Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1334: 1 condition

Remember in one second【】

Under the anger of the fire, the old Jiaowang's Yuan Dan had a sign of collapse, his vitality ran away, and he was rushing in his body.

This is a matter with extremely serious consequences. If you can't prevent the Yuan Dan from collapsing, you may even be washed out by your vitality, and you will die.

The old king's face turned pale immediately, where he dared to continue to attack Ye Tian, ​​he hurriedly fell to the ground, sat up cross-legged, his luck stabilized the essence pill, and he was able to channel his violent vitality.

"Send off the guests and let them leave!" The old King Jiao said as he fell, lowering his noble head after all.

All the Jiao people in the field were full of resentment, eager to split. The Secret Realm of Longchi was turned upside down, and they hated Ye Tian.

The old King Jiao not only let Ye Tian leave, but also asked him to leave with Changbai Sanzu, which made the Jiao people feel uncomfortable. Because this clearly left as a victor, with trophies, and not just ordinary trophies, but a demi-magic medicine of invaluable value.

However, they didn't dare not listen to the words of Old King Jiao.

Moreover, the situation of the old King Jiao at this moment is not optimistic. The collapse of the Yuan Dan is like the collapse of a dam. The Yellow River is flooding, and it is difficult to control it at once.

The overwhelming vitality storm scoured his body, filling his limbs, every meridian, every acupuncture point, and even every cell in an instant.

Yuan Dan looks small, but the vitality contained in it is like a mountain like a sea, comparable to a nuclear reactor. Once it runs, the energy is almost endless, so the explosive power of the Jin Dan will be so terrifying.

If the old Jiaowang were not physically strong, and far above the earth immortal in the same realm, the meridians would be washed away at the moment the Yuan Dan collapsed and burst into death in an instant.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of earth-shaking sounds from the Old Jiao King's body, like a thousand horses galloping, and like endless meteorites hitting the earth, the sound is terrifying.

His dry dantian was once again flooded with vitality, rolling up the storm, raging crazily, and even lightning intertwined in the vitality storm, rumbling.

In an instant, the old King Jiao was all glowing, as if it was about to turn into a super volcano, which might erupt at any time, and the terrifying breath rushed out of his body, rolling up storms, blowing sand and rocks.

The old King Jiao's expression was ugly to the extreme, and he was also extremely nervous.

If Ye Tian made an attack at this time, the old King Jiao wouldn't be enough to see ten lives.

The Jiao people didn't dare to neglect, and once again surrounded the old Jiaowang, and helped the old Jiaowang protect the law to prevent Ye Tian from sneaking.

Several elders of the Earth Immortal wanted to help the old King Jiao, but they were helpless.

They haven't encountered this situation before and don't know how to start.

"Human Race, please." Elder Qing Jiao said to Ye Tian.

Now Ye Tian is the most unstable factor, it can even be said to be a evil star, threatening the life of the old King Jiao. Elder Qing Jiao only wants to send him away soon.

In front of a large mountain next to him, the elder Green Jiao swiped his palm, and the mountain rumbled apart, revealing an enchantment gate. The outside was pitch black, but it was vaguely visible that it was an endless green primitive mountain forest, exactly what it was in the real world. Changbai Mountains.

"Hey, the retribution has finally come, the original pill collapsed, the vitality ran away, and the gods would not be able to save you. You can wait for the old Jiaowang to collect the body. Human brothers, let's go." Changbai Sanzu sat on Ye Tian's shoulders On, I actually said cold words.

"If you don't want to leave, leave it to me!" Elder Qing Jiao glared.

"Humph!" Changbai Ginseng snorted coldly, his eyes slanted, expressing disdain, and he looked like a penguin.

"Bless yourselves."

Finally, he glanced at the old king, with a trace of pity in his eyes, Ye Tian turned and walked towards the barrier gate.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise behind him, and the old Jiao Wang's figure trembled violently, blood holes burst out from his body, and blood pillars vacated, and all the nine orifices were bleeding, which was terrifying.

After a while, he became a blood man, countless flesh and blood turned into a mist of blood, and he was covered with blood, and bones were visible in many places.

The brilliance of his whole body is more brilliant, and the aura that fills his body is even more terrifying. It is like a super volcano, approaching the tipping point, it will erupt.

Depending on the situation, he may explode and die at any time.

And the outbreak of Yuandan will be comparable to a small nuclear weapon, and the consequences will be catastrophic.

"Leave here, the farther the better." Old King Jiao shouted, almost hoarse.

Then he shouted again: "Human race boy, save me, you must save me! I confess my mistake to you, because I have a blind eye to Mount Tai, and bumped into you. Your lord has a lot, don't be as knowledgeable as me."

"Don't believe his nonsense. This old thing sees that he is going to be unable to do it, and he has to pull a back before he died." Changbai Sanzu was furious.

The old Jiao Wang knew that his Yuan Pill was about to explode, so that the children of the Jiao Clan could stay far away, but he made Ye Tian step forward. This behavior alone made the wolf's heart clear.

"How do you know I can save you?" Ye Tian stopped, turned his head, and asked lightly.

"Human brother, stay steady, don't let him fool! The collapse of the Yuan Dan is equivalent to the Yuan Dan's self-destruction, irreversible, and the gods are hard to save." Changbai Shenzu persuaded Ye Tian to risk himself.

"An intuition, you can definitely save me. Although you are young, you know more than me. You must be someone who has seen the world. Moreover, your supernatural powers have the ability to go against the sky, and the level is far above me. As long as you can save me, let me do anything." The old Jiao Wang begged hard, giving people a sense of death and kindness.

"Don’t be fooled by his sugar-coated cannonballs and poor appearance.

^0^Remember in one second【】

can speak. I have been with this old thing for three hundred years. I know my character better than anyone else, and it is so sinister and cunning. "Changbai Ginseng screamed, trying to expose the old Jiaowang's lies.

However, his words were taken as the wind by Ye Tian. Even the old King Jiao ignored him.

"It's okay for me to save you." Ye Tian said like this, "but you have to promise me one condition."

"Human brother, are you crazy?" Changbai Sanzu was mad.

"Don't talk about one condition, even one hundred conditions are all right." The old Jiao Wang was grateful.

"Fine, you don't go, I will go first."

Changbai ginseng ancestor is furious, UU reading www.uukanshu. com suddenly violently turned into a light and rushed towards the barrier gate.

"Where to go?"

Suddenly, a big blue hand reached out, swiftly like lightning, and grabbed him in his hand.

It was the hand of Elder Qing Jiao. He stroked his palm again, the separated mountains closed, and the barrier gate disappeared.

Changbai Ginseng violent violent thunder, the thoughts of scolding his mother have all.

"Old King Jiao, if I save you, how about you promise to shelter me in Penglai Beiming for a hundred years?" Ye Tian said solemnly.


When he said this, everyone was surprised.

I was surprised at the request he made. It was strange.

Secondly, I was surprised at the word "Penglai", which makes people think of Penglai Fairy Island easily.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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