Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1297: Have great merit

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The immortal Tianhu was really angry, and he did not hesitate to spend his life's accumulation to refine Ye Tian with the golden light of merit, and burn all his sins, body, and soul.

The endless sky fire, covering the sky, surging like an ocean, completely submerged Ye Tian.


From time to time, a thunderbolt smashed down, reaching thousands of feet long, slashing into the sea of ​​fire like a sky sword, and ruthlessly smashing Ye Tian's body with the momentum of destroying the void.

Ye Tian endured the unimaginable pressure and pain of heaven.

Even if he sacrificed the entire Chaos God Realm, it was useless. This merit sky fire, as well as this merit sky thunder, could even ignore the crystal wall and penetrate into the realm unhindered, reaching his body.

In an instant, the small world in the Chaos Gods' Realm plunged into a sea of ​​flames, and the flames steamed like a furnace, burning his body.

Under the pressure of heaven, the void seemed to be condensed into a single piece of iron. He was like a mosquito sealed in amber beeswax, bound to his hands and feet, his actions were severely restricted and it was difficult to escape.

His whole body bloomed with infinite treasures, the golden blood in his body boiled, and chaotic air surging out, wrapped him like a silkworm cocoon, and tried his best to resist the pressure of heaven and the burning of sky fire.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, their hearts beating wildly, and their eyes were full of shock.

"You can't do it anymore, the young devil." Someone whispered softly, his voice trembling and his teeth clattering.

"No? Is the invincible young demon king really going to die like this? Isn't it too dramatic?" Someone couldn't believe it.

"The **** is invincible in the world. As everyone knows, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Since ancient times, no one has been truly invincible in the world."

"Tianhu Daixian is an old-fashioned earth fairy. I don’t know how many years he has lived. It is not the Holy See Pope, Toei Miyamoto Taro, and so on. He died in the hands of an old-fashioned earth fairy. The young devil is not wronged."

"Oh, God is jealous of talents! God, I have blinded your dog."


The crowd on the ground was discussing that the majority of people were optimistic about the Tianhu Daxian this time, because her attack at this moment was too shocking, and the young demon king was obviously unable to resist.

"No!" Qing Han cried out loud, nervous to the extreme.


Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan were also shocked. They didn't know what to do. They were dumbfounded for a while, their hearts were in their throats.

"Don't worry about me, what can I do with this trivial merit?"

Ye Tian told the three people not to worry.

At this time, in the middle of the sky full of fire, I saw Ye Tian suddenly calm down, sitting cross-legged in the fire, letting the sky fire burn his body.

His body glowed, and strands of golden light overflowed from him.

This strand of golden brilliance is not the same as the golden war energy. It is pure and crystal clear, with laws and fragments rising and falling, and contains a kind of strange divine power. Under the burning of the sky, it turns into a flowing liquid, which is like gold foil. The surface of his body spread out and penetrated into every pore and even every cell of the epidermis. It made his body look more golden, as if the golden body had advanced to the first level.

He cultivated the chaotic golden body, the golden body state body is originally golden, and can burst out infinite golden light. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to notice the strands of golden splendor, but they will be confused.

Soon, under the refinement of the sky fire, the golden Shenhui covered a whole layer on the surface of his body, making him look like an arhat with a golden body, with golden brilliance overflowing and shining brightly.

This layer of golden divine brilliance seems to be able to isolate the suppression of the heavens, so that his body is no longer constrained.

Moreover, Tianhuo and Tianlei seemed to be isolated, greatly reducing the pain he suffered.

Next, he did not leave, nor did he attack the Tianhu Daxian. Instead, he continued to sit cross-legged, taking Tianhuo and Tianlei to refine his physical body, creating a golden body of merit, and advancing the golden body.


A clanging sound of birds rang through the sky, and the Suzaku's deity manifested behind Ye Tian, ​​flapping its wings, and struggling in the sea of ​​fire.

Ye Tian not only had to refine himself, but also the Suzaku's divine form.

Suzaku's five elements belong to fire, and may be transformed even after being tempered by sky fire.

After all, this heavenly fire contains the laws of heaven, but it is very rare.

Although there is a **** in the shape of a god, it is only in shape. It looks terrifying, but in fact there is not much combat power at all.

Only when the form of the **** is transformed into the form of the law, it is the form of the god, can it be true and real, and the terrible fighting power can erupt.

"Huh?" Tianhu Great Immortal narrowed his eyes, two ray of light in his eyes, like electricity, locked on Ye Tian through layers of fire.

Soon, she noticed something strange, but she couldn't believe it.

The sinful blood light on Ye Tian's body is constantly decreasing, but the brilliant golden light is getting more and more, seeming to be overwhelming.

"This is obviously a man of all evil who has blood on his hands and slaughtered countless creatures. How can he have merits? Moreover, the amount of merit is so great that he has created a golden body of merit." Tianhu Daxian was surprised.

People who have sinful sins on their bodies are rich enough to cover the whole body and cast a golden body. This is a sign of universal life, and even a sign of salvation. Because there are countless living people, heaven is favored, and such a huge amount of merit has been brought down.

Purdue all beings?

Did the young demon king survive all sentient beings?

Not only did Tianhu Daxian not believe it, but even the world would not believe it.

Did Ye Tian save the world?

If Tianhu Daxian was killed, he would not believe that Ye Tian had saved the world.

"This golden body must be an ordinary golden body, it can't be a merit-based golden body. Pretending to be a god, I was almost fooled by you." Tianhu Daxian was so angry that his eyebrows were erected.


More merit golden light surged out of the aquarium and fell into the sea of ​​fire, making the sea of ​​fire burn more vigorously.

At the same time, she cast a spell to provoke more meritorious lightning, and blasted Ye Tian's body indiscriminately, determined to kill Ye Tian.

However, no matter how big the sky fire burns, and no matter how many sky thunder strikes, Ye Tian stays still and waits to ignore it.

Because he has really saved the There are countless living people, and he has great merits. The golden light of merit is more than that of the Tianhu Daxian for decades or even hundreds of years.

Not long ago, the witch **** from the Daxi civilization outside the region was about to destroy the world and enslave all mankind, but was killed by Ye Tian. Didn’t it save the world?

This is just one.

Second, the current great empire relied on its comprehensive national power to overwhelm the world, and it often bullied other countries, enslaving the world in disguise, and enslaving mankind, which can be regarded as the biggest **** stick for world peace.

With the power of one person, Ye Tian pulled the current great empire down from the altar and supported the great eastern powers. To some extent, he was also saving the world!

Compared with the creatures he saved, the creatures he killed were just a drop in the bucket.

If the sin on him is compared to a pond, then the merit is the sea.

Massive merits were added, but Ye Tian didn't use it.

He has a lot of merits, so his luck has always been very good, and he can be called the son of luck on earth.

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