Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1251: Celestial

"Great strength!"

The witch **** will be surprised, the tiger's body is also shocked, and the Thor hammer in his hand is almost out of hand.


The ground beneath his feet cracked, and endless earth and rocks flew over, exploding into a huge thirty-foot deep crater, and a long street collapsed, revealing a subway line below.

Fortunately, it is not a bomb shelter, otherwise many people will die.

In the tall buildings on both sides of the street, the glass was broken, the doors and windows were destroyed, the walls were covered with cracks, and some steel bars were exposed, crumbling, and may collapse at any time.

At this moment, the ground of the entire Tokyo metropolitan area was violently shaken, as if a major earthquake had occurred, and the scene was shocking and terrifying.

Although Wujin will have noticed that Ye Tian's Xuanhuang Daotai is not ordinary in advance, but the explosion actually exceeded his expectations, as if there was a huge mountain of weight, and it was heavy.

If he is not physically strong, half-step Jin Dan's cultivation behavior, and holding the peerless treasure soldier Thor's Warhammer, to replace other people, 80% have been shot dead on the ground.

The main body of his Thor hammer is a tiny star core, with a natural weight of up to 10 million tons.

Of course, he couldn't shake a tens of thousands of tons of hammers every day and walked on the road without shaking, with a big pit.

After being sacrificed into a magic weapon, the heavy rune circle is imprinted. The weight of the Thor's Warhammer can be light or heavy, and it can be controlled freely.

Just now when the witch **** was about to blast out the warhammer, the weight of the warhammer was maximized, 10 million tons, plus the strength of his body blessing when he swung the warhammer, the explosive power of the warhammer must be at least doubled to 20 million tons. .

This is just a mere physical force, and there is also a violent thunder in the Thor Warhammer. Its power is comparable to that of the World Extinguishing Nuclear Weapon. Under the blessing, the explosive power of the Thor Warhammer will at least double again to reach 40 million tons.

The weight of a large aircraft carrier is only about 100,000 tons, 40 million tons is equivalent to 400 large aircraft carriers.

The witch **** has such explosive power with the Warhammer. It is no wonder that he can get a military base with one hammer, and he has no power to fight the current great empire.

But such a huge power, when he collided with Ye Tian's Xuanhuang Daotai, did not get much benefit, far from achieving the effect he wanted, Ye Tian was killed.

Although he flew people to the platform, he was also embarrassed, and a big pit of thirty feet deep burst out under his feet. Although the hammer was still in his hands, his arms were numb and he was shaking, and he was almost unstable. Too.

The Wujin God will marvel at the explosive power of Ye Tianxuan's ecliptic zodiac. Ye Tian's heart is also shocked by the explosive power of the Wujin God Thor's Warhammer?

His Xuanhuang Daotai has been unsuccessful in trial and error. Whoever dies will be killed and who will be killed will be shocked out during the battle. This is the first time.


When the Xuanhuang Daotai flew, it seemed that a meteor was striking across the streets of Tokyo. The destructive power was unparalleled, and the high-rise buildings were penetrated and even exploded.

I saw it in the live satellite footage. The Xuanhuang Daotai was like a speedboat chopping through the sea. The houses collapsed and the rumbling boom continued.

Eventually, Xuanhuang Daotai flew out three thousand feet. Thousands of houses in several blocks were robbed, or knocked out of the cave, or razed to the ground, ruined.

Ye Tian also flew out a thousand feet away. Although he was very glad that he didn’t hit too many houses on the way, he ended up on a hill, striking the huge hill a short distance, and finally the whole person was deep. Deeply embedded in the mountain, submerged by gravel.

The history is surprisingly similar!

At this moment, the whole world was shocked, and countless people were stunned.

Ye Tian was defeated again.

If he was defeated for the first time because he saved the young mother and daughter, and the witch **** will sneak attack, he has no time to fight back, if it is justified, then this second defeat, he took the initiative to attack, but was beaten into a dog, It makes no sense at all.


"Why is this happening? Why is the young demon king beaten by the cloak man with a hammer? Shouldn't it?"

"The young devil slammed into the world, and no one could be defeated. How could someone defeat him? Illusion, all illusions!"

"Where does this man with a cloak come out, how can it be so powerful? No wonder he dares to say he wants to dominate the world."


Throughout the world, there were bursts of exclamation, and countless people were grievous for Ye Tian. The cry was almost one-sided.

There were still some people standing on the side of the witch god, but because of his sentence just now, he wanted to dominate the whole earth and enslave all mankind, revealing the true face of ugliness, and the fans almost ran clean.

Of course, there will always be people with unique tastes who will treat the witch **** differently.

The great empire of the world was ready to bow down, and waited for the witch **** to kill the young demon king, and offered his knees as soon as possible.

With his "friendship" between the great empire of the world and the great west, it might be possible to mix up with the number one Ma Zidang.

Others remain neutral and have no affection for the young demon king and the witch god, hoping that both will lose both sides.

But the mainstream society, standing on the side of Ye Tian, ​​even turned a lot of black powder into iron powder, because this time Ye Tian is fighting for the whole world and is saving all mankind.

Once the young devil is over, the whole world is over. The international order that was finally established will collapse in an instant, and everyone’s life will return to the time before liberation, hunger, poverty, war... thrilling.

"Master Ye was actually crushed. It shouldn't be. His power of a big seal is almost comparable to Dacheng Dixian's blow. It is here that the peak of Dixian is facing him. It is impossible to crush easily."

In Villa 8 of Dongshan, Wuya real person with a beard in his hands, with a horrified expression, dare not set a channel.

"The teacher didn't do his best." Su Mengyao said with a calm face, exempting Ye Tian.

"Yes, this is not the peak of the teacher's strength. With my understanding of the more frustrated the teacher, the stronger and stronger. The final victory will definitely belong to us." Zhao Tianlong deeply agreed. .

"Master Ye didn't do his best, then did the other party do their best? People didn't take a step from beginning to end!" Wu Yazheng shook his head, disagreeing with Su Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong.

"Then, Master Miyamoto, what do you think? Why is this so?" Gu Xiaoman asked with a surprised expression to Taro Miyamoto.

"Tianxian, this is a Tianxian, or at least a half-step Tianxian." Miyamoto Taro said softly, "Ye Tianren is just a peak divine realm, the gap between the two realms, this battle is not optimistic what!"

When Taro Miyamoto said this, the audience was shocked, and everyone was shocked.

"Tianxian, how can there be Tianxian on the earth? Apparently the fairy has already been the ultimate!" Wuya Zhenren dare not set the channel.

"The world is so big, there is nothing strange. Or, this person has other ways. I don't know very well!"


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