Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1295: Zhan Tianhu Daxian

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"It's just a frog at the bottom of a well. I don't know the vastness of the world, but I dare to be proud and claim to be the best in the world. Today I will let you see the methods of the Xian family, let you know what is the sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world." Dao, his voice was as crisp as a silver bell, but extremely indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

Under the cover of Tianhu's handprints, she suddenly appeared in front of Ye Tian, ​​dancing in white clothes, her fairy face was peerless, like a flying fairy outside the sky.


A silver war spear pierced through the void and pierced Ye Tian's chest. It was faster and more flaming than lightning, and the whole body bloomed with immortal brilliance, and there was a thick killing mang at the tip of the spear, like a cluster of flames burning.

This war spear is not a peerless warrior, but it is held in the hand by the Heavenly Fox Great Immortal, filled with Earth Immortal's mana, and pierced with one blow. It is ruthless and accurate, but it also explodes with mighty power, as if a spear can destroy mountains and rivers and tear. In the world, no one dares to sing the front.

"Ye Tian." Qing Han yelled anxiously, and a heart was raised to his throat instantly.


Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan also caught their breath.

There are also a pair of eyes, staring into the sky, unblinking nervously, lest they miss any detail.


Ye Tian swiftly turned sideways, dodged the spear, and then slapped it with a palm, hitting on the spear shaft, a burst of earth-shaking tremors broke out, and countless ripples appeared in the void.

Ye Tian's strength is so great, the palm of his hand is more sturdy and immortal. Under one palm, the big immortal Tianhu felt his arms numb, his mouth aching, and the silver spear almost came out of his hand.

She took a hundred steps back to stabilize her figure.

Tianhu Daxian was shocked. She has always been arrogant, not only among the fox family, but among the many immortal houses in the northeast, she is outstanding and invincible among her peers, so she can walk all the way to today and achieve the supreme status of the earth immortal.

And the earth immortals are rare among human beings!

Therefore, she is not only at the pinnacle among alien creatures, but also at the top of the pyramid among humans. It's just that she is low-key, not out of the world, dedicated to the Tao, so her name is not seen on various rankings.

Now, she met a human enemy, young but with superb power, she was crushed several times in a row.

This is something that has never happened before, and she cannot accept it.

"A mere human junior, with the cultivation base of the gods, can he still go retrograde to kill the immortals?" Tianhu Daxian stood with a spear and said coldly.

Her fairy posture is moving, under the bright moonlight, elegant and ethereal, like an orchid in the empty valley, her whole body exudes a peerless sharp edge, and the cold murderous aura permeates the sky.


Tianhu Daxian made another move. The war spear pierced forward like a silver lightning. The tip of the spear trembled and turned into hundreds of silver lightning. Each lightning flash was a real killer, and it could be easily broken. Rocks, tearing the iron armor, but the frequency of the spear's tip shaking too fast, and the slashing light turned into a thousand weights.

Boom boom boom!

When Thousand Heavy Killing Mang passed by, all tangible things were torn apart, a violent explosion sounded from the void, and the sun, moon and stars were all overshadowed.

"Since you want to fight, I will accompany you. There is no eye on your fists, and the sword is merciless. If you hurt you, no wonder I am." Ye Tian also shot like lightning, blasting towards the mansions that rolled around the sky with bare hands.

His eyes suddenly became sharp, and strands of precious brilliance bloomed out of his body, and the golden blood was surging, evaporating, rushing out of the flesh, lingering outside, like a **** in the chaos.

Bang bang bang!

A burst of sparks blazed all around, all kinds of divine lights fluttered, and the sound of Hong Zhong Dalu shook the world.

Ye Tian shook his fist and shook the silver spear of the Tianhu Daxian with his flesh. The fist was strong and windy, and his fighting spirit was like a dragon. The killing mans continued to collapse. It was swept away like dust, and the world was torn apart, and the ghost was crying.

Ye Tian didn't use all his strength, and Tianhu Daxian seemed to have reservations.

Both are testing each other's depth.

However, even with such a fight, the power of ruining the sky and the earth broke out, and one after another horrible wave swept across the void, tearing up the large clouds, and the void seemed to be blown up and full of wounds. One hole.

Fortunately, the fight is on the sky. If it is on the ground, Huojia Town will be razed to the ground in minutes.

Many spectators could not bear the coercion, their eardrums bulged, their eyes were staring, and there was a surge of blood. Some people coughed up blood, and even their souls were trembling.

Bang bang bang!

The speed of the two collisions was too fast, and only two bright lights were entangled in the night sky, one gold and one white. Every collision was earth-shattering, clanging sounds, sparks splashing, and road marks.

Tianhu Daxian has a spear like a god, and his fighting spirit can split the sky, and every spear pierced can destroy mountains and rivers.

Ye Tian's golden blood is so powerful that it is as vast as the sea, and the more he fights, the more courageous, every punch can shake the sky and the earth.


Suddenly a violent breath broke out among them, and both of them flew upside down.

Tianhu Daxian retreated a thousand feet, while Ye Tian was only about a hundred feet away.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd.

"Equally matched!"

"What a match, the young demon king is bare-handed, obviously able to hold his head."

"The young demon king is worthy of being the strongest man in the world, and the Great Fairy Tianhu will undoubtedly lose."

"Unless, the other four great immortals can appear to help him."


Although Tianhu Daxian showed strong combat effectiveness, the image of the young demon king invincible God of War is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and many people dislike him.

"It's impossible, how could your physical body be so powerful?" Tianhu Daxian's startled voice came, and his figure was a thousand feet away, standing on top of a mountain.

A war spear in her hand was condensed into a twist shape, almost breaking.

If she played against Ye Tian with her bare hands, she couldn't imagine what the result would be.

"There are people outside the world, there are days outside the sky, how can you imagine my ability?" Ye Tian stood with his hands indifferent, and didn't seem to regard the Tianhu Immortal as a competent opponent.

Although Tianhu Daxian had the cultivation base of the earth immortal, he was immersed in hard cultivation all day long and was not good at fighting.

"Really? Let me see your true strength!" Tianhu Daxian sneered, the light in his pupils suddenly became flaming, and a touch of murderous intent flashed through Suddenly, she left. The mountain top stepped in the void, throwing away the bent war spear, and took out a white treasure bottle in his hand.

The treasure bottle has no cork, and the golden light at the mouth of the bottle is blazing, as if a golden lamp is lit inside.

If it is looming, you can even see strands of gold falling from the sky and falling into the aquarium.


Tianhu Daxian shook slightly, and a brilliant golden light flew out from the mouth of the bottle, spreading out in the void like a waterfall.

This light, peaceful, but full of terrifying murderous intent.

"Your hands are stained with blood, and you bear endless sins. Today I will do a good deed every day, and use the fire of heaven to wash away your sins."

While speaking, the Great Immortal Tianhu waved his bare hand, and the brilliant golden light spreading out in the void suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, burned the sky, and moved away towards Ye Tian.

This is the flame transformed into the virtues of Heaven, it is the fire of heaven!

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