Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1277: Ye family ancestral house

When Ye Tian came to the Ye Family Mansion, Lin Zimo was arguing with the two old men.

She was wearing a girlish yellow dress, wearing frameless flat glasses, and her dark hair was ponytailed. She was full of students, just like a female college student, elegant, serene, intellectual, cute, peace day The image of a strong woman is diametrically opposed.

However, no matter how cute the dress is, the essence of her strong woman will not change.

At the moment, her mouth was tight, her words were sharp, and she scolded the two old men with blood sprinklers.

These two old people are residents of this wealthy area. Since they are not ordinary people, they are well-dressed, have outstanding temperament, and have a strong aura. Both walking and sleeping rooms have the majesty of the superior.

"Where did you get the little coquette, you wait for me. No matter what your origin is, I can't let you walk around!" An old man was furious and took out the phone to call someone.

"If you apologize to me now, bend down and bow three times at ninety degrees, I can't blame it." Another old man kept restraint.

However, next, when the figure of a teenager appeared, the two old men immediately counseled, their faces scared green, and they quickly flashed.

They and Ye family are in this wealthy area. How could they not recognize the now-influential Master Ye family?

Lin Zimo appeared at the door of Ye's mansion, and he agreed with Ye Tian.

Regarding the Ye Family Mansion, Ye Tian has a few words to explain, let her help deal with it.

Standing on the bluestone steps with moss, looking at the scarlet gate in front of him, the rusty copper bolts, the white-colored seals, Ye Tian's heart was ups and downs, and he was not calm.

Revisited in the same place, but things are wrong!

He not only thought of his present, but also of his past life, sighed his life, his fate was impermanent, he lived and died, and he said farewell.

Everyone is greedy for life and death, but how many people are truly detached from life and death?

Regret is a part of life. It is inevitable and indispensable. All the world can do is to minimize regret, so as not to regret it after it happens.


Ye Tian directly tore the seal and pushed in.

Lin Zimo followed behind, suddenly felt a cold demon wind rushed to the face, instantly made her goose bumps, panic in her heart.

She knew of the Ye Family's massacre, and she killed two dozen people in succession, killing dozens of people.

It's not long before the tragedy happened, the soul of injustice hasn't gone away, the blood hasn't been solidified, so she can't be afraid.

However, this fear soon disappeared and was changed to shock, shocked by the wealth of the Ye family's mansion and shocked by the wealth of the Ye family.

The large house of the Ye family made Lin Zimo stagger, three in and three out, just like a large landscape garden. The houses are in a series of winding corridors, carved beams, antiques, and occupy a total area of ​​not less than 100 acres.

This is the city center of Yancheng, and it is a feng shui treasure with both mountains and rivers. The nearby houses have been sold for more than a dozen or two hundred thousand square meters, and any house is worth 10 million.

The Ye family's mansion, even if the land was sold, did not know that it was worth billions.

This is a real wealthy family, rich and enemies!

Lin Zimo's original Lin family was also a big family. Looking at the entire Jianghai province, they were among the best, but compared to the Ye family in Yancheng, it was still a little worse.

Because of the lack of popularity and the lack of fireworks, the house was quiet and bleak, wild grass grows madly, dead branches and leaves cover the ground, and occasionally there are wild cats appearing.

Lin Zimo followed closely behind Ye Tian. Ye Tian didn't speak. She kept silent and looked quietly.

After a tortuous corridor, passing by several high-profile houses, Ye Tian finally stopped in front of a small humble house deep in the house.

"I used to live here before." Ye Tian finally opened his mouth, looking calm and sad, like saying something unrelated to himself.

"Ah?" Lin Zimo was shocked.

She walked all the way, and no house she encountered was worse than this one.

Moreover, this place is very remote, placed in ancient times, is definitely the place where the people live.

However, soon she was relieved, because of Ye Tian's story, she heard about it. She is an illegitimate child. Although she was born in a big family, she lived in the shadow of her stepmother and had a very unfortunate childhood.

Can't help but she felt a sympathy for the teenager in front of her.

"In fact, the environment here is pretty good, quiet and quiet, more suitable for reading and studying." Lin Zimo chuckled lightly, turning his mind, thinking of an advantage.

"Yes, this is really suitable for studying and studying. I asked to live here myself. It was originally a servant's residence."

Ye Tian said, opened the door, and looked at the house where he lived.

This is the obsession of his predecessor Ye Tian. He wants to revisit the old place and look at the past.

Everything here is the same as he left before, one book and one picture, one table and one stool, all intact. There is not a lot of dust on the tables and chairs. I want to take care of them for a long time.

Ye Tian stayed here for a moment and left.

After leaving the hut, he took Lin Zimo to look at several main houses.

Here is the ancestral home of the Ye family, which has gathered the efforts of several generations and is of great significance. As the only heir and the only descendant of the Ye family, Ye Tian naturally needs to be taken care of.

She asked Lin Zimo to check the assets in the mansion, then find someone to clean it up, pruning flowers and plants, and then find a competent housekeeper and security guard, and he would come to live occasionally in the future.

This is a small thing, but it is also an unusual intimacy. Ye Tian asked Lin Zimo to do it, indicating trust in her.

"Okay, I must be my own home and make this a beautiful place." Lin Zimo was very moved. After she finished talking, she realized that something was wrong and her face turned red.

Ye Tian didn't think there was anything, indifferent.

The two stayed in the Ye Family Mansion for a short time. At about ten o'clock, they left and headed to the headquarters of the Ye Family.

Ferrari drove all the way, only 20 minutes, came to the headquarters of the Ye Group.

As one of the leading private enterprises in Yancheng, Ye's Group is rich in financial resources. It bought a building in the city center as its headquarters, which is very powerful.

Standing in front of the Ye's Group building, Lin Zimo once again slurped:

"Yip's group really has great financial resources. Such a building, in the center of Yancheng City, may not be able to get it without billions. UU reading books"

"However, in the future, this building will become the headquarters of Beiming Group."

With such a thought, there was another joy in her heart.

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome."

Just when Ye Tian and Lin Zimo had just arrived at the door of the Ye's Group Building, a loud gong and drum noise suddenly sounded.


A group of people rushed out of the group building, some people were laying red carpets, some people were spreading flowers, some were applauding, some were pulling banners,...

On the banner, I saw:

"Welcome Prince Edward to visit the company for inspection!"

Is this an unexpected surprise?

Lin Zimo smiled, but Ye Tian frowned.

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