Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1221: White flag fluttering

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The bow in Ye Tian's hand trembles, buzzing and humming, bursting into a tremendous light, and a terrifying breath like a wild and fierce beast filled the entire world, and the hearts of millions of people in Liberty City were trembling.

This is a big bow full of magic, terrifying and terrifying.

The bow fetus is made of a flame-type **** beast, the spine bones of Chiyan Dragon Jiao, and the bow string is extracted from the tendons of Chiyan Dragon Jiao and refined in the dragon pattern from the fire treasure. God string.

Whether it is a bow tire, or a bow string, Ye Tian has engraved many patterns of 箓 formations, giving the big bow all kinds of incredible attributes.

In addition, Ye Tian also sealed the spirit of Chi Yan Long Jiao in the bow tire as an instrumental spirit.

At this moment, Ye Tian took out the red flame dragon dragon **** bow, just after the bow was full of strings, before the arrow was shot, there were various visions manifested, the omnipotent light shining, the Rui Cai transpiration, dyed a sky dome into color As if the sky fire was burning, the sky would be burned, and there was a huge flame dragon dragon phantom jumping out of the bow tire, roaring into the sky, a dragon chant, shaking all directions.

Ye Tiangong filled the string, but did not catch the bone arrow.

Above the bowstring, a divine light suddenly leaped into a golden light arrow.

This light arrow seems to be peaceful, like a finely crafted piece of art, but it can arouse the spirits of all directions and emit a terrible howling, and once shot, it is like a tiger out of the cage, the sound of wind and thunder The masterpiece brought up a long flame, spreading across the sky and dazzling, as terrible as the sky-tribulation came, and there was a killing between heaven and earth.

A phantom of a dragon is wrapped around the light arrow, which is dozens of feet long, lifelike, and the claws of the dragon are vivid. It is the projection of the dragon arch dragon, the red bow of the big bow, the domineering and sharp. Smash.

This is a strong arrow, with a terrible power to destroy the universe.

In the Phantom God Shuttle, Barov's expression changed wildly. Unexpectedly, Ye Tian's arrow was so terrible that he almost shot through the sky dome. Although the Phantom God Shuttle is extremely strong, drawn from various invisible materials on the earth and engraved with countless road patterns, he can't guarantee that he will not be penetrated or even exploded.


He urged Phantom Shenshuo with all his strength, and did not hesitate to squeeze the energy out of the energy spar to increase the speed of Shenshuo's flight. At the same time, he also urged the divine power in his body to bless Shensuo.

For a time, welcome the Shensuo Wuguang Dasheng, as if burning, the speed climbed exponentially.

However, the speed of the light arrow is too fast. Although the Phantom Shuttle increased the speed to five times the speed of sound in a few fingers, it was still chased.


The arrows swayed the sky, and the sharp waves like a tsunami seemed to be able to pierce the gold crack stone.

The light arrow was transformed by Ye Tian's divine power, infused with Ye Tian's spiritual will, like a tarsal maggot, not chasing to the target, never stopping.

"Damn young devil, break me!" Barov snarled.

His voice just fell. Suddenly, the Phantom God Shuo violently shocked, bursting out of the sky.

Every dark light is filled with a broken atmosphere, like a wind blade, making a terrible sound of breaking the sky, cutting across the void, trying to intercept the light arrow shot by Ye Tian.

This is like a missile, or a fighter, to avoid being hit and launched by a jamming bomb.

However, it is useless at all. Light arrows flew by, like a glimmer of floating light, instantly torn through a mouth in the dark wind blade of the sky, and hit the phantom **** shuttle.


A tremendous noise came out, a blast of flames exploded above the Phantom God Shuttle, and an endless thunder burst, and then Shen Shuo was planted into the sea.

"After all, I still didn't run away."

"This old thing is more than dead. From the beginning, he made a ghost, thinking that the young devil threatened the interests of the current great empire, and he wanted to kill it soon. I didn't want to cause such a big trouble, and put the entire empire into it. ."

"Killing Barov, I don't know how the young demon will deal with the current great empire. And the current great empire does not know how to react."

"The white flags have all risen, so naturally they are going to kneel down."

"What white flag?"


Like a storm, the news that a white flag was raised in front of the National Defense Center of the Great Empire was immediately posted on the Internet.

Boarding time, frypot all over the world!

When the world empire raises the white flag, this is like a fantasy, just kidding!

The moral of raising the white flag is obvious, surrendered, and confessed.

Countless people heard the news and shook their heads, saying they couldn't believe it.

What a powerful country, and what a powerful country, is not only the strongest in the world, but also the strongest country in the long history of humanity in the eight thousand years of history.

"I don't believe it, this is impossible. The nuclear arsenal of the world's great empire did not come out of the nest, and the capital of counterattack, how could it concede defeat?"

"I also don't believe that with the style of the current great empire, even standing to die, it is impossible to fall on his knees."


Many people refuse to believe this explosive news, it seems that this news hurt them.

However, the facts are facts and are not transferred by anyone's will.

When a piece of video appeared online, the evidence was solid, and those who didn't believe it wouldn't work.

"Why raise the white flag? Why not bury the whole world for funeral? It really disappoints me."

"I know, the current great empire is too kind and does not want human beings to be charcoal. This is the lighthouse in our minds!"

"It's not just us, it's a lighthouse in the eyes of all humanity."

"No matter how the current empire chooses, my feelings for the current empire will remain loyal. The air here is exceptionally fresh, and the soil here is exceptionally fragrant. If I have the next life, I will choose to reincarnate here."


All kinds of voices are flooding the Internet, and there are gloating and sympathetic voices.

These sounds only float on the surface, and the essence of things cannot be seen.

"This kneeling doesn't matter, it's hard for the great empire to think about it again."

"The National Games are coming to an end, kneeling and not kneeling are both a result."

"Yeah, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. One rises, the other must decline."

"After a hundred years of honor and disgrace, the great powers of the East will win the crown again."

"This is a historical necessity, and it's not surprising at all. Looking back at the long history of history, we can see that most of the time, the great powers of the East are crowns of laurels, standing proudly at the top of the stars. What the young devil did just let this day come early. ."


A pair of eyes aimed at the east ~ ~ all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

At this time, no one noticed that Ye Tian's figure had disappeared from the sea.

Thousands of miles away, the Bermuda Triangle.

A golden long rainbow came across the sky, hovering over a stormy sea, showing the figure of a teenager.

The teenager squeezed his chin in his hand, looked at the sea below for a moment, suddenly laughed, and said to himself:

"It's really a cunning old fox, it's too hidden. Fortunately, I put a mark of consciousness on you, otherwise, in such a secret place, I don't want to find it even if I wear iron shoes.


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