Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1310: Catch the Green Snake

As night falls, the stars in the sky are shining like diamonds.

A full moon hangs high, and the bright moonlight is falling down, as soft as water, and the endless Changbai Mountains are hazy, like a layer of tulle, looming, full of mystery and mystery.

If you are condescending and looking down from the sky, you will find the entire Changbai Mountain Range lying on the northeast land like a giant dragon, majestic, majestic, majestic and boundless, and people can't help but marvel at the supernatural power of nature.

This kind of mountain and river trend can be called dragon veins. It is unique and condenses the aura of heaven and earth. It will attract countless creatures, especially alien creatures other than human beings.

For example, the five great immortals in the Northeast lived in seclusion in Changbai Mountain.

They are outstanding, and they have all proven to earth immortals, but they can't be all of them. There must be other alien creatures cultivating here.


Accompanied by a clang of birdsong, a huge colorful divine bird descended from the sky. On its bright wings, there was a divine light beating and flames were transpiring, like a divine bird straddling the nine heavens and descending from the immortal world to the mortal world.

This is a valley, dozens of kilometers away from Huojia Town, and in the depths of the inaccessible mountains. Ye Tian followed the breath and footprints of the green snake and the immortal.

The dead silence in the valley, the ancient trees into forests, and the water in patches, strands of black mist drifting from the silt and puddles, curled like smoke, lingering in the forest, too thick to dissolve.

The wind roared, the bitter cold, the smoke rolled, and the moment it was blown away, it was seen that there were many animal carcasses lying on the ground of the valley, some of which were only bones, and some of their bodies were still rotting, filled with stench.

This black smoke is highly toxic and is a miasma.

This valley is a forbidden place for life, no wonder it's dead still.

The hazy moonlight was shining, originally very soft, but in the valley it was so pale, as scary as death light. Especially when it was irradiated on the bones of each body, it made people feel chilly, and it felt like they had come to a Shura field.

Ye Tian turned into a Vermillion Bird and flew into the valley with golden light in his pupils. Looking around, he didn't find a trace of the green snake. Even the Green Snake Great Immortal couldn't feel the breath, and he was completely reclusive.

"It's just a blind-eye magic array. Like this nine-rate magic array, I don't need to look for the eyes, I can break it with brute force." Ye Tian muttered to himself, full of disdain.

Suddenly, he opened his huge mouth and spewed endless fire.

Boom boom boom!

A pillar of fire that penetrated the sky fell from the sky, rolled violently, and hurriedly drove away in the valley faster than the shock wave. Like a spark of fire ignited, instantly setting a prairie fire, terrifying boundless.

Where the flame shock wave passes, whether it is towering old trees, thorns, vines, or even the swamp puddles on the ground, everything is twisted, wrinkled, shattered, and turned into dust and debris in the sky, and is engulfed by the hot air waves. So, surging forward with a mighty thousand times more terrifying than the mudslides, everything was swept away, everything was swallowed.

But in a moment, the valley that stretched for several kilometers turned into a barren land, the puddles dried up, there was no trace of water, the ancient wood wolf forest was destroyed, and the skeletons of all animals turned into ashes.

With only a flame storm breathing, Ye Tian not only broke the blindfold in the valley, but overturned the entire valley. This kind of power is too amazing.

It is a pity that it is too far away from Huojia Town, and there is no direct broadcast satellite in the sky, so that this earth-shattering scene of weeping ghosts was not noticed.

"Don't you get out? Spit out the demon core, I can give you a decent way to die." Ye Tian shouted loudly, the sound was like thunder, and the whole valley was rocked and rolled like Hong Zhong Dalu was reverberating.

The Green Snake Great Immortal had also yelled to him like this before, but he didn't expect that Feng Shui would take turns, and the situation would suddenly reversed.

Just as his words fell, suddenly, a dry puddle in the valley suddenly cracked, and a colorful toad that was as big as a millstone jumped out and turned into a colorful streamer to the Suzaku in mid-air. The magic bird flew in.


The colorful big toad had a big mouth, and the slender tongue whipped out like a whip. The tongue burst into spring thunder, and it made a muffled thunderous sound, splashing out the sky full of venom, which was also colorful, covering the Suzaku divine bird.

Suzaku also took a big mouth and spewed out a pillar of fire, which instantly evaporated the colorful venom into molecules, while the colorful big toad was burned to ashes.


Another terrifying breath erupted, another dry puddle suddenly heard movement, and a huge gap broke through the ground.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, a super crocodile with a body of three feet long and huge as a hill broke out of the ground, with two eyeballs like two magic lamps, fiercely jumping.


The giant crocodile opened its mouth wide, spat out abruptly, and sprayed a stream of water.

At first, the waterline was very thin, but after flying a few feet, it swelled and expanded suddenly, and instantly turned into a huge wave, like a river of heaven falling down, amidst the roar of thunder, it surged against the red bird in mid-air. Away.

This crocodile is actually a water beast!

"Hahaha, Young Demon King, can't you breathe fire, but spray!"

Suddenly, a girl's laughter came.

A green snake crawled out of a cave, UU reading www.uukanshu. The big mouth of com is also a picture, a white cold breath whistled out, rushing into the sky water column sprayed by the giant crocodile, and the water column instantly condensed into a glacier, trying to ice the red sparrow bird in it.

Ye Tian's eyes were full of indifference and alienation, suddenly turned into a human form, and slammed out with a punch.

Just now, he refined the golden body with the golden light of merit, and the golden body went to a higher level, and his divine power was at its peak.

He shook his five fingers abruptly, and thunder was in his palm. A golden glow started from the tips of his fingers, spread quickly to his arms, and then spread from his arms to his whole body at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, his whole body turned golden color, and his blood boiled.


With a punch, the sky broke and the earth broke, and the ghosts cried out.

This punch seemed to strike the mighty power of destroying the nine heavens, and suddenly knocked back the sky water jets from the giant crocodile, and the already frozen glacier burst instantly like tofu.

In the end, Ye Tian's fist was severely imprinted on the giant crocodile across the 100-meter-high water column and glacier, and his body was turned into ashes. The puddle where the giant crocodile inhabits is even exploded into a large hole, which can be ten meters in diameter and ten feet deep.

Seeing this scene, the cold air that was exhaling from Daxian Green Snake's mouth suddenly sucked and destroyed his body, almost freezing himself.

Her huge body swam violently, shooting out like arrows, incredibly fast.

However, as soon as she rushed out, a big foot fell from the sky and stomped on her seven inches, with great power like a mountain, and stepped her ten-foot-long huge body into the mud.

Just when Ye Tian was about to trample the Green Snake Immortal to death, the Green Snake Immortal yelled and said:

"Don't kill me, I have a big secret. I know where the Changbai Mountain Ginseng Ancestor is. It is a sacred medicine for ten thousand years. The ancestor of all the Mountain Ginseng in Changbai Mountain can live forever and become immortal."


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