Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1254: I won't lose

"I will not lose!"


Accompanied by the thundering roar of the teenager, thousands of feet away, in the ruins of a tall building, suddenly a thick sword light rushed up into the sky, as if a dragon slammed into the sky for nine days, and the clank of the sword struck Jiu Xiao.

Around Jianguang, the sun, the moon and the stars appeared and walked around, as if inviting the Jiutian Xinghe, and the visions were filled.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure ten feet tall rose from the ground, a hundred feet away from the ground, a thick palm finger was suddenly engulfed, and a giant sword was held in the hand in the cold sword light.

Holding the sun and moon divine sword, the young man stood up from the sky, the huge figure filled the void, his body was full of vitality, and he was bathed in divine light, giving people a sense of standing upright.

His clothes were stained with blood, the Thunder shirt was cracked like a blouse, and his chest collapsed. It was obviously traumatized, but his fighting spirit was still high, and his fighting spirit was still surging.

The bright golden divine light enveloped him, and the vast golden light shone to the world, so that the sun, moon and stars were eclipsed, full of immortality and the strongest charm.

"come back!"


In the scream, Ye Tian's palm was shocked, and the Xuanhuang Daotai flew across the air, suspended above the head, and hung down the chaotic air, forming a shield outside the body.

I saw that there was a striking big pit on the Xuanhuang Dao platform, and there were several cracks around it.

Ye Tian couldn't help but get angry from his heart.

This is the first time he has been bullied like this since he was reborn.


Ye Tian emptied the sky, and her body was disillusioned. At first, he rushed towards the direction where the Wu God would stand, and then he held the sword with both hands and tried his best.


The boundless murderous spurt came out, the biting sword light, the cold killing intention, swept the entire Tokyo at once. Tens of millions of citizens in the underground bomb shelter collectively shuddered, and it seemed that there were hundreds of millions of needles invisible.


A sword blew in the sky, and in an instant, the boundless murderousness gathered into a bright awn of thousands of feet, which turned into an electric dragon, cut the void, and cut down. It seemed that a lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the sky and the ground.

I saw that Jianmang had not yet fallen, and there was already a frost between heaven and earth. The killing intent was like the sea. It rolled across all directions. The buildings collapsed and countless vehicles were torn.

The invisible knife gas plowed the ground into a straight crack that was more than one foot wide and several tens of feet deep, starting from the foot of Ye Tian and quickly spreading away under the foot of the wizard.

The void is cut open, showing a long and dark crack.

As soon as this sword came out, everything was silent and the world was cold!

The whole world was quiet again, and a thousand swordsmanship seemed to be the only one in the world, and the rest no longer existed.

"A strong sword. With this sword alone, the young devil can sit firmly on the throne of the world."

"Unfortunately, Cheng Chengjin was killed halfway. This first throne hasn't sat warm yet.

"Ye Tianren, we must win!"

"Youth Demon King, Lao Tzu is turning pink. If you don't stand up again, Lao Tzu looks down on you and vows to black you for ten thousand years."

"For the sake of world peace and for the well-being of mankind, young devil, you can only win or lose this battle!"

"Come on, Sao Nian, I am with you!"


At this moment, countless people from all over the world paid their respects and secretly cheered for Ye Tian. Because this battle is very important.

"Hahaha, young devil, you have today!"

"The fireworks of Lao Tzu's eight thousand sounds are all ready. The moment the young demon hangs, it is the moment when the fireworks bloom."


However, there are some people who secretly ridicule and sarcasm, dirty thinking, no idea of ​​the overall situation.

What makes people even more indignant is that some countries have already prepared to surrender to the Witch God.

The embassies of many countries in the world in Tokyo have successively received instructions from the high-level authorities of their respective countries. When the war ends, they will surrender to the Wushen first and offer their knees, hoping that early surrender will gain some benefits.

One of the first to receive instructions was the embassy of the current great empire. They were now ready to prepare the car. The ambassador sat in the car and strived to be the first to rush in front of the witch **** after the war.

In addition there are the Sunset Empire, Maple Leaf Empire, Bourbon Empire, Windmill Kingdom,...

Of course, there is the host, Dongying deity.

It can be found that most of the countries that are ready to surrender are old powers that practice refined egoism, that is, Western powers.

It's no wonder that they made such a plan, that the Witch God will be too powerful, and Ye Tian has little chance of victory.

"This sword is very good, comparable to Dacheng Dixian's blow. You can make such an outstanding performance with the cultivation of God Realm, it is really commendable. But you are now facing a Jindan, destined for all the struggles It’s in vain. The power of Jin Dan is not something you can imagine with a small divine realm. It’s because you have a magic weapon and a magic weapon that can’t be made up. This difference can’t be made up.” The witch **** will lightly face Ye Tian’s surprise Shi Yijian, his eyes squinted, his expression indifferent.

"It's a big talk, is it true that you are the half-hanger like you. It's only half a step away, and you can't be considered a real gold." Ye Tian yelled.

He naturally can see that the Wujin God will only have half a step of Jin Dan's cultivation, which is half a step away from the real Jin Dan.

The witch **** will look cold and snorted coldly: "It's half a step Jindan, it's enough to kill you!"


During the speech, the witch **** shook the Thor Warhammer in his hand violently, and in the raging thunder, a thick Lehman burst out, like a pillar of heavenly god, slamming straight into the slash of the sword.


The sky dome was cut open, the earth was cut, and the sharp swordman's sharpness was so sharp that it was shattered by Leimang, and turned into a sky-drenched sword, sweeping the world like a storm, wherever it went, everything Make no use of powder.

"Come again!"

Ye Tiansi didn't care, his body continued to charge like lightning, and the Sun and Moon Excalibur came back.

"Jian Qi Changhe!"


Another sword light rushed to the sky, and the stern sword gas spread out in the void, like a long river in the sky, which was more than a thousand feet long, bright and gorgeous.

"I said, your people are too weak. No matter how powerful the magic weapon can't make up for your shortcomings."

In the voice of indifference, the witch **** was too lazy to move the war hammer this time. During the movement of the red cloak behind him, a storm of **** warfare rushed out, and the river of sword gas was instantly crushed.

"Junior Demon King, if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I can give you a decent way of death. Even if you are spared, UU reading is not impossible." Wu Shen will continue to say, his mouth smiling like a smile, eyes Is full of contempt.

"Damn it!"

At this moment, countless people on earth clenched their teeth and clenched their fists.

Some fanatic fans even hate to rush to the front and fight the enemy together with Ye Tian.

"I said, I will not lose!"


"Sword flow star!"

"Sword Qi Storm!"

"Wanjian returns to the sect!"


Ye Tian angered, a golden flame exploded in his eyes, a golden blood spewed out of his mouth, his hair covered in hair, a powerful sword technique was displayed, the offensive was fierce, and the battle was crazy.

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