Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1321: Shake the Sky Sword with Bare Hands

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Accompanied by a loud shout like Hong Zhong and Dalu, across a hundred feet of space, King Xiao Jiao raised his hands high, and Bai Jia sword stood up and down.

His arms were generally inflated and inflated, and pieces of black scale armor emerged, and the monstrous divine power surged out of his body, all poured into a sword.

Qiang Qiang!

A sword slammed into the sky, as if a heavenly sword pierced through the air, and the boundless murderous aura gushed out, turning into a white sword light that penetrated the sky.

Within a few hundred feet of a radius, countless large clouds and thick fog drifting on the top of the mountain, like a sea tide, were all cut apart, like the void was divided into two, showing a long crack in the sky.

The icy sword aura and the biting killing intent swept across the secret realm of Longchi in an instant.

And the sky-smashing sword light that had the potential to crack the sky, slashed down at Ye Tian's Tianling Gai.

With a sword, the world is cold!

All the children of the Jiao Clan in the field were stunned, their scalp numb for a while, and the eyes were filled with this sword light, and there was nothing else.

The Bai Chijian is the most important weapon of the Jiao Clan, and its status is even higher than the Nine Dragon God Iron Seal. It is usually sealed in the depths of the Dragon Pond and is only controlled by the Jiao Kings of the past dynasties.

Therefore, many of the Jiao Clan children in the field were surprised to see Bai Jiajian for the first time.

But I saw that not only the children of the Jiao Clan, but also several elders of the Earth Immortal also showed shock.

"With this sword alone, King Xiao Jiao can win the world, who is the enemy of the human race?" An elder of the Jiao clan with purple pupils stroked his beard and said solemnly.

"If it weren't for the outside world to degenerate into wasteland, and the inspiration is not obvious, this star has long been occupied by my Jiao Clan, and there is nothing human beings." Another Jiao Clan elder with two horns on his forehead said nonchalantly.

"Don't speak arrogantly, don't be arrogant. The human race in the secular world is naturally the same as the ant, but the human race is not limited to the secular world, but also Kunxu. There is the heritage of the human race from eternity." said the elder Qing Jiao with a solemn expression.

As soon as he said this, the remaining Jiao Clan elders were silent.

"This Human Race kid is so strong at a young age. If I expected it to be true, it should be from Kunxu." Elder Qing Jiao continued.


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the void.

Ye Tian quickly soared into the air, flying up into the sky, making a fist with his right hand, his palms were like gods of gold, blooming with immortal brilliance, and punching out, like a round of golden gods and sun rage hitting Gaotian, he actually fisted Bai Chi The hundred-zhang sword light cut out by the sword was shattered.

Boom boom boom!

Baizhang Jianmang turned into a monstrous sword aura, sweeping in all directions like a shock wave, with a momentum greater than a tsunami, crushing the rocks into dust.

However, a golden fist mark flew out from the tip of Ye Tian's fist, breaking through the heavy epee gas wave, and the meteor blasted in front of the little King Jiao.

Little Jiaowang's expression changed slightly, but he was not flustered. His palms shook, and the White Chijian in his hand pulled out a sword flower, and rushed out like a dragon, twisting Ye Tian's golden fist print to pieces.

"Come again!"

Ye Tian fisted with bare hands, smashed into the void, and rushed towards Xiao Jiao Wang on his own initiative.

His whole body circulated the golden clouds, overflowing with colored light, like a **** of golden glass, even the hair became golden, perfect, no flaws could be found.

"Isn't the golden body immortal?"

A group of elders horrified.

Indestructible golden body, that is the most invincible physique in the legend, immortal and immortal, strong and strong.

This physique is rare for tens of thousands of years.

Once born, it must be a peerless Tianjiao.

There is an account in the historical annals of the Jiao Clan eternally. There was an immortal gold body in the human race who was born as a golden core elder on Penglai Xiandao, named Xuantian Daojun.

This person is extremely talented. If it weren't for an alien invasion and robbed the spiritual roots of the earth, this person would surely be able to ascend the earth to the highest level and become a generation of soul infants.


King Xiao Jiao got up with anger and rushed towards Ye Tian.

The Bai Chi sword in his hand was slashed out one after another, and seven or forty-nine sword beams were cut out in one breath, each of which had a length of one hundred feet, like forty-nine swords, slashing towards Ye Tian's body.

Among them, a few sword lights really slashed on Ye Tian's body, but they couldn't even break through the body guard qi outside Ye Tian's body.

The golden qi is like a golden bell made of sacred gold. It is unmatched and unshakable. The sword beams are smashed on it, like an egg hitting a rock mountain. Only a string of sparks can be splashed and then broken. .

Melting the merits of the golden body, advanced the golden body, and advanced the body protection qi.

If the Heavenly Sword Light had slashed on it before, the body-protecting Qi would be cut through at least without damage.


Ye Tianzhang commanded, with iron fists combos, and his fists were like a tsunami. One punch was more fierce than one, and the sword light of the little King Jiao Wang was shattered one by one.

Under the traction of Qi, the White Chijian in King Xiaojiao's hand buzzed and trembled, and wailed.

"Bai Chi Sword is a sacred soldier. Even before the eternal age, this star stone was a famous sword that was ranked high. It could not even cut his body protection gas. Is this guy really immortal? ?"

All the children of the Jiao Clan, all the elders of the Earth Immortal, were shocked.

"Human kid, I admit that I underestimated you, but do you really think you are determined to win?" Xiao Jiaowang's eyes were piercing and cold.


Another terrifying breath erupted, shattering his clothes, his strong body was covered with scales, and his figure swelled to a full height.


He stomped his foot abruptly, and the void exploded, causing ripples. Wherever the ripples passed, the seventy-seven-forty-nine swords that had been split just now, the surging sword energy of the sword light instantly solidified.

Then, he lightly picked the Bai Chi sword in his hand, and all the sword aura was taken away, and the vastness of the soup was like an ocean of water, and it turned into a bright sword light, hitting the sky.

In the sword light that pierced the sky, a white dragon appeared, roaring up to the sky, shocking the sky.

"Human race boy, you shouldn't challenge me. With one sword, I can cut through the ages and kill everyone. To kill you, my sword is enough!"

King Xiao Jiao stood with his sword, his whole person bathed in sword light, and his whole person seemed to be transformed into a sword, like a god, making everything in the world lose its color.

"Killing Eternal Sword! Slash!"

After speaking, UU Reading Xiaojiao Wangren walked with the sword, the body and the sword were unified, and he slammed Ye Tian with a sword.

Chi Chi!

The endless sea of ​​clouds was broken by a sword.

Before the sword qi, the biting sword intent had cut out a huge crack on the top of the hills. It was only one foot wide, but it was not bottomless. Starting from the foot of the little King Jiao, it quickly faced Ye Tian’s Spreading under the feet.

"Too strong."

A group of Jiao Clan children couldn't help but marvel.

The name of this swordsmanship is the Killing Eternal Sword, and it is true to its name. A sword came as if it cut through the eternal ages, trying to kill all the people in the world.

"Human race boy, the background of my Changbaijiao tribe is not what you can imagine. You are destined to be buried here today." The elder Qingjiao said, the light in his eyes was brilliant.


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