Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1231: Consecutive spikes

Ye Tian's power is so great that with a pair of iron fists alone, he can dent a metal wall in a small black house. With the help of the Xuanhuang Daotai, the metal wall was penetrated at once, and a large hole burst out.

Ye Tian rushed out like a murderous god, holding the Xuanhuang Daotai in his hand, as if holding a brick, rushing to the high princess, his arms raised high, making a head-on crit, giving a kind of head-on strike The sense of simplicity is not like a master of martial arts.

"Ah, **** it! Hurry, stop him!" Her Royal Highness's flower face faded, her pupils shrank, and the whole person was bad from head to toe.

The little black house was a prison made of magic materials, with thousands of heavy runes engraved on it, but Jin Dan could be trapped. The boy was only a divine realm, and he could rush out.

In addition to her, this Pyramid battleship is Barov, and it is simply unrealistic to expect Barov to save her, because Barov has been so scared that he has no soul.

Ye Tian stepped on the floating light glance, incredible speed, almost flashing, almost rushed in front of her in an instant, raised his right hand, holding the Xuanhuang Daotai, and took a snap shot.


The palm thundered, and the void exploded.

The little Xuanhuang Daotai seemed to have the weight of a large mountain. It was suffocated by thousands of pressures, suffocating the princess, and the surrounding air condensed into an iron plate, unbreakable and indestructible.

Her shoulders and shoulders were like a mountain, and her slender body was short, and began to develop laterally.

Her arms also seemed to have an invisible shackle, and she couldn't move her fingers for a moment.

"you dare……"

"Do you think I dare!"


The Xuanhuang Daotai's mountain-like heavy pressure, like a brick, fell down, and heard a loud noise, and a perfect carcass was instantly burst into a blood mist.

"This young devil is really fierce. He destroys the flowers with his hands and does not blink."

Not far away, Barov's expression changed wildly, and his heart thundered.

The beauty of Princess Daisi is rare on the earth. It can be called peerless. Any man will be excited when he sees it, but Ye Tian is killed in one fell swoop, without any pity.

At almost the same time, ten feet away, another misty purple mist emerged out of thin air, and a figure of a young girl appeared, her body was white, as flawless as ivory, her qiong nose was beautiful, and her eyes were splendid.

The girl's jade waved her hand, purple mist around her, and instantly turned into a purple battle skirt, wrapping the perfect jade body.

In addition to the purple battle skirt, a pink-purple battle armor emerged, and the nail pieces cast by the magic material quickly turned into substance under the influence of the runes, and a complete set of battle armor was constructed.

"Damn ants, humble aborigines, you killed me again." Her Royal Highness the Princess was furious.

"I'll let you be resurrected, resurrected once, and I will kill you once, until you have exhausted all the runes for death." Ye Tian looked cold and proud, majestic and magnificent, imposing, and the body was radiant, cast like a god's gold, diffuse There was a breath of shock and waves.

He did not immediately attack the Princess Her Royal Highness, but looked around.

Here is the inside of the pyramid warship, like a huge golden palace, with the law of space intertwined, much larger than it looks from the outside, the streamer is exquisite, the runes are densely covered, especially the dome, like the starry sky, countless light spots shine, Full of the beauty of science fiction, but no lack of breath of fairy road.

This area should be a prison area. There are many cubicle compartments. From the inside, it looks like a kind of magical ferrous metal. From the outside, it is as clear as glass. Everything inside can be seen from the outside. You can't see the inside.

Looking through a long and narrow corridor, Ye Tian saw a huge empty area, with powerful divine power fluctuations coming, which seemed to be the center of the entire battleship.

Faintly, Ye Tian saw a tall altar and a teleportation gate.

"Starry teleportation array?" Ye Tian's heart burst into excitement.

Sure enough, as he expected, the three alien visitors came to Earth through the Star Teleportation Array.

A civilization that has mastered the teleportation of the stars will definitely be connected to more cosmic civilizations, and it will surely be able to find a passage to Ye Tian’s predecessor world.

Although the earth is good, but he is only a passer-by after all, he still wants to return to his home planet. There are his friends and relatives, confidantes, and many loyal subordinates, **** fighting brothers.

Most importantly, he died injustice in his previous life.

"Chu Xin, Chu Xin, I treat you as a brother and help you ascend to the throne, but you cut my sword on me. If I don't kill you, how can I be worthy of my second life!" Ye Tian secretly ruthlessly .

"I am going to kill you!"

Accompanied by the babbling of the girl, a figure suddenly rushed over.

The princess's pink-purple battle armor was added, and the whole person was bathed in a ray of glow.

This battle armor is not a simple external armament, but also a magic weapon, which is connected to the flesh and spirit machine.

Her whole person is like an armor of battle armor.

Under the blessing of the armor of the battle armor, every inch of her flesh is so powerful that the moving blood makes a thunderous sound, like a war weapon awakening.

Qiang Qiang!

On the back of the battle armor, two iron wings were suddenly exhibited, which were more than a foot long, shocked suddenly, the dazzling glow of the glow, the whole person turned into a lightning rushed out, the iron wings torn the void, and the high-frequency war sword Split towards Ye Tian's head.

This is a lore, the gods do not dare to attack the front, Dixian must frown when facing it.

But Ye Tian didn't look at it and directly blasted the Xuanhuang Daotai in his hand.


There was a fierce blast in the void, the Xuanhuang Daotai was only the size of a brick in Ye Tian's hands, but once thrown, the inflation generally expanded and the speed became larger.

In the eyes of Her Royal Highness Princess, I saw a black mountain, filled with chaos, like breaking through the ancient world, breaking the time and space, and crushing Endless majestic and atmosphere, let her heart , God, Soul, and Soul are all trembling.

Powerful energy fluctuations, like the roaring of the Yangtze River and the river, are rushing out and raging in all directions. Where the Xuanhuang Daotai passes, all obstacles are fragmented, they are made of magic materials, and they are not vulnerable.

"Ah, no! Damn boy!"

In the scream, the Xuanhuang Daotai ran over from the Princess Her Royal Highness, and the Gao Zhoubo Warblade collapsed instantly. This time she had armor and bodyguards, which did not explode into a haze of blood, but her blood and flesh were vague, and she had no vitality.

Suddenly, this vague flesh and blood turned into light rain and disappeared, reunited in a purple mist not far away.

Her Royal Highness was killed for the third time.

"Ye's name, I swear to smash you tens of thousands..."


Ye Tian pointed out, and a thick finger burst out, accompanied by the five-color thunder, the fourth time to kill the high princess.

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