Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1290: Flee without a fight

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"Bai Nantian, the main hall of the Baimai Main Hall, paid homage to Ye Tianren. It was Bai who had eyes but did not know Mount Tai, who scammed the heavens and the people, and looked at the heavens and the sea."

With a soft knee, Bai Nantian knelt down with a plop.

Killing the gods face to face, he can't escape at all, he can only do this.

At this moment, he was so frightened that his face looked ugly and ugly.

Ye Tian was cold-eyed and indifferent, still full of killing intent, as if he didn't intend to let him or all of them go.

But at this moment, a small change occurred. The soul search was gradually getting better. Hall Master Huang Can, who closed his eyes like an old monk, suddenly opened his eyes and snorted:

"Found it, there really is a murderer behind the scenes. It's his college classmate, his name is What Tian."

While speaking, Hall Master Huang Can's eyebrows twinkled, and the rich spiritual power spread out like a light curtain, and it turned out to be a phantom of a young man, vague, hazy, not very image, not very specific .

However, the outline of the young man can be seen vaguely, the face like a sword, the slender figure, the eyes shining like stars,...

Seeing this phantom, Bai Nantian and Hui Yongshou recognized who it was at a glance, but it was not the young man in front of them.

That temperament, otherworldly, ethereal and agile, just like the **** Ling Chen, just like the boy in front of him.

However, they all felt a sense of powerlessness. Now they are hard to protect themselves. How can they avenge their grandson?

Ever since, they continued to kneel, pulling a bitter face, pretending to know nothing.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Hall Master Huang Can suddenly asked Ye Tian.

Because he consumed too much mental energy, his head was a little dizzy, and he didn't see the situation in the court for a while.

"Huh?" Suddenly, he narrowed his gaze, and there was a fierce flare in his eyes, then he changed his color suddenly, and shouted: "It's you, who killed my granddaughter Huang Xiaoxian."


When the murderer was found, Hall Master Huang Can suddenly violent, a terrifying murderous aura burst out of his body, and when he peeped his right hand, he suddenly grabbed Ye Tian from a distance of several meters.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in. Nie barrier, kneel to me to death!"

On his body, the yellow demonic energy rolled over, almost drowning his whole person. With his hand out, it condensed into a big yellow handprint, like the claws of a weasel, but it is dozens of times bigger, like a big Grinding disc, out of the sky, grabbed to Ye Tian.

This big yellow handprint is as solid as the substance, wherever it passes, the void shakes, containing a terrifying destructive power.

If you don't leave now, when will you stay?

Almost at the same time, the two old guys, Bai Nantian and Hui Yongshou, suddenly moved and rushed to the door, trying to flee.

"The murderer is here, why are you? Don't you want to avenge your grandson?" Huang Can looked dazed.

But Bai Nantian and Hui Yongshou ignored him at all. Sa Yazi ran faster than a rabbit, just wanting to leave this place of right and wrong for the first time.

"In front of me, can you also escape?" Ye Tian sneered, and suddenly waved his sleeves.


An invisible gust of wind swept out, full of strong golden evil spirit, rolling like the Yangtze River, raging like a tide.

Bai Nantian and Hui Yongshou were taken away at once. Not only were the demonic energy on their bodies wiped out, but even their robe was torn apart, leaving only a pair of underpants. On the dry body, there were scars one after another, as if they had just been cut by thousands of swords, dripping with blood.

Then, Ye Tian stomped again, and a giant golden foot fell from the sky.

Hall Master Huang Can's big yellow handprints could tear the armor easily, but in front of Ye Tian's foot, it was like a piece of paper, which was crushed by one foot.

"This is impossible? Who are you?" Huang Can suddenly shrank his pupils, only to realize that the young man in front of him was unusual.

"Dead!" Ye Tian responded with only one word.


The giant golden feet came up again, and this time stepped on Huang Can's chest, wanting to trample this old thing to death.

In Ye Tian's eyes, Huo Tingxuan was seen as a dead person, his body collapsed and fell down, unable to help him not be angry.

After all, Huo Tingxuan was searched for his soul for him.

"Golden war spirit, golden spirit, I know who you are, young demon king. Damn, why are you?"

There was a flicker of eyes, and Hall Master Huang Can finally recognized Ye Tian, ​​and all of a sudden, his whole body was ill, like a dead mouse, his face looked ugly and ugly.

However, it is too late to recognize now.

At this moment he wanted to kneel, Ye Tian would not give him a chance.

Ye Tian had a heart to kill, and wanted to kill all of them.


"Boss, have you found your second child?"

At this time, suddenly the voices of Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan sounded one after another. They chased Ye Tian, ​​their pace was a lot slower before they arrived.

They would never expect that as soon as they appeared, they would be out of luck before they crossed the threshold of the ancestral hall.

The one-eyed old man Zhang Daxian said that they had a **** disaster tonight, and their lives were hanging by a thread.


I saw that suddenly two **** figures rushed out, fierce and evil, like two **** lightnings, one rushed towards Zhao Chuyi and the other towards Wang Yan.

It was Bai Nantian and Hui Yongshou who wanted to take them hostage.

Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan are both ordinary people, and they were shocked immediately after seeing such a formation.

However, don't worry, according to Zhang Daxian's words, there will be noble people appear next, saving them will be on the line.

"Finding death!" Ye Tian roared.

He stepped on Huang Can's golden feet and suddenly retracted, trying to save two classmates first.

Huang Can was falsely alarmed. He dared to neglect wherever he saw this. He hurriedly shook his head. With a move, he ran into a wall and was about to break through the wall.

"I want to escape, have I asked if I agree? Give me the death!"

Following Ye Tian's roar, a golden light curtain suddenly fell down like a big bowl.


Huang Can bumped his head against the golden light curtain, and he was dizzy, as if he had hit a copper wall and iron wall.

Bang, bang!

Not far away, two loud noises came.

Bai Nantian and Hui Yongshou were about to rush to Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan, when suddenly a golden light curtain appeared in front of them and blocked their way. No matter how hard their bodies are, they can't shake this golden light curtain.

It was Ye Tian's Chaos God Realm, a realm, a small world.

Once this divine realm was opened, even the divine realm could not escape within the scope.

"How did you provoke the young demon king?" Bai Nantian jumped violently.

"Don't complain, fight with him, or we will all die." Hui Yongshou gasped.

At this time, seeing that he couldn't escape, Huang Can rushed to Huo Tingxuan, trying to take him hostage.

As a result, Ye Tian took Huo Tingxuan away as soon as he raised his hand and threw it towards Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan outside the Chaos God Realm.

"I'm optimistic about my second child," Ye Tian said.

Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan were undecided, and Huo Tingxuan suddenly appeared in front of them.

In the Chaos God Realm, Ye Tian could finally let go of his hands and feet.

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