Tianhu Daxian was shot in the brain, shattered his head, and died suddenly without any suspense, and died for the seventh time.

A man in a yellow robe suddenly appeared in the void behind her, holding a silver-gray spear in his hand. There was cold murderous swallowing on the sharp point of the spear, and scarlet blood dripping down, terrifying. Sen Han.

Just now, the Green Snake Immortal attracted the attention of the Tianhu Great Immortal, he sneaked in, restrained his aura, and used secret techniques to hide his body in the void, and then suddenly shot and killed the Tianhu Fairy by surprise.

Brush up!

In an instant, countless eyes converged on the ground, staring at this man, with incredible expressions in his eyes.

I saw that this was a tall and thin middle-aged man with wrinkled bronze skin, sallow complexion and yellow hair, as if he was a very malnourished person, but he stood in the air, The qi that permeated the dry body was shocking, like a flood, surging surging, the essence of the spirit turned into a substantive light, forming a light yellow light cluster around him.

His eyes are small, but very divine. The wisps of cold light are violently jumping, as if it can seal the sky, full of hair fluttering frantically, and a pair of sword eyebrows into the temple, showing the spirit of killing.

"Is this the great fairy of Huangmai?" someone on the ground exclaimed, guessing.

Judging from the figure, the man in the yellow robe really meant a bit of Huang Daxian. He looked like a weasel, dry and thin.

"Green snake, what a little bitch, you actually partnered with Huang Laogu to kill me. I will take down this **** hatred first, and you can wait for it. One day I will wash your lair with blood, let You pay for your blood."

In a void a hundred meters away, the fairy fox reborn with a fox tail, furious.

The yellow old dog in her mouth is naturally the great fairy deity of Huangmai, the weasel is a great fairy, and it looks a little stoned, but the combat power is very unusual.

She died seven times, with two tails and two lives behind her.

The Green Snake Great Immortal united with other Great Immortals to be disadvantageous to her, so she didn't dare to stay behind to avoid any accidents.

Although she was not afraid of either Green Snake Daxian or Huang Daxian, but together, it was difficult for her to win.

Besides, she and Ye Tian had already fought a battle just now, and died six times, the energy consumption was very high, and the combat power was no longer at the peak.

Moreover, she was also worried about the presence of other great immortals.

If several great immortals besieged her together, it would really be hard not to die.

As the saying goes, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. She will take down this revenge first and take it back later.

After finishing a ruthless sentence, her figure moved, half blending into the void, and she wanted to use the Sky Fox Phantom Body Technique to escape.

As long as she uses Tianhu's extreme speed and her body is like electricity, no one can catch up with her.

But at this moment, a purple beam of light shone on her suddenly, covering her whole body, causing her body to stagnate suddenly, creating a sense of restraint.

"Hurry up and kill her, my Douguang purple eyes won't last long." A male voice with a very shrill voice said.

Following the beam of light, one can see a man in a gray robe standing in a void, with two small round eyes burning with divine light, like searchlights, shooting out two purple beams of light, hundreds of feet away, shining on the sky fox Daxian.

Douguang Purple Eye, this is the blood secret technique of the Great Grey Maiden, a pupil technique.

This kind of pupil technique can not only penetrate the falsehood, but also fix the body. Anyone who is illuminated by the purple light in pupil technique will lose the ability to act.

However, Douguang Ziyan's fixation technique is extremely exhausting, and it even consumes longevity and Taoism, and will not use it easily.

And wanting to settle down on a land immortal is even more expensive.

At this moment, in order to immobilize the fairy fox, the great gray immortal was madly outputting his energy, and his face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That was the case, the Great Immortal Tianhu was not completely immobilized, but a sense of restraint was created, the Qi machine was locked, and the Tianhu's extremely fast body technique could not be used.

Tianhu Daxian tried his best to escape, but a purple beam of light followed like a shadow, locked her tightly, making her unable to reach her speed, as if someone was pulling her behind him.

Just now under Ye Tian's Xuan Zodiac platform, it was the same, it felt bad to be controlled by others.

"Damn it, Immortal Squirrel, do you even want to kill me? Why?" Immortal Tianhu was furious and frustrated.

"Because you have too many lives, it's very unfair." Great Grey Immortal said indifferently.

"If you let me go, I can teach you how to replace your life. If you practice this way, you will surely be able to cultivate nine lives." Tianhu Daxian said softly.

"Sister Bai Fox, don't be clever and seduce you. The technique of replacing the tail of the fox is the bloodline talent of your Tianhu tribe. It is as smart as my brother gray, can you believe your nonsense?"

In the voice of the sneer, the green snake immortal rushed over like a dragon, and the ten-foot-long snake-tail whip was pulled out, like a dragon wagging its tail, accompanied by the sound of fierce wind and thunder, and detonated towards the fairy fox.

"You little bitch, want to kill me, don't think about it!" Tianhu Daxian roared, the fox's claws protruded, and he slapped him, making a Tianhu handprint.


Amid the earth-shattering explosion, the handprints of the sky fox burst into pieces, and more than a dozen scales fell from the tail of the green snake, revealing the white flesh and blood.

This blow is equally matched!


A silver-gray spear stabs swiftly, splits the ground, pierced through the void, and pierced in front of the Tianhu Daxian in an instant.

Between the electric light and flint, Tianhu Daxian slammed out his palm, making a knife with his palm, slapped on the tip of the gun.


A string of dazzling sparks burst out, UU reading www. uukahnshu.com is accompanied by the sound effect like Hong Zhong Dalu.

It can be seen that in the brilliant sparks, there is scarlet blood splashing, and flesh and blood fly.

Although Tianhu Daxian escaped, one of his palms broke. After all, she didn't have Ye Tian's King Kong not to harm her body.

"Sister Bai Fox, you can't escape."

In the voice, Great Immortal Green Snake swept his tail again, and the sound of wind and thunder suddenly sounded like a dragon.

When Huang Daxian received his spear, it suddenly pierced again, the spear's sharp light, shocking the void.

After several collisions, Tianhu Daxian finally defeated the battle, and was exploded by Green Snake Daxian, and died for the eighth time.

In an instant, Tianhu Daxian was reborn again, and for the last time, two hundred meters away, not in the void, but in the mountains and forests on the ground.

She was worried that she would be locked in by the squirrel Daxian's purple eyes again.

In fact, this worry is superfluous, the spirit of the Great Squirrel is almost drained, and the Douguang Purple Eye pupil technique can no longer work.

On the ground is a valley, with lush grass and ancient trees.

Great Immortal Tianhu didn't talk nonsense this time. As soon as he showed his figure, he used Tianhu's speed, and dashed away in a direction of the valley. She was in disillusionment and rushed to a hundred feet away in an instant, so fast that it made people stun the tongue.

However, she didn't fly far, her eyes condensed suddenly, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

Just in front of the valley, there was a tall figure standing proudly on a stubborn stone, holding a big sword in his hand, giving people a sense of being one man and one man.

Above this man's head, thousands of sharp swords were trembling, making long and clear sounds of golden iron clank, and the sword tips all faced the direction where the fairy fox flew.

The sword light is dazzling, the sword screams in the sky, and the murderous intent is everywhere!

In an instant, Tianhu Daxian fell into death again.

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