Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1216: Come to liberty city

Liberty City, the capital of the current great empire, is one of the world's greatest, richest, and most influential cities, known as the center of the crossroads of the world.

The most famous symbol of Liberty City is a giant statue standing on an island, the Statue of Liberty.

The God of Liberty is a fictional deity, tall and burly, imposing and majestic, wearing a bronze armor, with a black cloak on the back, and the bronze war Ge in his hand is raised high, the tiger's eyes are glaring, making a roar in the sky, meaning freedom And fight.

The entire statue with a base of more than 200 meters high, in the Liberty City, which is almost plain, is exceptionally distinctive and outstanding.

It is said that the tourists who came to the current empire by plane and entered the city from Liberty City saw this statue at the first sight.

The Statue of God of Liberty perfectly fits the spirit and style of the great empire of the world, longing for freedom, but advocating military force.

The sea breeze is shining, and the sea is sparkling.

The sun was just right, and it sprinkled with gold-like brilliance, making the Statue of God of Liberty look like it was inlaid with a layer of gold rim, and added a bit of supernatural power.

Suddenly, on the sky in the north, a golden divine rose across the sky, which was incredibly fast, and the direction was suddenly facing the Statue of Liberty.


A loud noise spread throughout half of Liberty City, and the golden Shenhong suddenly fell on the top of Freedom Warrior's head, showing the figure of a teenager.

The feet of the young man were vigorously sinking, and he stepped on the God of Liberty's celestial cover stiffly. The huge bronze brain suddenly sunk into a large piece, and the entire marble pedestal sank for more than a meter, resulting in countless cracks.

Since the steel torrents stationed at the border were used by the young people to use their peerless supernatural powers, and the powerful empire has given up all resistance, the world empire gave up all resistance and opened the airspace, and the young people flew all the way, unimpeded. Because they know that no amount of resistance is futile, it will only increase the number of casualties and bring many unnecessary sacrifices.

It is indeed because of the powerful blow that almost wiped out the world, so that the current great empire was afraid, and the nuclear weapons aimed at all parts of the world were not launched.

They do not know how many times the power of Xuanhuang Dao can explode. Although some people speculate that after using it once, it will take a long time to accumulate energy before using it for the second time, but no one dares to take this risk. .

Although the Hopkins head has the character Zhang Yang, he has not lost his mind.

Before being pushed into desperation by the young demon king, how could he press the end button?

That means that the current great empire will also be destroyed. Even if the young devil does not bother to do it, the great powers of the east and the fighting nation will surely launch nuclear revenge.

"he came!"

At this moment, the Free City, tens of millions of citizens, suffocated for a while.

The eyes of the whole world are also coming together. Countless people are surging and excited and dancing, and countless people have lost their voices and wept.

The young man's foot stepped on the head of the God of Freedom, which had an extraordinary meaning. To a certain extent, it implied that the entire great empire was stepped on his feet.

Countless people have done this in their dreams and never thought that one day someone could do it.

That's the current great empire, the only superpower in human history that can dominate the world.

"Teacher, you did it!" Meng Yao clenched his fists in both hands, his voice choked.

"I knew you could." Qinghan's eyes were red and his eyes were crystal clear.

"Is this still my stupid brother? Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" Ning Xiaoyun's head was dazed.

"The first time I saw your brother, I thought he was unusual. I can't think my vision is accurate!" Bai Xuejiao smiled, and the twigs were trembling. The recollection of scenes flooded her heart, giving her a feeling of dreaming, which was very unreal.

"I'm still thinking about revenge, it's really naive." Lin Zimo smiled bitterly and sipped away a cup of bitter coffee.

"Hahaha, with this good son-in-law, why don't I worry about the Qin family?" Qin Yongchang, Qin's grandson, smiled round his mouth.

"Your son is really amazing." Ning Haifeng was also excited.

"That's not, don't look at who was born." Gu Xiaoman was proud.

"My Miyamoto Taro did not go to the wrong door. With this priest leading the way, I believe that one day I will be able to go up to the sky and have a glimpse of the immortal gate." Miyamoto Taro muttered to himself, his eyes full of high fighting spirit.

"With the help of Ye Tianren, Hua Guoshan's mountains and rivers will be unharmed. I Xiao Qingtian can finally put down the burden on my shoulders. I will work harder in the future, and don't be overtaken by Ye Tianren too much."


Not only Ye Tian's friends and family, but the whole Middle-earth are in an inspiring atmosphere, with thousands of people emptying the streets and running around to celebrate this great moment.

All along, China and Turkey have been bullied by the great empire, all kinds of tyranny, all kinds of beatings. Now I can finally breathe out.

The Liberty City was in chaos, and countless people took to the streets. Some complained of the authorities, called on the head of state to step down, and called on the leader of the Divine Alliance, Barov, to cut off his head, and others who were not afraid of death to accuse the young devil. These are some people from the bottom of the society, and the elites are either on the road to escape or have flashed people early.


Several helicopters took off from the apron on the roof of a polygonal building in the National Defense Center and flew to the Statue of Liberty on the island.

In the secret, there are still some war killers deployed in various corners of the city to prevent accidents, including nuclear warheads, many pieces, all of which are of great equivalent, and are the last crazy means.

"Head of State, go in and hide. This is the safest underground fortress in the world. Built 300 meters underground, it is an outbreak of 100 million tons of nuclear weapons. If it is not directly hit, it cannot be destroyed." Said the head of Perkins.

In the National Defense Center, under the UU reading polygonal building, there is a super underground bunker, which can prevent a large amount of nuclear weapons, has a variety of first-class living facilities, rich food storage, and is a doomsday refuge for important officials.

"No. My Hopkins is not afraid of death? Go and call the young demon king, I want to interview him." Hopkins looked like a torch, his expression was unprecedentedly calm, and an emperor naturally appeared in his body. The spirit is that Taishan is at the top, and they can all change their colors.

"Head of State, this...?"

A group of staff was shocked.

Interviewing the young devil, there is nothing more crazy than this, but it is a killer.

"The head of state is the body of Wan Jin, how can he be involved in danger? Or should I talk to him." General Elson volunteered.

"Don't talk a lot, just do it according to my will." Hopkins said hardly, with a golden mouth and a jade, and no one dared to rebel.

Then, a helicopter flew to the Statue of Liberty and spoke to Ye Tian.

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