Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1208: Battle Alien

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"Aboriginal here, I really hate it." The beautiful girl in the short skirt snorted, her eyes cold, and her pretty face was covered with a layer of frost, extremely cold.

Because Xinghe Chain was destroyed by Ye Tian, ​​she was furious.

This is a magic weapon she cherishes very much, and has been with her since the day she was born.

For this chain, her family has collected the galaxy sand for more than 100 years in the depths of the universe.

This chain is not only unique, but it can hardly be copied, it is really precious.

Now she was ruined by Ye Tian. She was unacceptable for a while, and she felt very uneasy.

Suddenly, she lifted a three-meter-long magic gun in her hand and blasted into a void. Instead of firing a magic nuclear projectile, she exploded an energy jet composed of thunder and elementary magnetic divine light.

The power of the magic gun to drive the projectile is the power of thunder and metamagnetism. These two energies can also be output separately. When the projectile is exhausted, it is used as a means of killing the enemy.

Magic nuclear projectiles are all made of magic materials, which are very precious and not inexhaustible. Thunder and metamagnetic jets are truly infinite firepower and can be sprayed as much as you like.

However, since it is called the Magic Gun, it must be that the Magic Nuclear Projectile is more powerful, and the Thunder and Meta Magnetic Jet are inferior. But on Earth, Thunder and Meta Magnetic Jet can sweep almost everything.

Moreover, Thunder and Meta Magnetic Jet have an advantage that Magic Core Projectile does not have, and the coverage is large.


A thick Thunder Elementary magnetic jet emerged from the gun, suddenly exploded in the void, and turned into countless beautiful death rays, as if a dreamlike **** flower bloomed in the universe.

In the void, at a height of 10,000 meters, a fighter cluster just came from afar, and hadn’t had time to start the mission. Suddenly, countless death beams slammed through, like countless handles of the sky knife, destroying and ruining, sweeping everything, and then one The fighter plane burst into flames and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

In just a blink of an eye, more than a hundred fighter planes were all wiped out.

At this moment, the short-haired beauty looks like a killing god, making countless people look shocked.

She wore a princess skirt, revealing two slender beautiful legs and long purple hair fluttering. It looked like a porcelain doll. Every inch of skin and every hair strand glowed with youthful vitality. The meter-long magic gun, crazy output of firepower, and a killing veteran.

This is a real shot, I have it in the world!

Countless people are even more curious about the big gun in her hand, their eyes are burning, and they all dream of having one.

However, it seems that such a powerful magic gun is rare in the entire Western civilization, and it can only be owned by a large family. It is easily used as a town gate or a town clan weapon.

Otherwise, if such big guns flood, no matter how big the stars are, they will not be destroyed.

In the next few seconds, the firepower continued to be output, and dozens of fighter planes were bombarded. There were higher-altitude bomber fighters, low-altitude reconnaissance planes, and helicopters.

The airspace within a radius of a hundred miles was instantly quiet, and the shadow of an airplane was gone.

After doing this, the beauty in the short skirt still did not stop, her teeth were clenched, her brows and frontal bones glowed, and her spear stood upright, even aiming at a satellite in space orbit.

"What is this little girl doing?"

Countless people were shocked.

Then, I saw that the spear in the hand of the girl burst out with a brilliant divine light, which seemed to hang a waterfall of gods and reverse the sky.

At this time, on the cracked earth, in the monstrous smoke and fire, two tall silhouettes were fighting, a bright and gorgeous, they could not see their looks, only the silhouettes of two men, each The blows were shocking, as if the two gods were fighting.


There was another tremendous loud noise, and the two figures suddenly separated, separated by 100 meters, and looked at each other.

"Activated a bit of bones and muscles, you are okay, did not disappoint me." Zifa man said coldly.

The battle armor on his body was sunken by several pieces, almost cracked, the runes flickered, the gorgeous brilliance circulated, like life, and was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The compound eyes on his armor helmet were glowing like laser eyes, emitting two beams of more than ten feet long, staring at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's chest also held back, and the Thunder uniform was damaged.

This is the case, still surprised the man with purple hair, he has already hit the peak fighting power, originally wanted to kill Ye Tian in a blow, but did not expect to play only a good match. But in terms of real talk, he is even worse.

Ye Tian's Thunder suit is just a crude magic weapon, and its ability to resist attack is far from comparable to that of his armor. His armor can withstand the bombardment of magic cannons, and he can even move freely on the surface of stars.

It was Ye Tian’s flesh, which was so powerful that he was able to blast the fists of the mountains far enough that only Ye Tian’s chest would collapse. If he did not rely on the armor of the battle armor, his ribs might be interrupted by Ye Tian.

"However, you can't escape today!"

In the sneer of sensation, the spine of the purple-haired man's armor rang behind the spine, and suddenly a sharp silver sword rushed out, the cold light was dazzling, and the air was pressing, bringing up a hundreds of long swords.

"The young devil finally encountered a hard stubble. I said long ago that there are countless hidden dragons and tigers in this world, and no one can be truly invincible."

"This cool armor, cool sword, is this guy really earthman?"

"No matter who he is, as long as he can kill the young devil, even if the devil comes from hell, they are all good people."


On the Internet, bursts of exclamation sounded, and there was a lot of discussion.

Next, there will be a terrifying head-to-head matchup, countless people are looking forward to it.

"Ballov leader, where did these three powerful foreign aids come from? Can we really tell us about it?"

"We have a strict mouth and must keep our mouths shut."

"I guess, are aliens right?"

"Is it related to Area 51?"


In the Freedom City, the National Defense Center, and the war conference room, Barov was surrounded by important officials like a star, asking questions from east to west. Just now everyone scolded him for dog blood sprinklers, but now he kneels and licks instead, complimenting constantly.

"Let's watch the battle first, and wait until the young devil falls." Balov said lightly with his beard.

But at this time, the live camera is blank.

It's not just here that the world's great empire, all the live broadcasts of the world are blank.

At the same time, over the battlefield, I do not know how many satellites exploded and were buried under the magic gun of the beautiful woman in a short skirt.

"I think we should prepare a feast and entertain our good friends from afar." A staff member suggested that Ye Tian was about to hang up.

There are not many people who share the same views as him. A purple-haired man alone is comparable to Ye Tian's battle, and there is a more powerful old man who hasn't shot it. The short skirt beauty seems not easy.

There is no suspense in this battle.

"Precise! Universal celebration, forgiveness of the world." The head of empire replied.

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