Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1256: Finally succeeded

"Is there a lot of immortal thunderbolt, do you want to kill me? Really a joke!" The witch **** will sneer and face up to the thunderous sea of ​​thunder, with no fear on his face.

"You can try it, don't run if you have one."

Ye Tian's head was against Lei Hai, and he flew over. The whole person seemed to be resurrected with blood. The blood was boiling, and the fighting was surging. The ten-foot male body was like a magic mountain. A pit with a deep footprint is like an unmatched **** of war coming across the heavens and the earth, and sweeping all the gods of ox, ghost and snake.

Countless people who ate melons were shocked and could not help but slap. He had seen such a brutal and brutal man like a madman.

However, some people saw the invincible spirit from Ye Tian's body, and they were in awe.

"go with!"

Ye Tian raised a thick thunder spear in his hand, and blasted the Wujin God.

"Junior Demon King, is this your ultimate means? It seems that you are really poor." The witch **** will shake his head, disappointed and disdainful, and at the same time, he will flex his fingers, and his fingers will burst out and easily leave Ye. Thunder and lightning spears shattered in the sky.


Suddenly, a terrifying monstrous breath erupted from his body, and an endless stream of turbulent gas surged out, filling a square space, turning into a **** war gang.

Immediately afterwards, the scarlet cloak behind him flew out, expanded rapidly and became larger, forming a boundary membrane outside the Baizhang area. It was not a crystal wall, but it had the protective power of a crystal wall.


A fierce thunder tide hit, instantly submerged the Baizhang law area by the witch god, and countless thunders bombarded on the boundary film of the law area, and the sound was shocking.

As a result, I saw that the violent thunder tide that could tear the large aircraft carrier was blocked from the boundary film of the law, and even a small crack did not tear.

"Useless, juvenile demon. The difference between heaven and earth immortals is the difference between gods and people. This **** divides this vast area of ​​law into a chasm of chasm, a kingdom of gods, without the power of Jindan, let you There are thousands of spells, all kinds of supernatural powers, and they can’t be broken. Unless you have the top-level magic, or the top-level magic weapon, you can hurt me."

"Now you, the power is too weak for me and ants. If I want to kill you, I can shoot you to death with a slap."

"Now I will ask you one more time at the end, whether to descend or not?"

"Frankly, I appreciate you more and more. As long as you surrender to me and swear allegiance to me, I will allow you to stand above this star, under one person, over 10,000 people."

"Even, I can let the big Middle-earth country where you are located above all other countries and become the biggest and strongest country in the world."

The witch **** made this remark and suddenly the whole world was in an uproar.

Among them, the most fierce reaction was the Western powers, not only stunned, but also terrified.

They scrambled to be the first person to offer their knees, but they didn't want to be Ye Tian, ​​the great power of the East, and they won first, which was very bad for them.

"Right, don't you? You can't beat it anyway."

The same voice, at the same time, in the hearts of countless Chinese people, I hope Ye Tian can surrender.

Rather than fighting, and finally being killed, it is better to surrender. Yu Guo and himself have great benefits!

It sounds like this is a profitable business.

"Your nonsense is too much! Every step is a half-step Jin Dan, Shao Tiema is loading garlic in front of me." Ye Tian roared, and would scold the Wujin all the time.

This old dog is like a Tang monk. He hasn't played it. He keeps preaching in a high position. He can hear Ye Tian's ears getting calluses.

He would like to say that Lao Tzu killed Jin Dan in his previous life and ate more rice than you, but it was not easy to speak.

As soon as the words fell, he raised his hand suddenly.


Suddenly there was a violent thundering sound in the void, as if there was a huge grinding disc rolling, a golden giant palm was condensing in the sky, the golden light, the pure element condensed, but it looked as if the gold was cast, with a diameter of a hundred Rice, covering a large area.

Five fingers, as thick as the five mountains.

In the palm of my hand, the chaos was raging, and the five-color thunder burst, as if it were breaking the sky.

"Chaotic Golden Light Palm!"

"Break me!"

In the roar, Ye Tian turned his palm, spread his fingers apart, and flicked it down.

Without delay, the chaotic golden palm of the air in the air, like the arm instructing, also split his five fingers violently, turning his palm down.


It seemed as though the Gong Gong was furious and unable to hit Zhoushan, and it seemed that the Archaic Divine Sacrifice raised the sky, and it was terrifying and terrifying.

In the eyes of countless people, the giant palm has not yet been implemented, and the mountain-like heavy invisible pressure has fallen on the boundary membrane of the jurisdiction, which has deformed the round and round jurisdiction. It has become an ellipse, and a huge surface appears Palm print.

Within the jurisdiction, the gang gas was as turbulent as boiling water, and the air seemed to be sticky.


Immediately afterwards, the giant palm was put into practice, and it was shot fiercely on the boundary membrane of the law area. A tremendous sound like a meteor hitting the earth erupted, enough to sweep the blinding glare and shock waves from all sides.

The Baizhang area was shocked violently and was crushed flatter, but it was not broken

Within the jurisdiction, the witch god's expression slightly changed. First, he heard a clicking sound, looked up, and saw a crack in the palm of the jurisdiction covered by the giant palm.

The crack is about one foot long, which is negligible compared with the hundred feet jurisdiction.

"Still not?"

Countless people sighed and disappointed.

"The magical power is good, but you are too weak to cultivate enough. My patience has been exhausted. Now I will send you to Xitian." Wu Shen will shake his head and prepare to shoot Ye Tian.

"Really? Then add this?" Ye Tian smiled faintly and shot again with lightning.

At this time, I saw that the sky of Leihai suddenly disappeared.

It's the Xuanhuang Daotai above Ye Tian's Like the long whale drinking water, Leihai was sucked clean all at once.

Ye Tian did not really cross the robbery, and once again formed a chaotic chain in his body, binding himself and blinding the heavens.

As soon as he raised his hand, he held the Xuanhuang Daotai in his hand, as a brick, and once again bombarded the Baizhang law area where the witch **** drove, aiming at the position where the palm was just shot down.

Of course, at this time, Ye Tian was in the state of a giant dharma body, reaching a height of ten feet. The bricks transformed by the Xuanhuang Daotai were also extremely huge, comparable to a door panel.

The weight of the Xuanhuang Daotai can be much larger than the bricks of the door, which is comparable to a high mountain.

The witch **** will not even be able to react, and the Baizhang Jurisdiction is smashed into a hole by the Xuanhuang Daotai.

Then, within the jurisdiction, the massive thunder energy that Xuanhuang Daotai just absorbed was released.

Like a nuclear explosion, a huge mushroom cloud rises into the sky, the glare shock wave scrolls the world, and the Baizhang law field is shredded at once.

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