Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1197: Yuan Shenbing

Ye Tian's eyebrows are shining brightly, and his strong spiritual power is filled like a small sun shining.

Suddenly, a golden villain stepped out of his eyebrows, only three inches tall, exactly the same as Ye Tian's appearance, the whole body was like a golden golden glaze, flawless and clean, the eyes opened and closed, and there was a ray of cold electricity blooming , Very intriguing.

In front of Ye Tian's eyebrows, the golden villain sat cross-legged, sucking in a violent breath, and quickly sucked the soul light material scattered in the Chaos God Realm into the body.

Absorbing the soul light material, the golden villain is constantly transforming, every inch of the body is flashing Baohui, a piece of gorgeous, as if born in the fire.

In the arms of the golden villain, he also held a small sword, which was only three inches long, and intertwined with lines of daggers, imprinted into the body of the sword, unpredictable. This is Daozhen, Daowenluo, Yuanshenbing formally communicated Tiandi Dadao, interweaving Dao and reason, and evolving to a higher level.

Both the golden villain and the golden sword are embodied by Ye Tian's mind, which is a manifestation of strong spiritual power.

At this time, on the smashed cliff a few kilometers away, I do n’t know when a figure stood there, it was not tall, but it gave people a sense of standing upright, like a magic mountain, it seemed to be crushed. The whole world is terrifying.

"I was killed twice in a second ..." The figure wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, said indifferently, with a terrible look.

His eyes were terrible, as deep as the sea, and seemed to be able to devour the whole world, making people dare not look straight.

He is the captain of the Bears, Nikolai. Ye Tian seconds him twice, and the second time he slapped to death, but did not really die. Now he is back.

All his wounds healed, like a demon resurrected, and the whole person's momentum climbed to the top again.

He didn't seem to learn a lesson, and the look in Ye Tian was full of hatred.

Suddenly, a terrifying breath erupted from his body, his palms swiping wildly, and he grabbed a smashed hill not far away.

"Get up!" He snorted.


A shocking scene happened. A small hill that was as big as five or six houses and weighed thousands of tons was uprooted by him, held high above his head, and then faced a few kilometers away, Ye Tian meditated. The place fell down.

"What?" Meng Yao burst into horror, and his eyes were horrified.

Raising your hand and throwing a mountain, this is something unique in mythology and legend, but it never happened in reality. Although this is just a humble hill, it is also shocking enough.


The mountains ran out of the sky, shaking out the waves of terror like oceans, and the voids collapsed when they passed by.

"Ah, the earth violent bear is soaring, run away, run away!" The black scale eagle suddenly yelled, and then shake its wings to soar into the sky, the first time to escape from danger. As for Master Ye Tianmen who is still meditating and practicing, he can't take care of it.

It now knows that the earth storm bear is Nikolai, and Meng Yao told him.

The Earthly Bear is the king of power among the ancient beasts, and he can blow the mountains and seas with a breath, and he is not surprised to raise his hands and throw the mountains.

At this time, a terrible thing was discovered. Its wings couldn't even move. Except that the mind was still running, the whole body was so rigid that it couldn't move.

The same is true of Meng Yao, who finds that his body cannot move.

"Don't even want to go one!" Nikolay's anger came, like Jiuxiao thundering, and the sky shook.

Among his deep pupils, countless strands of violent jumps violently, making clanging sounds, as if the sharp sword of the gods was whispering.

"This is the spiritual taboo of the earth's fierce bear. The master, attack him with mental power, quickly!" Blackscale Eagle yelled.

It is a species of the same age as the earth violent bear, and the means of attacking the earth violent bear are numerous.

The Earth Bear can not only spit storms and conduct sonic attacks, but also use its double pupils to perform mental attacks, easily tearing apart human souls. This species has a strong spiritual power to understand the sea.


In front of Ye Tian's eyebrows, the golden villain embraced a golden sword, turned into a golden lightning, tearing the void and flying out.

Like a human sword, in the air, the golden villain merged into the golden sword, and turned into a sharp sword.


A tremendous loud noise spread throughout the world. The hill that Nicholas thrown was as big as five or six houses, was penetrated by the Yuanshen Dao sword, and burst instantly.

Using Yuan Shenbing as a metal swordsman, I am afraid that only Ye Tian dare to do so on this planet. Compared with the physical body, people's mental strength is very fragile, that is, they can be transformed and sacrificed into sword soldiers, and they only dare to use them when fighting with mental strength.

After blasting the hill with a single blow, Yuanshen Daojian shot at Nikolay again, as fast as a flash of lightning, almost ignoring the physical distance.

"What, do you even have Yuan Shenbing?" Nikolay was obviously taken aback.

If it is an ordinary person, not only can the reaction not come, but the reaction is over, and it cannot respond. But Nikolai is an exception, he looks cold, panic and not chaotic.


Another monstrous breath of terror erupted from his body, as if a sluice gate opened, and he was in full glory and prosperity, just like a god.

"Broken!" He shouted.


Among his left and right pupils in the abyss, a chain suddenly flew out of each, bright and dazzling, clattering, like two dragons, headed together and went out, entwining the Yuanshen Dao sword.

These two chains are not weapons, but the chains of order evolved from the law of Dao, which is essentially the trace of the Tao.

Nikolay apparently does not have this ability. It is a **** inherited from the earth fierce bear magic core, and is the way of the earth fierce bear.


The one-inch-long Yuanshen Dao sword is like a rainbow, and the two chains of order cannot be stopped at all. It is crushed in an instant and turned into a sky of rain.

"Damn it!" Nikolay was instantly ashamed.


Yuan Shen Dao sword hovered three feet in front of his eyebrows, and did not penetrate his eyebrows, but his eyebrows were struck by lightning, bursting with blood, and bleeding tears in the corners of his eyes.

A golden villain manifested on the Yuanshen Dao sword, opened his mouth and sucked the light rain into a chain of order gods, and then rushed back to Ye Tian.


Nikolay fell on his head and collapsed, almost fainting to death.

At this time ~ ~ Ye Tian suddenly stood up and walked to the captive of Kelly who was still frozen.

His eyebrows glowed, and a sharp golden beam of light burst out, piercing Keris's eyebrows.

"Go back in time, search the soul!"

As he whispered, the scene of Kelly's awareness of the sea emerged out of thin air, as if she had been in a movie, and it was extremely real.

Both Mengyao and Blackscale Eagle looked dumbfounded.

Within a short while, the scene of the rainy night massacre appeared.

"It really did them." Meng Yao gritted his teeth.

Ye Tian waved his hands like a trick, intercepting this piece of memory, converging countless light spots, and finally turning it into a marble-shaped multi-faceted crystal.

"Take it and show your emperor, I believe he has his own way."

Ye Tian gave Nikolay this faceted crystal.

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