When the face of the witch **** appeared in the camera lens, the world's talents found out that they blamed the young demon king. They just used the thunder crit in the current great empire to kill the super scorpions like the dogs, but it was not the young demon king, but another. There are others.

"Who is this guy?"

"I've never seen this fierce man!"

"Is it the legendary Thor, who is the Nordic myth?"

"But I obviously think he is more like Superman. Look at his red cloak, how savage."

"No matter who he is, it must be a strong opponent of the young devil. If the two can play one game, it will be very exciting!"


At this moment, countless people have doubts in their heads and are curious about the identity of the wizard.

This guy popped out of the crack of a stone, suddenly appeared in the eyes of the world, and as soon as he appeared, he played the great empire of the world and shocked the whole world.

His combat power is definitely not under the young devil!

So much so that many people had mistakenly thought that the young demon had become stronger.

"He is a great empire in the world, is it with the young devil? Is it a person in the eastern country?"


Thinking like this, countless Westerners took a breath of breath and felt very bad.

When the great empire straddled, the entire western world fell apart and scattered. The rivers and rivers in the sun could no longer withstand tossing. They could only pick up their tails and be humans.

"Who is this backless guy?"

Then, some people focused their attention on the back boy.

"The body is tall and majestic, and the back is straight and generous. If you go to that stop casually, it will give you a sense of standing upright and shouldering a sense of morality. I guess it must be handsome on the front."

"That's not, and don't look at which country's great god."

"My great God, must be the comprehensive development of virtue, wisdom, physical beauty and labor, and it is no match for the young demon king of the great powers of the East."

"Why do I think he is a young devil?"

"The camera master hurriedly took a frontal shot, and the back really didn't look good."


Seemingly feeling the voices of countless people, Kitajima carried the camera on his shoulder and suddenly stepped out to stand in front of the teenager and take a close-up shot.

But at this time, the teenager also stepped forward, disappeared like a disillusioned body, and still left the camera with a broad and magnificent back.

"Do you want to save them?"

The witch **** will suddenly speak, and his deep eyes look at the pair of young mothers and daughters who are about to be scared. The corners of their mouths seem to be smiling, giving a sense of horror.

He held the Thor's Warhammer in his right hand, and countless runes were beating like lightning hairsprings, exploding Zhan Zhan thunder, and filled with monstrous killing intent.

This is a peerless weapon of the thunder system. It seems to be just a hammer. In fact, there is a hidden mystery inside. There is a "thunder pond reactor" seal, which is equivalent to a nuclear-powered nuclear reactor. The energy source is constantly providing energy. It is technology and avenue. Perfect crystallization.

The core component of the "Ray Pool Reactor" is a thunder-type energy spar.

Just like the nuclear material is not unique, there are many kinds of thunder-type energy spar, such as thunder **** stone, thunder electric primitive stone, thunder magnetic primitive crystal, etc., but each kind is rare and rare, compared to the galaxy sand Still hard to find.

Ye Tian had touched a similar magic weapon in his previous life, and the inner principle was clear to the chest.


Suddenly, the witch **** pointed the war hammer at the sky, and the violent thunder and lightning instantly filled the sky, tearing the sky, and several drones that did not know where to fly, like paper paste, were torn apart at once.

Seeing this, several military fighter planes coming from behind, quickly turned their backs and fleeed.

"If you want to save them, then I will kill them and let you realize what is despair!"

In the voice of indifferent and ruthless words, the Witch God smashed the Warhammer down again, bursting out a thick beam of lightning, and directed the young mother and daughter to tear them apart.

"Don't kill my mother."

In the electric light and flint, the little girl named Youli even stood in front of her mother in a flash, trying to support her mother with her weak body.

At this moment, the whole world is moved!

"Damn, such a cute little girl, how can it be done?"

"Are you still human?"

"Don't pull me, I'll fight this old dog!"


In the underground bomb shelter, countless citizens of Tokyo expressed their anger, and their teeth were all broken.

Yu Li's eyes widened, and the two pretty little faces were bleak, and she was terrified.

The mother behind her is even more stiff, even losing her ability to think.

Seeing that the thick thunder was about to bombard the little girl Yuri, suddenly a big fan-like hand came out, and the golden light shone, blocking it in front of the little girl.


That was enough to explode a main battle tank into a ball of iron mud, and the light beam hit the palm of the golden light god, but only a dark scorch mark was hit, and a few strands of green smoke came out, which failed to penetrate. Failed to explode.

"Big Brother, you are so powerful!" the little girl cried in surprise, then looked at the hand of the younger brother, and looked worried: "Your hand, burnt, must it hurt?"

"It's okay." Ye Tian chuckled, his palm flicked, a piece of dead skin peeled off, and his palm looked as if it hadn't been hurt in the slightest.

"It's not safe here, I will send you away."

Ye Tian waved a big hand, a chaotic gang of gas surged out like a cocoon, wrapped around the young mother and daughter, and threw away into the distance.

"Brother, aren't you just the young devil?" the little girl asked suddenly.

Ye Tian laughed and said nothing.

At this time, although he has not yet fully opened the Chaos Golden Body, he already has a golden battle spirit on his body, and just played the signature magical power of the Young Devil, Chaos Golden Light, many people have already connected him with the Young Demon King. Too.

The beauty reporter secretly uttered her tongue and felt like a dream. She interviewed on the street and even interviewed the young devil.

Then, she made an amazing decision, took a breath, and suddenly ran towards Beidao Jun, picked up the microphone, faced the camera lens, and made a live broadcast.

Kitajima also made great efforts and was ready to die.

But at this moment Dongying up and down, but there is a silence.

"Well, who is bad, why is it the young devil?"

"Anyway, he is fighting for me, we should cheer and applaud him!"

"Your sister, I'm so majestic, isn't there anyone? I even want a man from a great eastern country to fight for us."


At the time of Dongying Kingdom, a world war broke out under their eyes.

"Send them away and asked if I agree?"

In the roar, the Witch God pulled a violent figure into a tumultuous wave in the void, accompanied by thunderous thunder and sonic boom, almost lightning appeared in front of Ye Tian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Thor's hammer hammered down.

"Want to be a good person, let me die now!"


Thousands of thunder bursts, and thunder and light surged.

A warhammer with only a large grinding plate appeared in Ye Tian's field of vision, but it was like a mountain high mountain, smashing down the power of stars, falling down and striking.

Because of the rescue of the young mother and daughter, Ye Tian lost the opportunity to evade, unable to fight back, and unable to summon weapons. He could only passively resist, crossed his arms, and lay in front of him to resist the shock.


The sound of Hong Zhong's Dalu shocked the world, and a shock wave like a nuclear explosion exploded from Ye Tian's arms, engulfing him in an instant.

Then, the whole person flew out like a cannonball, and flew straight out of Baizhang, crashing a 100-meter high building to the half before stopping his body.

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