Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1267: Tianxiang

Ye Tian once auctioned a piece of Shenmu, Wannianjinsixiang wood at a cruise ship auction.

Wannian Jinsixiang wood is full of treasures, charming aroma, high quality materials, beautiful texture, can be used to make the finest furniture and crafts, after thousands of years of immortality, and as long as the incense wood is immortal, the fragrance will last forever.

The bark, leaves, Wannianxianghua and Wannianxiangguo of Wannianxiangxiang wood are all precious medicinal materials, and can also extract fragrance liquid to make perfume.

It is a pity that this tree existed long ago in history and is now extinct.

After Ye Tian obtained a piece of ten thousand years of golden fragrant wood, she was awakened by the earth's spirit milk and Otsuki Aura, miraculously resurrecting this **** tree.

At this moment, the main fragrance of Tianxiang Shenye in Lin Zimo's hands is exactly the smell of Wannian Jinsixiangmu.

This kind of taste is very positive, very mellow, make people feel like a breeze, very happy, very useful, even smelled and even prolonged life.

Just when the guests smelled the perfume and were intoxicated, Lin Zimo opened the PPT and gave a commentary on the perfume. The fragrance was blown down, the fragrance was long-lasting, elegant and comfortable, the mind was happy, and it was beneficial to physical and mental health. , Longevity and longevity...

Of course, it cannot be considered as a blow. The uniqueness of the perfume is there. It can be heard and seen by all guests.

"Because of the raw materials, Tianxiang Shenye is really going to be available in the market half a year later. Now only one hundred bottles are sold in limited quantities, and one bottle is one hundred thousand. If you want, you can place an order now."

Although a leaf of ten thousand years of golden fragrant wood can make a bottle of perfume, but now there are really not many leaves!

After resurrecting Wannianjinsixiang wood, Ye Tian gave it to Lin Zimo and asked her to propagate and plant on a large scale by cutting. More than 100 seedlings have been planted, but they are too small to pick leaves, at least half a year later.

Although perfumes made with fragrant flowers and fragrant fruits will have a more pure taste, but don't even think about it, because ten thousand years of golden silk incense wood grows slowly, and it takes ten thousand years to become a fruit.

"A bottle of perfume is worth 100,000 yuan. If you grab money, a fool will buy it."

"Gold is not so expensive! Really when our money came from the wind?"

"Not just gold, even ice powder is not so expensive. I won't buy it anyway."

"It's nice to call it limited edition, and it's unpleasant to call it experimental. Whoever wants to be a mouse will do it."


Many people expressed their indignation and muttered loudly.

But I don’t know, 100,000 yuan is already a friendly price. Beiming company is not really about selling products, but to make an advertisement, let out a wind, and tell the world that Beiming cosmetics company is going to enter the perfume field, and positioning High-end.

This is just the generation of Tianxiang Shenye, and more styles will be developed in the future to target different groups of people.

And even if it is actually on the market, the raw materials will not be affluent for a long time, and it is likely to continue to use the limited sales method.

I saw that there was a discussion among the guests on the field, and then some people were willing to pay.

And when a rich woman bought ten bottles in one go, the scene set off a high tide, and more people scrambled to pay.

In a few moments, one hundred bottles of Tianxiang God Liquid will be sold out.

For most of them, 100,000 yuan is just pocket money, which is nothing.

Buffets, drinks, snacks, fruits, and other dishes were prepared at the banquet.

After entering the venue, Ye Tian first poured a glass of wine in the buffet area, then found a seat in the last row and sat down, tasting the wine, watching quietly, thinking.

From the scene of the new product launch, he can see the popularity of Beiming's products, which is really a cash cow.

He hadn't misunderstood at first, Lin Zimo was indeed a business genius.

Ye Tian doesn't know how much money he has now, and he doesn't care much, but there should be tens of billions of dollars.

He is here today, attending the new product launch is just the way, understanding the operation of Beiming company is not the main reason. The main reason is that he has a lot of mess in Yancheng. Lin's 100 billion industry wants Lin Zimo to help him deal with it.

After Huangfu washed the Lin family, he was the only descendant of the Lin family and the only heir to the 100 billion industry.

To help manage the family industry, Lin Zimo is the most suitable person he can think of.

Although he is really not interested in money, these industries cannot be lost. After all, it is the hard work and accumulation of generations of the Lin family.

If the Lin family's property is counted, Ye Tiantuo is a big billionaire, and the top ten in the domestic rich list can make steady progress.

"I depend, boy, are you really? How did you come in?"

Just when Ye Tian thought about it, suddenly an exclamation sounded in his ear.

Then, I saw the fat man who just met at the door of the hotel. He was carrying a large plate full of food. He was approaching him with a look of surprise.

"Of course I walked in. Is it impossible?" Ye Tian smiled faintly, and didn't turn away thousands of miles away.

"Okay, I don't want to say it. It's all rivers and lakes, who can't find a way, right?"

The fat man was familiar with himself and sat down next to Ye Tian. He ate food and talked.

"Why not eat such a rich food? Are you embarrassed? If you eat mine, I'll get it again. I'm so full to catch the stars, Shirayuki should be playing right away." The fat man said politely.

"You eat, I am not hungry."

"Cut, put on the shelf, even if you don't eat, I'll eat it myself."


On the stage, after the first product was introduced and sold out, there was a break in the middle.

"Now, with warm applause, we have invited our spokesperson for Beiming Cosmetics, UU reading to sing and dance, and the popular Xiaohua Dan of the film and television amphibious, Miss Bai Xue, give us a song." People said with a loud voice on the stage.

Ascending the time, the applause thundered.

Then, I saw a beautiful woman coming from the backstage and shining debut.

As the name suggests, the Snowman wears a long white dress, like a holy snowflake, not stained with fine dust.

Her smile is very touching, she seems to have thousands of styles, her eyes are like water, her figure is exquisite, her skin is white and delicate, her black hair is spread like silk on her shoulders, and she is so beautiful.

The **** men on the court were in a state of disappointment again, some were dumbfounded, and some were awake.

When the girl's jade mouth lightened up, the singing sounded like a natural sound throughout the banquet hall, and even the lesbians in the field were stunned and attracted.

In Ye Tian's view, Baixue's metamorphosis is not seen for a while, and the temperament sublimates from the inside out. When I thought of seeing her for the first time, it was like a different person.

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