Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1241: Great Empire

The Xuanguang platform has the engraved coordinates of Princess Xi, which should have been sent before, right here in Liberty City, so thousands of miles away, Ye Tianneng arrived instantly.

Otherwise, by the time he imprinted the coordinates, the cucumber dishes would be cold, too late.

Although Ye Tian did not know that the current great empire released 100 million tons of nuclear weapons this time, but he has experienced nuclear explosions several times. It is the so-called tri-fold brachial good medicine. He can clearly see and feel this time. Nuclear explosions are more terrifying and more powerful than ever before.

Fortunately, this nuclear explosion was fierce, otherwise how could the pyramid warship be destroyed? How can the Daxi reinforcements be destroyed?

Before Ye Tian left with the help of Xuanguangtai, the Pyramid Battleship had been destroyed by half, and the Great Western Reinforcement was suffering from the destruction.

Although the Golden Building Ship has powerful defense methods, Ye Tian does not think they can escape the disaster, unless they also have a teleportation array similar to the Xuanguang Platform, which can teleport.

Before the absolute destruction, all defenses are useless!

There is the center of the nuclear explosion, the highest temperature can reach 10 million degrees, no matter how divine the material can melt, no matter how powerful the body is, it will be wiped out.

To a certain extent, the current great empire saved the world, but also saved Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian would not be grateful for the current great empire, some accounts should still be calculated, some people should be repaired or repaired. Because the original empire of the world is still the wolf ambition.

Moreover, at the same time that the pyramid battleship was destroyed, the star teleportation platform was also destroyed, leaving Ye Tian very distressed. Without the starry teleportation platform, he really does not know what year and month will be able to return to the previous parent star.

When several guard soldiers were killed by Ye Tianjian, all of them were afraid, trembling and chilling.

They had no doubt, Ye Tianneng slapped all of them with a slap.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Ye Tian came step by step, the pace was slow, but clang was powerful, as if the devil's pace, he heard everyone's scalp tingling for a while.

Faced with a demon-like teenager, they can't do anything.

All their means have been exhausted, and there is no card, only weakness and despair.

At the beginning, many countries that were invaded, crushed, slammed, and hammered by them were also in such a state of powerlessness and despair.

Really Feng Shui turns, there are always rewards for bad things!

"I just heard someone say that if I was alive, I cut my head off and kicked the ball. Can I cut it now?"

Suddenly, Ye Tian said like this, looking at an important person in the authorities, it was the Jesses who said the big words. Although the young man's mouth seemed to laugh, he showed full murderousness.

"No, you misunderstood. I said that if you die, I cut my head off and kicked the ball. You see you are still alive, I don't have to cut my head." Congressman Jesses smiled, his face ugly At the extreme, his calves cramped and staggered backwards.

"Are you doubting my hearing?"

Ye Tian snorted, and no longer talked nonsense, his right hand pointed like a knife, raised his hand, waved, and a sharp golden light flew out, slashing straight to Congressman Jess's neck.

Everyone in the field saw a golden light pass across Jesse's neck. Jesseston's expression stiffened and his pupils shrank suddenly. It seemed that all the spirits were taken away in a flash, and the whole person was bad. .

Jess instinctively raised her hand and grabbed her neck, and saw that the blood line opened wider and bigger, and suddenly the whole head fell off the neck. At the smooth fracture on the neck, a blood spring spewed out, rushing to the ceiling several meters high. Many people on the court couldn't dodge and were splashed, even the Hopkins heads were splashed.

"Youth Demon King, this is the defense center of my current empire, not a place where you can be arrogant. Are you really not afraid of causing disputes between the two countries, or of causing world wars? Now please..."

Suddenly, a middle-aged and old man in military uniform and three stars on his shoulders stood up, his eyes wide open, and Ye Tian shouted.


The hawkish general hadn't finished speaking yet, but was hit by a flame from Ye Tian's fingertips, and then turned into ashes in the screams of his heart-breaking lungs.

"Youth Demon King, please be restrained. Even if I have some faults in this great empire, you can't humiliate like this. Everything can sit down and talk, if we can't do it, we should try not to do it. Okay?"

Then, a suit and leather shoes with big backs and shining glances, the seemingly elegant and elegant government officials stood up and said harmoniously, the posture was very low.

However, Ye Tian still didn't give him a good face, and he shot him with his fingers, smashing his head.

How can the Ye Tian of the world empire not know, peace talks are just an expedient measure, do not beat them down completely, rub against the ground thousands of times, and produce fear from the depths of the soul, will never be soft.

Ye Tian's eyes were indifferent, without a word, he walked step by step to the head of Hopkins.

Hopkins panted heavily, his look extremely cold, his eyes blazing like a torch, and he bravely confronted Ye Tian.

As the head of the current great empire, the most powerful person in the world, stomping the star, the star is trembling, how could he not be stubborn?

"Junior Demon King, is there really no room for discussion? This time I really have a great empire in this world."

Another important member of the authorities who was not afraid of death came forward, and was slapped by Ye Tian in a slap.

"Young Demon King, do you really think that I am afraid of not being successful in this great empire? Do you really think that I am poor in the great empire of the current empire? To tell you the truth, I am the nuclear arsenal of the great empire..."

A hawkish general shouted and was slashed by Ye Tian.

This is the case, and then there are several officials from the authorities who come forward to face the majesty of the teenager, or to persuade them with persuasion, or to threaten the threats, or to stand upright, or bow down,...

Naturally, Ye Tian will not show mercy to his men, kill one by one or one palm, or kill with a finger, or with a knife...

"I have no resentment and no relationship with your current empire, but you have hunted me time and time again, and you can do everything. The Golden Triangle of Myanmar, you use intercontinental missiles for me; Gaoli Seoul, you use me. Sade anti-missile; Arctic Oasis Small World ~ ~ you use nuclear weapons against me; in the city of Van, you use the rod of God;..."

"Do you really think that I am someone to bully?"

"Or do you think I have no ability to destroy your current great empire?"

Ye Tian paused one word at a time, and the words clanged like thunder and thunder. All the people in the field throbbed with blood and their eardrums swelled and buzzed.

Even tens of thousands of staff members in the whole building were shocked by Ye Tian's momentum, his soul throbbed and deeply disturbed.

"Young man, you won!"

Suddenly, a weak voice said.

Hopkins withdrew his hard eyes, bowed to Ye Tian, ​​and bowed deeply.

"On behalf of the current great empire, I beg you to descend!"


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