Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1326: Competent opponent

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Throwing the mountains and throwing the mountains, this is a method in myths and legends, reappearing in reality, not only a group of Jiao tribe people are shocked, even Ye Tian's expression is a little bit more shocked.

I have to admit that, except for the Great Western God General from outside the domain, the Old King Jiao is the most powerful opponent he has encountered since his rebirth.

The Jiao Clan is originally a race that is good at fighting, with a strong natural physique, and the tradition is relatively complete since time immemorial. Not only have many exercises and martial arts passed down, but there are also some ancient magic weapons that have been passed down to the world. This is their prosperity. Enduring capital.

In addition, there is another point that is extremely unfavorable to Ye Tian. The Longchi Secret Realm is the territory of the Jiao Clan. The old Jiaowang enlightens and cultivates here all the year round, and the spirit and energy have long been connected with the entire Secret Realm.

The laws of the heavens and the vitality of the earth here are naturally close to the old king.

Just now he can pick up a high mountain of 100 meters with a spear, and this factor is in it.

If he goes to the outside world, he can easily change the place, he will be able to provoke the mountain.

In short, the old Jiao Wang has not only realm suppression to Ye Tian, ​​but also ground suppression.

If you change to someone else, you probably have already retreated, and you don't even dare to think about a battle.

Ye Tian was not the case, he did not dare to be big, but he was not afraid. He didn't try his best, and there are many other players.

Boom boom boom!

The sky shook, and the terrifying shock wave passed by like thousands of great waves, rolling the remnant clouds, blowing sand and rocks.

Although the two were fighting high in the sky, the ground was also greatly affected. The thick old pine trees that were embraced by several people were uprooted, and huge boulders were thrown into the sky, all collapsed in mid-air.

A large piece of land was overturned, and countless mountains and rocks were turned into dust, riddled with holes and dilapidated.

Although Longchi Great Lake was several miles away, it was also affected. Aroused by the Qi machine, the waves rolled up tens of meters high, seeming to be going up to the sky.

This is a big bust, with great impact.

However, the old King Jiao didn't seem to care. Although the Secret Realm of Longchi was not big, it was not small. There was still a radius of a hundred li, and this little damage would not affect the entire Secret Realm of Longchi.

"Hahaha, it's been a long time since we had such a hearty battle, come again!" The old king laughed, his hair was dancing frantically, his whole body bathed in divine light, his eyes pierced, shooting out two torch-like beams, unexpectedly from the beginning His anger became a bit excited.

Just because he found that Ye Tian was a competent opponent.

At his level, it is too difficult to find an opponent to verify one's Dao fruit and measure one's combat power in this Age of Doom.

In addition, he still has a mind to do his best to fight his peak combat power, to see if he can break through the barrier in his body and step into the heaven in one step.

This time he was in retreat for a long time, but he didn't gain much. He came to the end of a dead end, feeling depressed in his chest, and eager to fight.


He stomped his foot suddenly, a hollow hollow, and his whole person turned into an electric light and charged towards Ye Tian.

The black war spear in his hand also seemed to be revived, the black light shone, and the spear screamed loudly.


A distance of ten feet away, he slammed out with a spear, and amidst the tremor, crimson lights flew out, scarlet like blood, staining half of the sky with blood.

The old King Jiao was also surrounded by blood and light. As his combat power climbed, his flesh and blood became full, and his withered figure was also becoming taller, like a battlefield killer with a murderous intent.

Ye Tian's eyes flickered, holding the Sun Moon Divine Sword in his hand, and took the initiative to greet him.


He slashed out with a sword, and a sword glow rushed through the sky and the ground, like a pillar supporting the gods standing on the earth.

Around the sword light, there was the sun and the moon rotating, surrounded by stars, and there were many visions, as if this sword had cut down the sun, the moon and the stars, and the momentum was shocking and terrifying.

"Good sword, not inferior to my Jiao Clan's Bai Jia Sword!" A Jiao Clan elder's eyes condensed, and he couldn't help but praise.

King Xiao Jiao paled, shocked, shocked, and a little bit ashamed. Ye Tian fought him just now, but he didn't use weapons, so he clearly didn't regard him as a competent opponent. This made him, who has always been proud, a blow to his self-esteem.

"Human race boy, one day I will defeat you." He clenched his fists and vowed secretly in his heart.

Bang bang bang!

The sword light of the Sun Moon God Sword slashed on the battle spear killing light, like two worlds colliding, the infinite light illuminates the world of ten directions, the big clouds collapse, the void is like a piece of beautiful jade cracking .

On the ground, many children of the Jiao tribe retreated. They have retreated far enough, but they are still not safe.

Even the elders of the Earth Immortals of the Jiao Clan couldn't settle down either.

At the foot of a big mountain, in a secluded place, Changbai Ginseng poked his head out, sneaking like a thief. He wanted to see the situation outside, but a blood-colored killer light shot out abruptly, more than a comet. It was still bright after the sky, brushing its side and flying over, with a bang, pierced into the mountain behind it, and burst a big hole with a diameter of two meters and a bottomless depth.

Changbai Ginseng turned his head and looked back, almost not shocked.

The sky and the earth are bright, the void is shining, and the two tall figures are only faintly visible.

"Human junior, you are very good. But, this is just the beginning. You want to take on my two hundred tricks. Only these skills are not enough." The old King Jiao's voice sounded like thunder, rumbling.

"Don't bother old Jiaowang. I know my ability." Ye Tian said indifferently.

"Well, don't let me down."


Old King Jiao stomped again suddenly, this time the person did not rush out, but a terrifying and tyrannical aura diffused out of his body, spreading throughout the secret realm of Longchi in an instant.


As if an earth dragon had turned over, the entire secret realm of Longchi was stunned, the mountains shook violently, and people were a little untenable on the ground, as if a super earthquake had occurred.

"what happened?"

Many children of the Jiao tribe turned pale with fright.

In the mountains and forests, countless birds and beasts startled and scurryed.

The secret realm is huge, not only the Jiao tribe lives, but also many alien creatures. Some of them have long been extinct from the outside world, and are relics of eternity.

"Don't panic, the old King Jiao is borrowing the Qi of the Earth Vein." Elder Qing Jiao said, UU reading looked solemn.

Sure enough, I saw a trail of earthy earth veins surging from the ground, tumbling to the sky like a tsunami, causing the entire sky to riot, and rushing towards where Ye Tian was standing.

Ye Tian slashed his sword repeatedly, but there was too much energy in the earth veins, scrolling like a vast ocean, and soon drowned him.

"Imprison!" Old Jiaowang spoke lightly.


Suddenly, a terrifying force of suppression spread throughout Ye Tian's body, as if large mountains spread around his body, constantly squeezing.

The air of the veins carries the weight of the earth!


The old Jiao Wang trembles his fingers, and the black war spear trembles lightly, killing the mans one after another, scarlet as blood, dyeing the sky red, and each of them has the potential to swallow mountains and rivers.

The others moved with the war spear, and rushed into the ocean-like air of the earth. Here, he is not suppressed, but like a fish in water.

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