Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1262: Return is still a teenager

"Let him come in!"

Just as Ning Haifeng had settled Xiao Qingtian and was about to call Ye Tian, ​​there was suddenly a great thought that resounded in his mind.

It was Ye Tian's voice that was conveying sounds to him.

A door of enchantment opened in the backyard, and Xiao Qingtian followed Ning Haifeng to the door and stepped in, as if passing through, to a strange little world.

The aura here is much richer than the outside world, the spirit plants are everywhere, the flowers are gorgeous, all kinds of strange flowers that are not visible from the outside world are fighting, the medicine fields, the hills, the colorful butterflies flying, the bird wings fluttering, the rich medicinal fragrance spreads everywhere. The mist is like gauze and the drizzle is like smoke.

Rao is Xiao Qingtian who is well-informed and has seen many big scenes, but was still shocked by the scene in front of him. Just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, everything is so novel.

That's the legendary world of heaven and earth, but is it?

However, he pretended to be calm and tossed his mind, without the performance of grandma Liu.

In the middle of the small world, there is a thunder pond, where the thunder light is blazing, the electric awns are burning, and a turbulent thunder sea is intertwined, like boiling water, rolling continuously.

In the Thunder Pond, a treasure branch with lush foliage is bathed in the thunder of the whole body. Every branch and every leaf, there are countless layers of lightning wire, like a fake tree interwoven by lightning, which is very unreal.

On the edge of Lei Chi, a teenager squatted, concentrated, and was tamping a large grinding plate in his hand, depicting it.

This array is exactly the piece that Ye Tian obtained from the mirage under the guidance of Miyamoto Taro. It is a transmission array that can lead directly to Penglai Xiandao.

It is not easy to open the position, not only need to get a good spirit stone, but also need to cast a spell, most people can't play at all.

If you don't play the teleportation board, it will be inconvenient to enter and exit Penglai Xiandao.

Moreover, activating a good spirit stone is also a big problem to be solved urgently. Because of the scarcity of spirit stones, there are not many people.

So, Ye Tian thought about transforming the array, and then arranging a large array to attract the energy of the thunder pool, replacing the spirit stone, as the energy to open the array.

Then, through another large array, activate the array and condense a portal of teleportation. In this way, the spell-casting link is omitted, and if you want to go to Penglai Fairy Island, you will get there as soon as you pass through the portal, just like entering the enchantment gate of the enchanted small world.

Of course, the gate of enchantment is not accessible to anyone, and Ye Tian engraved the prohibition on it. This prohibition has the power of breath recognition, and only those who recognize breath can freely enter and exit.

Just like a fingerprint password lock, you must enter your fingerprint in advance to unlock the door.

The fingerprint input depends on Ye Tian's decision.

The core part of the small world's enchantment gate is also a teleportation array, which is made of ordinary jadeite jade. Ye Tian only depicts simple teleportation runes on it, and can only do short-distance teleportation.

The teleportation array of the mirage of the seabed is a kind of **** jade material, and the teleportation runes portrayed are also more complicated, which can teleport thousands of miles.

Ye Tian also has an array seized from Princess Daixi, named Xuanguangtai, which is essentially a teleportation array, but it is much more advanced. It can be sent to different places according to the engraved coordinates, and even Xuanguangtai will also Be sent along with people.

Moreover, the transmission distance is much longer, and can be easily transmitted to tens of thousands of miles away.

"Ye Tianren."

Looking at the beautiful scenery in the small world, Xiao Qingtian paced to Ye Tian and bowed slightly, with respect.

Today, Ye Tian, ​​the divine power, surpasses the great powers, and is a veritable one-star master, respected by the world.

However, Xiao Qingtian has a distinguished identity, is senior and senior, and is also a **** of heaven. He has to be respectful to Ye Tian.

The world of monasticism, not the worldly world, always respects the strong.

As the so-called learning has no order, the master is the teacher.

The teenager wears ordinary casual clothes and looks like an ordinary boy next door, without any singularities. But Xiao Qingtian saw it in his eyes, but it was not like this. In his eyes, he saw a young man with a body like a jade, a slender and tall figure, his eyes shone like stars in the sky, and although his breath was restrained, he naturally showed a vague charm. As if she could break free from the constraints of heaven and earth at any time, Ju Xia soared, and the King came to heaven for nine days.

"This young heavenly man, in the land of immortals, is afraid that he is only half a foot away. He has accumulated perfection and wants to break through, and he can break through at any time." Xiao Qingtian thought in this way, not without envy.

The realm of the land is the pursuit of his life!

The closer you are to this state, the more you can feel the suppression of heaven, the more you will feel that this state is unreachable, and it is as difficult as going to the sky.

His path to earth immortality has entered a dead end, and there is no way ahead. If there is no expert guidance, if there is no adventure, this life is immortal hopeless.

"Well." Ye Tian responded lightly, still busy with the work at hand, and did not look at Xiao Qingtian.

But Xiao Qingtian didn't take it seriously, and said: "Xiao Mou hastily visited, did not disturb Tianren? Or, I'll wait a second?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Is General Xiao what's going on here?" Ye Tian asked.

Xiao Qingtian chuckled and said, "Xiao Mou is here to lead his life. I don't know if Heaven is willing to go to Yancheng with Xiao Mou? You have made great achievements in the state, and the country naturally has to talk about merits."

"On the merits and rewards. The secular merits, for my generation of monks, are all overwhelming." Ye Tian looked very open and refused.

After a pause, Ye Tian then said: "General Xiao is here, I am afraid it's not just for this matter?"

Xiao Qingtian was stunned and smiled again, saying, "Ye Tianren, the more I understand you, the more unfathomable you are. The world said that you have a shocking adventure, holding the immortal heritage, so go all the way Come, sing along, and lightning generally rises. But I always feel that UU reading is more than that, it is not that simple."

Speaking of which, Xiao Qingtian's expression became dignified, but his attitude was still respectful, saying: "Strength can be acquired through adventures in a short time, but the calm state of mind needs years to hone."

"Frankly speaking, in the face of Ye Tianren, I have always had an illusion, as if facing an endless years of life, experience rich enough to make the world old demon, rather than a 20-year-old young boy. "

"Ye Tianren, Xiao Mou boldly asked, are you really the young master of the Ye family in Yancheng?"

As soon as Xiao Qingtian's words came out, Ye Tian suddenly stopped his movements and glanced at him sideways.

"Xiao Mou was abrupt, and hoped that Ye Tianren wouldn't be surprised. If Ye Tianren didn't want to say it, then he wouldn't say it." Xiao Qingtian said quickly, fearing Ye Tian's blame.

"Yes, it's not." Ye Tian groaned first, then replied.

He said so, it was equivalent to admitting Xiao Qingtian's guess.

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