Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1272: I have boyfriend

Yancheng University, library.

Qing Han looked at the books quietly on a self-study table, and from time to time he worked hard, sketched, and focused.

The young girl is as beautiful as ever, with a purple T-shirt on the top, skinny denim on the bottom and white shoes on the feet. She wears it casually, but outlines a slender and soft body in a curvy and graceful manner.

Inadvertently, she gently gathered her hair, revealing a beautiful pretty face, crystal ear lobes, and a snowy jade neck, all kinds of styles in a flash, charming and attractive.

Just to say a sentence, if people look good, they look good in any clothes.

Temperament is revealed, from the inside out, not from clothes.

Throughout the night, she didn't know how many eye-catching ceremonies she had received and how many photos she had taken.

Originally, Yancheng University had two campus flowers, she and Huangfu Ying.

But a few months ago, Huangfu Ying suddenly "disappeared", and then she became the only school of Yancheng University, and received more attention. It was difficult to be unnoticed.


A drone with a big slap came flying underneath a rose and a love letter, hovering above the table in front of Qing Han.

Qing Han was unreasonable, pretended not to see, and blocked his ears with his hands.

Opposite her, a girl in a white dress stretched out her hand and took off the roses and love letter, then waved her hand and the drone flew away.

This is her roommate, Su Lingshan, the best friend in college.

"Qinghan, studying with you, a beauty school, is really stressful. How do you comfort my broken heart? Would you like me to have a big meal?" Su Lingshan grunted, very serious. Aggrieved look.

She is also very beautiful, with a slender figure and a clear eyebrow, but sitting with Qinghan can clearly see the gap. Even if she had 80 points, she would be set into 70 points stiffly. Good flowers became green leaves.

In addition, there are so many male eagles in the surroundings, Gu Langshi, who commented on the head and foot, saying that she is not under much pressure, that is fake.

"I didn't let you be with me, you must follow." Qing Han said lightly.

"Dead girl, no heart, no lungs." Su Lingshan rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth, saying: "Why am I following, are you countless? I'm not afraid that your big beauty is too lonely or given have eaten."

"You think too much, I'm fine alone. You go quickly and accompany your boyfriend. Otherwise he should blame me again." Qing Han urged.

Su Lingshan looked at the time and it was almost time for the library to close. He said: "My boyfriend said to invite me to supper, or not together? Anyway, the library will be closed soon."

"Forget it. You two do stuttering supper, so I don't want to be a light bulb. Hurry up and don't linger. It affects me reading here."

"It's really good intentions and bad rewards." Su Lingshan picked up a book and made the appearance of beating people, said: "Reading and reading, every day knows to read. Great youth is wasted by your reading. Youth without love, never It’s all incomplete youth."

"My boyfriend is not here, what am I doing without reading?"

"Your boyfriend, alas, forget it, don't say it, just like it. Sister will not be with you anymore. Sister is going to fall in love."

"Go, go. That, will you return to the dormitory at night?" Qing Han asked deeply, with a grin.

As a person coming here, she asked such a question, but it would not surprise people.

"It's hard to say, look at the mood. The love letters are all here. Three letters were received, which was the same as yesterday."

"Help me throw it in the trash, thank you."

"Cut, I won't throw it for you, lest it be beaten."

After things were packed, Su Lingshan left.

Looking at the three love letters before him, and the back view of Su Lingshan's departure, Qinghan's heart suddenly felt sour.

Then, she took out her mobile phone and sent out a voice, but she didn't reply.

After flipping through the book for a while, she packed up and left. Her heart was disturbed and she couldn't see it.

As she passed a trash can, she threw three love letters and a rose into it.

At this moment, her mobile phone received a message, a voice, Ye Tian sent:

"My dear, I'm too busy now. I will go with you in two days."

Suddenly, Qing Han's eyes were misty, but she bit her teeth, holding back, not letting her tears flow out.

She took a deep breath, calmed her mind, and replied: "Then you're busy yourself first, everything is fine here."

At this moment, suddenly a boy rubbed over and said very cheeky: "Sister, you cry? Which king and **** made you unhappy, tell your brother, brother to help you out."


Ignoring this person at all, Qinghan shook his leg and left.

This is her college buddy, named Zhao Haitang. During this time, she has always been attentive to her.

The drone sent roses and sent love letters just now.

"Brother Zhao, don't follow me. I'm under a lot of pressure like you."

At the small square in front of the library, Qing Han finally couldn't help but stop and wanted to go wild.

"I tell you that I have a boyfriend. What do you want me to do?"

At this time, the library was closed, many students left the library, and there were many students in the small square, which was very lively.

Hearing Qinghan's voice, brushing brushing, a pair of eyes looked over.

Brother Zhao Haitang's face was thick enough, and he didn't feel anything at all, saying: "Sister Qinghan, why don't you give me a chance? I knew that boyfriend you used to be from the Department of Archaeology, and would not come to class for a few months, Have been dropped out of school."

"He is also my boyfriend after dropping out of school. No one stipulates that boyfriend must be by his side?"

"I do not believe."

"Then why are you willing to believe?"

"You call him, I talk to him and ask him personally."

"it is good."

Qinghan was fed up with this brother, and really called.

But the phone didn't get through.

Qinghan couldn't help but collapse, and really wanted to smash the phone.

"How's it? I said, you lied to me. If you boyfriend, how could you not answer your phone?" Brother Zhao Haitang proudly smiled, smiled, very treacherous, frivolous.

In fact, the appearance of Brother Zhao Haitang is quite good, with a height of 180, which can be regarded as Yushu Linfeng, but he feels too good and ridiculous.

"Scum man!"

"Are school flowers abandoned?"

"It's so beautiful, why do you have to hang it on a crooked neck tree?"

"The more outstanding women, the more stubborn UU reading!"


Some of the onlookers kept whispering and whispering.

"A real person is here, what other phone do I need to answer?"

Just then, suddenly one voice came over.

Then I saw a tall man figure walking towards Qing Han, and the phone on him was still buzzing and shaking.

"this is……?"

In the stunned eyes of a group of people, their Qin Dahua flowers burst into tears, burst into tears, and then flew into the man's arms.

"How did you come? Didn't you say you were busy?"


Ye Tian embraced the beauty and felt guilty.

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