Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1308: Invincible

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With the help of Huang Daxian and Bai Daxian to temper his physical body and the divine form of Suzaku, Ye Tian completed the final fusion, lighting up all acupuncture points, piercing all veins, and awakening the blood of Suzaku.

Of course, this is just a simulated Suzaku bloodline, an evolution of the Great Dao, not a real Suzaku divine vein, and the power of God is less than one-tenth, or even less. But this is scary enough, far beyond the imagination of the world.

Because the Suzaku is the heaven and earth spirit beast, one of the most supreme beasts of the universe, born in accordance with the will of the heaven and the earth, it is incredibly powerful and can even compete with the ruler of the universe.

A small part of Ye Tian's vast amount of heavenly merits was used to temper his merits, and most of them were contributed to the divine form of Suzaku.

This massive amount of heavenly merit is the essence of the Suzaku's divine form being transformed into a form of law.

If there is no external force to beat him, it will take at least a day for him to transform successfully. Now it can be called a crooked fight, which is a surprise.

However, he would not thank these four great immortals, because the other party wanted to put him to death.


A clanging sound of birds sounded, like a thunder, shocking the world. Just a few kilometers away, countless spectators in Huojia Town had their eardrums bulging, their blood surged, and their hearts panicked.

"Is that a phoenix?"

Countless people widened their eyes and saw a huge firebird rising into the sky. Its wings were bright, its color was gorgeous, and its hair roots were crystal-clear. The whole body was made of colorful colored glaze, and it was very similar to the sky fire bird with wings just now. Similar, but more vivid, concrete in image, and majestic vitality.

Especially the two eyes of the divine bird, shining brighter than the little sun, deeper than the black hole, carrying the aura of ancient times, as if they were the masters of this world.

"Quickly, stop him, don't let him run." Green Snake Immortal screamed.

The big gray fairy bean light purple eyes crazy pupil technique ran wildly, and the two purple beams of light were like two magic lamps, shining toward the Vermillion Bird, which was soaring into the sky.

Bai Daxian suddenly lifted the giant sword in his hand and was about to slash it out.

Huang Taixian opened his mouth and took a breath, and his belly became round again.

"A group of ants, I haven't grown up, and you can't be humiliated! Now I will send you to the west one by one." Ye Tian's voice came from the mouth of the colorful divine bird again.

This time, many people heard and saw it, and they all took a breath and were dumbfounded.

"How did the young devil become a bird?"

"Maybe it's a delusion."

"I don't know if I can change it back. If I can't change it, then the fun will be great."


There was a chatter from the crowd.

Qinghan was stunned all of a sudden, not knowing what was going on.

At this time, in the void, accompanied by a sonorous voice of words, the colorful divine bird suddenly opened its mouth and spit out abruptly, and a pillar of fire rushed out like a mountain torrent, facing the direction of the green snake and the gray fairy. .

In that pillar of fire, there were not only flames, but also bursts of thunder. It was the chaotic fire **** thunder, which was far more terrifying than the thunder in Huang Daxian's breath just now.

Ye Tian's current level casts Chaos C Fire God Thunder, a thunder is comparable to a volcanic eruption, and its destructive power is absolutely amazing.

At this time, the Green Snake Immortal was pouring mana into the Grey Immortal, using the Douguang Purple Eye pupil technique, trying to immobilize the colorful divine bird. It turned out that I couldn't stop at all.

The colorful divine bird is the Suzaku, one of the most high divine beasts in the universe, how can a small pea light purple eye pupil technique be able to stop it?

In fact, not only the Vermilion Bird, but also Ye Tian's golden sacred body, it is also not something that Douguang Ziyan can hold, because the power level of the pupil technique is far from enough.

The sky-reaching fire pillar was faster than the shock wave, and it traversed thousands of feet in the sky with a few fingers, rushing in front of the Great Immortal Green Snake and Great Immortal Hui.

"Damn it!" Green Snake Great Immortal uttered a whistle, and dashed back violently, so that he could escape from the sky before being swallowed by the pillar of fire.

But Big Immortal Hui didn't have such good luck. Because of his gong gathered his eyes, his spirit and energy were all used to cast the pupil technique, his reaction was slow, and the pillar of fire was swallowed by the sky.


A heart-piercing scream came from the pillar of fire.

I saw the Great Grey Fairy sometimes transforming into a human form, sometimes turning into a huge mouse, the whole body was burning, and the thick hair was singed away all at once.

Several waves of Chaos C Fire God thunder blasted, and Great Gray Immortal was even more miserable, his skin exploded, his flesh and blood blurred, and his skin spattered.

If it wasn't for the use of the pupil technique, which consumed too much energy, he should be able to resist for a moment, and might even escape to heaven with the help of several other great immortals. But now, it is destined to be unable to escape.

In just a moment, the pillar of fire to the sky disappeared, and the Great Grey Immortal also disappeared. Even the bones were burned to ashes, leaving only a golden light ball falling toward the ground.

It is the demon core of Great Grey Immortal!

A demon core of an earth fairy, that is priceless!

Almost at the same time, the four figures moved, Bai Daxian, Huang Daxian, Green Snake Daxian, and the Vermillion Bird transformed by Ye Tian.

The Green Snake Immortal is the closest to the Gray Immortal's demon core, but the speed is the slowest among the four.

Although Ye Tian is the furthest away, but the speed is the fastest.


His wings shook, and his ten-zhang wings almost cracked the sky, rolling up a monstrous flame storm, as if he could hit three thousand realms in an instant, soaring 90 thousand miles, and going straight to the nine heavens.

His figure disappeared instantly, and when he appeared, he was already a hundred feet away.

When he flapped his wings again, he broke the distance of a hundred feet in an instant.

He flapped his wings five times in a row, traversed a distance of five hundred feet between his fingers, appeared near the Great Gray Immortal Demon Core, swallowing the demon core in his abdomen with one mouth.

At this time, the other three great immortals had just stepped out, and they hadn't rushed far.


Those who saw this scene were all shocked.

This kind of speed, this kind of body technique, is too shocking.

This is the flash of Suzaku's talent, which can also be understood as shrinking into an inch.

This kind of body can ignore the distance of space, disappear in the same place in an instant, and appear in another place at the same time.

In essence, this is a kind of void mystery.

It seems that this kind of heaven-defying level secret technique has a limit, and it is impossible to perform it infinitely. How many times can be used depends on the individual's ability.

Ye Tian didn't know that he could use flashing supernatural powers several times a day, but not too many times. A dozen times may be the limit.

When the Vermilion Bird looked at the Green Snake Immortal, the Green Snake Immortal instantly became ill, and the whole body was cold.

"Two brothers, save me!" Green Snake Daxian shouted, his voice trembling.

"Kill!" Huang Daxian roared, spitting out, and a domineering storm surged out.

At the same time, the huge sword in Bai Daxian's hand swung down, and a thick sword light whizzed out.

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