Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1299: Taotai Shenwei

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Above Ye Tian's head, the sky of fire suddenly cracked a big hole, and he found a huge silver paw print, grabbed him, and the deity of the Suzaku who was transforming.

This claw shaped like a fox claw is exactly the handprint of a sky fox. It can be as large as a hundred acres, like a magic cloud, covering the sky. With a grasp, the void freezes, the space is closed, and even the essence of heaven and earth is cut off, stop了流。 The flow.

Above the handprints, five invincible claws, like five peerless swords, cut the void, and brought up five piercing swords to break open the void, revealing five long, pitch-black marks.

At the center of the giant claw, a huge vortex is spinning rapidly, and there are bursts of thunder, as if opening the world, and a huge suction force is diffused, and the gods of Ye Tian and the Vermillion bird are facing the center of the claw. Suck away.

The giant claw is a kilometer away from the ground, but in the mountain forest directly below, under this majestic suction force, large trees are constantly uprooted and flew toward the claw's heart.

It can be seen how powerful this suction power is, it can be said to be earth-shaking!

"I don't want to do extinction, but boy, you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't provoke me. If you eat mine, you must spit it out to me, and give it back to me ten times a hundred times!" Tianhu Daxian said with an icy voice, with murderous intent bursting.

With this palm print, she played her peak combat power, and her power was terrifying to the extreme, ten times stronger than the one she had just shown.

"It seems that you won't learn your lesson if you don't hit you with broken bones, open flesh, and vomiting blood for three liters." Ye Tian's indifferent voice also sounded, and the sarcasm was obvious.


As soon as his voice fell, the Xuanhuangdao platform that was tempered in the sky fire suddenly shot out, and the handprints of the sky fox that were countless times larger than himself flew away, like a small worm, trying to shake a towering tree. The big tree is like an egg hitting the rock.

Tianhu Daxian didn't even notice the Xuanhuangdaotai at first, because it was too small, with only a big palm, no aura, no magic, simple and unpretentious. When she noticed, Xuanhuangdaotai was already falling into the vortex of her palm.

A small Taoist seal, Tianhu Daxian would never take it seriously, because the worm can never shake the tree, and the egg can never break the rock.

Tianhu Daxian is confident that if Ye Tian still used the **** to destroy the gods, she would definitely slap her slap.

However, what happened next was completely beyond her expectations.

The slap-sized Xuan Zodiac Platform suddenly became larger and rapidly expanded as it was inflated. When it collided with her Tianhu handprints, it had already turned ten feet high.

The ten-foot-high Daotai is still very small compared with her handprint of 100 acres, but the breath that erupts from the Daotai is like a mountain whistling a tsunami, with a momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, invincible, sweeping everything.

Boom boom boom!

Daotai erupted with a terrible aura, chaotic energy raging, magnetic primordial light roared, and countless lightning bursts, like an ancient divine beast going mad, eager to harvest life, drink blood and eat meat.

The handprint of Tianhu Daxian originally solidified a void. As soon as the Xuanhuangdaotai came out, a terrifying might broke out, and the solidified void was suddenly broken.

After a short while, Xu Kong was banned again, but instead of being banned by the handprint of Tianhu, he was banned by Xuanhuangdaotai.

The power of the Tianhu mudra was completely countered by Xuanhuangdaotai.

"Break it for me!" Tianhu Daxian roared.

Although the Tianhu handprint was imprisoned, the five sharp claws on the handprint were still able to move, and suddenly he closed his fingers together, and grabbed the Xuan Zodiac Platform, trying to break it.

Each claw of the handprint of the sky fox is as huge as the huge pillar of the ancient Greek temple, shimmering with metal-like luster, and exudes an incomparable sense of strength. With a single grasp, it can burst a hill, almost indestructible.

However, the five sharp claws caught on the Xuanhuangdaotai, not only failed to catch the Xuanhuangdaotai, but also failed to stop the offensive of the Xuanhuangdaotai.

Click, click!

Instead, the five sharp claws shattered, and only five marks were caught on the Xuan Zodiac Platform.

"What kind of seal is this? How could it be so hard?" Tianhu Daxian was shocked, his pupils shrank suddenly, his expression changed drastically.


In the next second, amidst the explosive sound of a meteor hitting the earth, the handprint of a hundred acres of sky fox was suddenly penetrated, revealing a ten-foot-large hole.

At almost the same time, under the guidance of Qi, the fox paw shot by the great fairy of Tianhu spattered a string of scarlet blood, and a blood hole was also broken.

Click, click!

With the ten-zhang hole as the center, cracks spread out, radiating in all directions.

In a blink of an eye, the handprints of the entire hundred acres of sky fox were already densely covered with cracks like a spider web, and finally burst into pieces and annihilated the void.


The fox claws photographed by the Tianhu Daxian were not spared, and with a bang, they broke into mashed flesh.

The true power of Xuanhuangdaotai has just begun.

After Xuanhuangdaotai penetrated the handprint of Tianhu, the offensive was still fierce, and the body of the Great Fairy Tianhu above the opponent's print blasted over, exploding her body with a single blow, killing her.

The roads are golden, chaotic and turbulent, filling the void, like an ancient chariot coming through time and space, rumbling across the sky, with terrifying power and overwhelming heaven and earth.

After penetrating the handprint of the Tianhu, the Xuanhuangdaotai doubled and became twenty feet high, but it was still in rapid expansion without reaching the limit.

"not good!"

Tianhu Daxian's face changed wildly, and he hurriedly retreated.

However, the Xuanhuangdao Platform shook the world and sealed the void, causing her fleeing figure to suddenly stagnate. Although the lag time was only one millisecond, she broke free from her imprisonment after a burst of mana, but it was too late, the Xuan Zodiac Platform was incredibly fast like a flying meteor, and it had already blasted close.

The Taoist platform is as high as twenty feet. Although the Tianhu Daxian is as big as a calf and much bigger than an average fox, it is still as small as an ant, and it is impossible to shake the Xuanhuangdao platform.

At this moment, the countless spectators in the small town had their eyes widened and choked for a while, worrying for the Tianhu Daxian.

This is a duel of life and death ~ ~ If you are not careful, you will die.

"It's over, I can't escape."

"Is Tianhu Immortal really going to die like this?"

"I don't believe it, Tianhu Daxian must still have something to do."

"I think so too, Tianhu Daxian is an earth immortal. I don't know how many years old, how can I not have a few brushes? Otherwise, it would be a waste of life."


There was a lot of discussion, and everyone could see that when the Xuanhuangdaotai was about to blast on Tianhu Daxian, the nine fox tails behind Tianhu Daxian suddenly burst into pieces and turned into a ball of light, wrapped Live the whole body of the fox.


Xuanhuangdaotai swiftly passed by, only an afterimage was scattered.

A cloud of white light suddenly appeared in the sky hundreds of meters away, and then the figure of a white fox appeared in it. It was the great fairy of Tianhu, but only eight tails remained.

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