Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1333: I am the Supreme

Remember in one second【】

The old Jiaowang’s accumulation has long been enough, if it were not for this world’s way, he would have condensed his pill long ago, and even successfully survived the golden pill thunder tribulation and became a generation of heavenly supreme.

Therefore, his process of condensing pills did not last long, and it was completed quickly, and everything was a matter of course.


A dazzling divine light erupted from the old Jiaowang's body, like a divine flame burning blazingly, illuminating the ten square heavens, setting off the old Jiaowang so much that it was extraordinarily sacred, like a god.

At the same time, there was a wave of extremely powerful energy surging out of his body, filled with overwhelming horror, like a dormant beast awakening.

All the Jiao people were shocked and delighted. It was not difficult for them to see that the old Jiao King really broke the imprisonment and found a breakthrough in the duel of life and death. He continued to make progress and went one step further, making the leap to a higher level.

The old Jiaowang has been in seclusion for a hundred years and has come to the end of a dead end, but this moment succeeded. When Ye Tian's divine winged sword cut off his hundred feet of water, it also seemed to open a certain secret door in his body, and a broad road appeared at the end of a dead end.

This is an unimaginable and unbelievable thing, and it can be called a miracle.

Because, since the eternity after the heaven and earth spirits dried up, the Changbai Jiao tribe has been endless, but no one has ever been able to break through.

The old King Jiao created a myth.

This myth not only belongs to the Changbai Dragon Pond, but also belongs to the entire secular world, because the secular world has never been born since the ages, only a few "pianmen" earth immortals were born.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, the wounds on the old Jiaowang are healing, the bones are continuing, and various wounds are growing and repairing in a dazzling light, and finally they are intact as before, and the skin is as crystal clear as jade, flashing with sunlight.

At a certain moment, the old King Jiao suddenly opened his eyes and shot out two dazzling divine lights, as sharp as two sword auras, and the sonorous sound pierced through the world, flaming like a god, but cold as cold. ice.

A mountain in the distance was unfortunately hit by these two gods, and it suddenly exploded as if it had been baptized by a heavy missile. The mountain was flattened.

This look can kill people, it's terrible!

On the old King Jiaowang’s Sky Spirit cover, there was a dragon-shaped air column that rushed into the sky, shattering large clouds, and the scene was frightening.

"Hahaha!" With a hearty laughter, the old Jiao Wang stood up and said: "I have practiced hard for hundreds of years, and today I am a god, a supreme generation! Human youth, I want to thank you!"


Clouds moved in a radius of a hundred miles, and the surging vitality of the heavens and the earth gathered like a tide towards the old king, and rushed away towards the body.

Old Jiaowang seemed to have a bottomless pit in his body, and no matter how much vitality he could come, he was sucked up like a long whale drinking water.

In his body, deep in his dantian, a yuan pill the size of a pigeon egg was shining with golden light, shining like a small sun, surging with strange energy, absorbing all the vitality of the world.

His dantian was originally like a sea of ​​true essence, but now it is exhausted, and only this essence pill remains, as if all the true essence of his dantian created this essence pill.

It was just this one Yuan Dan, but the aura of the old King Jiao Wang was several times more powerful than before. It was like a mountain and a sea, magnificent mountains and rivers, and waves of invisible air hit the sky and the earth, billowing like a tsunami.

Under the whistling of the mountain whirring like a tsunami, the children of the Jiao tribe surrounding them were blown to each other, and some even flew upside down.


"Old King Jiao."


A group of Jiao people shouted, and many of them were so excited that the corners of their eyes were wet.

But the old King Jiao didn't even look at these Jiao Zi Jiao grandchildren. He was negative, soaring into the sky, step by step, and the whole person was shrouded in a splendid divine light, as if he was about to emerge.

He didn't use any magical powers, the body was in harmony with the Tao, in harmony with the heaven and the earth, just a thought, the body floated.

His moves, stretches and stretches are in harmony with the world, full of unparalleled Taoist rhyme.

Although Yuan Danqi is not a real golden core, it can be regarded as half-footed into the golden core state, touching the laws of heaven and earth, and the body is in harmony with the Tao.

The old Jiaowang's silver hair turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared. His skin was crystal clear as jade, and he became younger again, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, his facial features like a knife and an axe, his majestic posture was straight and straight. , The breath is ethereal, like the reincarnation of the emperor, the rebirth of the **** king.

His earthly immortal Shouyuan had almost come to an end, but now he has broken through the heavenly immortal, and his life span is stretched. He is in the mid-life and looks younger than his son.

"Hahaha, human youth, you absolutely can't think of it? I have become the supreme heavenly immortal, and all beings are ants to me. I can kill you by turning my palm now."

With laughter, the old Jiao Wang jumped to the same height as Ye Tian and stood hundreds of feet apart.

After eternity, Tianxian has become a myth. No one knows how powerful this realm is.

However, some time ago, the God of the West will be overwhelmed by the clouds and rain on the earth, and the displayed combat power is in line with the abilities of the gods.

A **** can dominate a star!

Of course, the old Jiaowang was not a true **** before he passed the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation.

"No, my human brother is in danger!" Changbai Sanzu's discoloration changed, and he suddenly couldn't help but spit out: "If you don't listen to the ancestors, you will suffer a disadvantage. This guy is looking for himself, and he is dead and pitiful. I don’t know how many years I will be trapped in the Secret Realm of Longchi."

"Hey, that's not right, the heavenly immortals have the ability to control the heavens and the earth, and they can perceive the earth veins, and even the earth veins. It is not safe for me to hide underground.

^0^Remember in one second【】

what! "

"Uncle, human brother, you killed me!"

"You want to die, why do you want to pull me? Patriarch I haven't lived enough yet."


A strong sense of danger surged into my heart, and Changbai Ginseng went crazy.

call out!

Changbai Ginseng disappeared abruptly, trying to hide in the most hidden corner, and completely enter a dormant state to avoid the hunting of the old king.

"Let's go, I won't kill you. But this old ginseng king must stay." The old king Jiao said to Ye Tian, ​​although his tone was very plain, but he exuded a majesty that was beyond doubt and could not be rebelled.

As he spoke, his gaze moved away from Ye Tian, ​​and he looked at Changbai Sanzu who was fleeing.

"Old I have become a **** and have the ability to control the world. Do you think you can escape?"

"I have just become a god, and my realm is not stable yet, and I need a lot of supplements, so just follow me. Hahaha."

With the joking voice, the old Jiao Wang suddenly came out and grabbed Changbai Sanzu.

As soon as this great came out, one side of the world was blocked, and Changbai Ginseng was imprisoned.

"What if I disagree?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came.

"Human race young man, you broke into my dragon pond secret realm for no reason, and you want to be wild. I forgive you for not dying. It is already a great forgiveness. Don't challenge my bottom line." The old Jiao Wang's eyes condensed, and a cold killing came out.

"Why, that's what you said to your benefactor? I can make you, and naturally I can destroy you."

As soon as the boy said this, the old King Jiao was immediately furious, and the big palm that he protruded changed, and he caught Ye Tian.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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