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"Who on earth are you? Why did you break into my dragon pool secret realm and rob my clan's magical medicine? Are you trying to fight against my clan?" The middle-aged Jiao Clan man asked Ye Tianyue.

The Jiao tribe can be transformed into human beings. They all use dragons as their surnames and take human names.

His name is Long Yun, the son of the old King Jiao, and his position in the Jiao clan is very high, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the gods.

As soon as he raised his hand, he grabbed the Nine Dragon God Iron Great Seal, which was floating in the air, and looked at the broken corner, his eyes suddenly full of anger and murderous aura.

"The magical medicine has no owner, it is shared by all people in the world, whoever catches it. Where is your clan's magical medicine?" Ye Tian said indifferently.

Changbai Ginseng was caught in his hand, pinched his neck, struggling hard, trying to break free, but it was useless. A pair of big hands are like iron tongs, their supernatural power is endless, they can be pinched to death.

Its roots stretched crazily, turning into thick vines, tangling crazily towards Ye Tian's body.

As a result, Ye Tian shot out a Yimu Divine Thunder, blasting it to the outside and tender inside, convulsing, and all of a sudden.

Just out of the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den, Changbai Ginseng wanted to cry without tears.

Grasped by Ye Tian, ​​it can clearly feel the power of Ye Tian, ​​like a mountain like a sea, endless, even more than the Jiao Clan. This makes it desperate.

Although its facial features and nine orifices are not very specific, but if you look carefully, you can still find that it is a boy. As a demi-magic medicine, it is still young, and it will not be a problem to live another 100,000 years.

"Hero, hero, you save me, I can give you five drops of divine liquid as a reward. You must know that one drop of my divine liquid can be life and death, and it is of infinite value." Sanzu said to Ye Tian, ​​blinking. With two big eyes, tempting each other.

Ye Tiandun thought it was funny. He thought this little thing like a human can think, it is divine and human, and it is really hard to talk about it.

"Why? Five drops is too little? Then I will give you ten drops and make you reborn ten times. It is not impossible to break through the earth immortal or even the heaven immortal in one fell swoop. The hateful Jiao Clan almost squeezed me dry. It's all my wealth. So it can't be more." Sam Zu looked like he was vomiting old blood, his eyes were very sincere.

While talking, it brewed in its abdomen for a while, then opened its mouth, and spit out a long tongue. There was a drop of crystal liquid on the tip of the tongue, the size of a marble, green like agate, scented, radiant and brilliant, reflecting the sky into a green.

This is the divine essence of the ginseng liquid, which contains the fragments of the great road. It can be called the divine liquid and is of infinite value. One drop can make a person reborn and cast a supreme treasure.

Although Ye Tian was caught by thunder, thinking of saliva, Ge Ying panicked, but he still put out a finger and took this drop of divine liquid in his hand.

Divine liquids are rare things in the holy land of cultivating immortals.

It is not surprising that the ancient earth was also a great star for cultivating immortals, carrying a magical medicine.

"First, I will give you one drop as a deposit, and the other nine will be given to you when I leave here." Changbai Ginseng is very clever and has no worse IQ than humans.

Ye Tian was noncommittal and did not express his attitude, but Sanzu had already agreed as he agreed.

Ye Tian resisted the urge to swallow, took out the Yujing bottle, and put a drop of divine liquid in it.

"Human race boy, I don't care who you are, put down the ancestors and return the **** liquid, everything is okay to discuss. Otherwise, you will not be better today." Someone from the Jiao tribe said murderously.

"No matter how powerful you are, don't even think of using one person to force my entire Jiao Clan. If you are interested, you should kneel down and beg for mercy, explain your intentions, and strive for my Jiao Clan's mercy."

"I don't believe you can take me another arrow. Give me death!"

Amid the roar of anger, a beam of light like a dragon arrow rushed out, flames exploded, wind and thunder bursts, like a falling star across the sky, the void seemed to have been shot through by this arrow, and a long black mark appeared.

It was the young Jiao Clan man who was shooting just now, named Long Hao, who was ranked among the top three powerhouses in the young Jiao Clan.

He sacrificed a drop of natal blood and shot a shocking arrow.

That light like a dragon and arrow was transformed by his life's essence and blood.


With a single arrow, it broke six times the speed of sound in an instant, and the momentum was even more terrifying than the launch of a heavy artillery.

In an instant, where Ye Tian was standing, a phantom was pierced and torn apart.

In the next second, there was a huge sound from a kilometer away, a snow mountain collapsed, the top of the mountain above the snow line was almost flattened, smoke and dust rushed into the sky, and rubble splashed, as if a major earthquake had occurred, and the sound was earth-shattering.

A shot comparable to a heavy artillery, really terrible!

Although Ye Tian was not afraid, he could shake it hard with the golden Eucharist, but he still avoided. He didn't even use the flashing magical powers of the Vermilion Bird, just dodge with a flash of light.

"Fast speed!"

All the Jiao people were shocked.

"Repeatedly and repeatedly shot at me to kill me, do you really think I have a good temper?" Ye Tian said angrily.

"Whether you have a bad temper or a bad temper, let's shoot together and kill him."

The Jiao people were also extremely angry.

This is the territory of the Jiao Clan, how can a human kid go wild?

Boom boom boom!

All the Jiao tribesmen held their own sharp weapons and displayed their supernatural powers, fierce as tigers and leopards, and attacked Ye Tian.

Someone flipped their palms and threw a throwing knife. Guided missiles generally fired at Ye Tianbiao.

Someone pushed with both palms, his blood and energy rolled, and he shot out two long black flame dragons, roared out, and bite Ye Tian.

Someone spouted a jet of water into the sky, rushing towards Ye Tian like mountains and oceans.

Someone was holding a spear, piercing thousands of spear shadows in an instant.

Someone slapped a giant palm and made a handprint covering the sky.


Long Hao, a strong young man, threw away the bow and arrow in his hand, clenched his large fist, and moved towards Ye Tian like a tank, trying to fight Ye Tian hard.

A dozen killer moves were released, and in an instant, Ye Tian fell into a desperate situation.

This is a group of strong men of the Jiao Clan, none of them are ordinary people, and the worst has the power of the pinnacle master.

"No, run away!" Sam Zu was shocked, UU reading www. The roots of uukanshu.com were gathered and shrunk into a ball.

"I have lived here for three hundred years. I know where there is a flaw, but it needs a strong force to open it. Let's get rid of these people and find a place to hide." Sam Zu continued.

At this moment, Ye Tian stepped out abruptly, his figure disappeared in an instant, letting all his attacks fail. Like a ghost, after an instant, his figure appeared in front of Long Hao, the young and powerful Jiao Clan, and he slapped out a big slap.


Accompanied by a muffled thunderous sound, Long Hao's huge body flew out, fell under a cliff, staring at Venus, and his bones were broken.

This scene, which is close to a fantasy, completely frightened the Jiao people.

"All retreat, go to report to the elders, go to ask King Jiao,..." Long Yun, a middle-aged Jiao clan man, was horrified.

He knew that he had encountered a tough situation, and they could not deal with it.

But in order to hold people back, he still shot while talking, blasting the Nine Dragon God Iron Great Seal.

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