light blew towards the ground in the valley. It was almost uniformly blasted to the same place, a nine-layer Xuanhuang Dao platform placed on Wo Niu Shi.

With the help of the power of thunder, and Ye Tian's chaotic furnace, the broken earth seal has been integrated into the nine-story Xuanhuang Dao Tai. Of course, it is just a simple and crude integration, like filling a pile of sesame into a sack of soybeans and filling it in the gap, rather than the fusion at the molecular and atomic level.

In terms of shape, the track platform is still the original track platform, but there is no change, but the surging gas machine has changed. It turned out to be like a rigid "brick". There is no response to how to beat and how to urge, it can only be enlarged. And shrinking, but now blooming brilliant glory, and chaotic atmosphere filled out, like a sleeping beast woke up.

Thousands of thunders were bombarded indiscriminately on the Taotai, but they could not damage the Taotai at all. A layer of moire appeared, confronting the destructive power of the Thunder.

This Cheng Hui promoted the integration of the earth-shaking seal and the nine-story Taoist platform, which seemed to be in full swing.

If it is a general magic weapon, it would not dare to do it at all, because it cannot withstand the destruction of Thunder.

Although these Thousands of Thunders are not Thunder Tribulation, but they fight with Thunder Tribulation, Ye Tiandu throbbed for a while. Although the Thunder was mainly hacked to the Xuanhuang Daotai, there are always fishes that leak through the net and hack in all directions.

At first glance, the whole valley was blazing, every inch of space was electric awn, the ground was black, the flowers and trees were gray, and even many rocks were broken.

This valley was completely destroyed, a scene of doomsday, except for Ye Tian, ​​all creatures no longer exist.

Around the Wo Niu Shi, a huge deep pit was exploded, so that the foundation of the Wo Niu Shi was exposed, like a "stalagmite" standing.

Ye Tian was not spared. He was hacked and burnt, and his hair was distributed.

He wandered on the verge of crossing the robbery, which was originally a "stroke" physique, although he was deliberately suppressing it.

Even Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Four Spirits were affected by him, and they were chopped miserably. Their bodies continued to collapse and reunited, and they gave a screaming roar.

He unfolded the Chaos God Realm and wanted to stop it, but found it useless. This thunder is a natural avenue that cannot be isolated.

Thunder leaps into the chaotic realm, but he made an unexpected discovery. Stimulated by the thunder, the four elements of the land, fire, wind and water of the chaotic realm ran on their own. The earth, flooding the sky dome, chaotic vitality is violent and turbulent, like the beginning of the universe, the scene of breaking the sky.

This is that Chaos God Realm is using Thunder to temper the small world and evolve the small world.

Of course, the protagonist is Xuanhuang Daotai, the only one in this valley, and even Ye Tian has become a foil.

Under the Xuanhuang Daotai, around the Wo Niu Stone, the big pit that was cleaved was filled with more and more thunder, forming a thunder pool. The white thunder surged like boiling water, gradually submerging the Xuanhuang Daotai.

I don't know how long the time has passed. The Xuanhuang Daotai seems to have been tamed and began to absorb thunder, like a long whale drinking water, and the speed is scary.

On the surface of the platform, there are many wonderful patterns, like lightning, which are irregularly shaped and dense.

This is the mark of thunder and thunder, and it is also a manifestation of Dao marks.

Each thunder pattern stores a thunder force.

Above the Thunder Pond, Thundercloud Storm formed a funnel-like vortex. Thousands of Thunder condensed into one, extremely thick and extremely vigorous, protruding into the Thunder Pond and connected to the Xuanhuang Daotai.

This thick thunder was too condensed, and even thunder condensed out, also called thunder robbery.

This is a qualitative change, but also a metamorphosis. Each drop of Thunder Tribulation Fluid contains a huge amount of thunder.

Thunder Tribulation Liquid needs enough thunder to converge, and it needs to burst enough to condense out. It seems that Ye Tian ’s Thunder Pond in the small world of the East Mountain Boundary ca n’t produce a drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

In the Immortal Cultivation Realm of the previous life, Ye Tian only produced Thunder Tribulation Liquid when he was crossing the Golden Thunder Tribulation. It was a reward after the Heaven Penalty, which helped the wounds heal after the disaster.

Ye Tian spent the power of nine cattle and two tigers, grabbed a drop of thunder robbery from the top of the platform, and looked at it in the palm of his hand. The size of the marbles, the rhinestones were generally crystal clear, and the thunder and thunder inside, there was an earth-shaking scene, as if It contains a small world.

Ye Tianben wanted to swallow Lei Jieye and refine it, but after some thought, he still gave up.

It's not that he can't refine it, but once he refines it, he can't resist the impulse to cross the robbery, and he will definitely cross the robbery here.

This kind of thunder rob solution is very difficult to preserve. If you leave the thunder pond, the epiphysis will disappear in a flash. Even if the ban is imposed and the seal is sealed, it cannot exist for long unless there is a specific container.

Ye Tian suddenly thought that he had a jade bottle, which was the reward given to him by Long Wei when he went to the Arctic Oasis Small World to perform his mission.

This is an ancient item ~ ~ is from the hands of a fairy family, and it is a rare treasure. I don't know where Dragon Guard got it from.

The Yujing bottle is engraved with a space circle, containing a small space, which is dozens of times larger than Ye Tian ’s Qiankun ring. It is specially used to contain spirit liquid, magic medicine, and other items, which can maintain the efficacy of medicine for a long time Not lost.

Ye Tian took out the Yujing bottle and prepared to put some thunder robbery into it in case he needed it. This thing can not only be used to supplement physical fitness, but also be used as a forbidden weapon to kill the enemy, like a thunder pill, magical use is endless.

It is a pity that there is too little Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and Ye Tian is taking the chestnut in the fire again. It is extremely dangerous. In the end, he only caught ten drops of Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

When it was almost dawn, the entire Siberian world was clear and the thunderstorm was over. Only above the valley where Ye Tian was located, there was a dark cloud floating, and a little thunder burst.

"Today's big killer comes into being, the empire of the world, tremble!"

A voice rang through the world, and a figure rose into the sky.

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