Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1337: Success

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This year, the landlord’s family has no surplus!

The ancestor of Changbai Ginseng has been imprisoned in the secret of Longchi for three hundred years. He has worked **** this land like an old cow. He is almost unable to get in with the essence of the gods, and he has gone from a fat man to a skeleton frame.

Moreover, it still owes Ye Tian twenty drops of divine liquid.

In the end, after a bargain, Changbai Ginseng was only willing to give out five drops of divine liquid, and asked the Dragon Lake Jiao Clan to exchange five top-grade elixir to make up for his consumption.

The Longchi Jiao Clan has a deep heritage, and five top-quality elixir can still be taken out, but that’s about it for searching for intestines and stomachaches.

After all, the best elixir is not so easy to grow. It can be tens of thousands of years old, and it also has very strict requirements on the environment.

For Ye Tian, ​​five drops of divine liquid were enough to give the old Jiao Wang Ning Dan. Knowing that Changbai Ginseng ancestor was stingy, he deliberately said more.


A drop of divine liquid exploded above the old Jiaowang's head, turning into a monstrous spiritual storm, and it was even more visible that strands of divine essence spilled like rain, crystal clear and bright, and rich and fragrant, covering the old Jiaowang's body.

This divine essence is essentially a fragment of the great road, and a spiritual plant can only condense at the level of the holy medicine.

However, a human being who wants to condense the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in his body, accept the Dao in his body, and become his own Dao can only be done at the level of Nascent Infant and God Transformation.

In other words, only the blood of Yuan Ying and Huashen contained Dao fragments.

Whether it is Xiantian or Jindan, they can only communicate and borrow the power of the Great Dao. After all, they are not their own Dao, and there are no Dao fragments in their blood.

When it comes to the level of refining the emptiness and harmony, it goes a step further, and no longer contains the Dao of Heaven and Earth, but to create your own Dao. Only the Dao created by oneself is above the heaven and earth, and it can be regarded as a true proof, above the heaven and the earth, and become the supreme of the universe.

The whole body of the old Jiaowang was filled with rich spiritual energy, and the thick fog rolled, almost turning into liquid and dripping, like a fairyland.

There was originally no vegetation on the ground, it was a barren land. After being enveloped by the spiritual energy of the divine liquid, various dormant weeds grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After only a moment, the feet of the old Jiaowang were all green, just like computer special effects, very unreal.

But the old Jiaowang was originally a **** flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood is visible everywhere. Under the rain of divine light, the wounds are also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if reborn, broken bones and muscles are connected, and flesh and blood are reborn.

"Operate the magic trick, hold Yuan Shouyi, get rid of distracting thoughts!" Ye Tian yelled softly.

The old Jiaowang now has unconditional trust in Ye Tian, ​​no longer frightened, and quickly gathered his mind, his heart is like still water, melted between the heaven and the earth, let the flesh, as well as the soul, receive the baptism of the essence of the divine liquid.

He looked inwardly at the core of his dantian with his divine consciousness, trying to condense the original core again.

Yuan Dan seems to be condensed by True Essence, but in fact it is the physical body, True Essence, Divine Soul, the integration of the three, that is, the highly condensed essence and energy, and the three are indispensable. Any level that fails to meet the requirements of the condensed pill will not be able to condense the original pill.

Ye Tian* was shining brightly, forming a five thunder magic seal, flipped his palm and slammed it, and pressed it on the old Jiaowang's heavenly spirit cover again.

The tyrant’s five-element chaotic thunder light did not explode in the old king’s body, but was tamed by Ye Tian. It flooded the old king’s body like true essence, his limbs and skeletons, every inch of flesh and blood, every bone, tempered his The physical body, as well as the divine soul, is equivalent to let the old Jiao Wang survive a thunder catastrophe.

The spirit of the old King Jiao was originally dim and dull, but after being tempered by the five elements chaotic thunder light, it quickly transformed into a bright golden color.

How fragile the spirit is, only Ye Tian dares to use thunder to temper the spirit.

The whole process was painful, comparable to Ling Chi's torture, but the old Jiao Wang forcefully endured it.

When the divine soul tempering was over, his divine thought spread out in an instant, covering the entire dragon pond secret realm, as if a divine wandering too imaginary, all scenes and things were clearly visible in the eyes.

Even his divine consciousness penetrated the boundary of the secret realm and came to the outside world. However, due to the obstruction of the boundary membrane, the vision was a little fuzzy, but he felt the boundless ocean of vitality.

And his body is also like a knife, an axe and a chisel, with sharp edges and corners, masculine and fit, and a jet-black body like a black gold, perfect.

Under the guidance of the Chaos Condensation Pill Divine Art, the old Jiaowang's spirits and spirits gradually merged into one, condensed into one body in the dantian, and transformed into a Yuan Pill again.

At this time, Ye Tiancai gave the remaining four drops of divine liquid to the old Jiao Wang.

Bang bang bang!

The four drops of divine liquid exploded, and the aura was like a sea, instantly filling the old king's body.

However, under the guidance of the Ning Dan Shen Jue, the massive aura did not run away, but rushed towards the Dantian. There seemed to be a bottomless pit, where whales swallowed cows, and no amount of spiritual energy could be swallowed.

Once the condensing pill started, the old Jiaowang's life was saved, and his cultivation level was also saved. There was no need for Ye Tian to make any more moves, and the rest would be a matter of course.

Boom boom boom!

There was a thunderous sound coming from the body of the old King Jiao, and the whole body was glowing. Although he closed his pores and acupuncture points, and wanted to keep as much of the magical effect in the body as possible, there were still many effects that were too late to be absorbed and turned into The wisps of sunlight overflowed from his body surface, transpiring, bright and splendid.

The time didn't last long, the transpiring aura on the old Jiaowang's body became dim, and the surging aura storm was also absorbed by the flesh, and of course some spread in the world.

Fortunately, there are five drops of Changbai Ginseng Ancestor's divine liquid. Otherwise, by absorbing the spiritual energy in the secret realm, the concentration of the spiritual energy in the secret realm will drop several levels. From then on, the secret realm is no longer a secret realm, but a wasteland.

Aroused by Qi, above the old King Jiaowang's head, a great cloud of spiritual energy converged and expanded, boundlessly, like a sea of ​​water, covering most of the mystery.

The Old King Jiao didn't incorporate these spiritual clouds into his body, but spread out and returned to the world.

Although, if he wants to swallow it, he can swallow it in one bite.

Then, he opened his eyes, full of light.

He closed his mind, UU read back to the basics, and there was no such big movement as the first time.

In the depths of his dantian, a golden ball of light floats and spins, like a small universe, filled with surging energy. It is the condensed elementary pill, which is not only twice as large as the first one. , Also more shiny, brighter, and more golden.

The quality of the Yuan Dan is directly related to the quality of the Jin Dan.

Jin Dan is divided into nine grades, one grade and one heavy.

Only the first-class yuan pill can be condensed, and all the golden pill that can achieve top-grade.

Then, the old King Jiao stood up, bowed his hand to Ye Tian, ​​and bowed a big gift.

"Heaven and human beings are on the top, be worshipped by the old Jiao. The grace of reconstruction will never be forgotten."

It's definitely not a polite. If you don't fight and don't know each other, the old Jiaowang is now convinced by Ye Tian.

What is the peerless Tianjiao? This is the peerless Tianjiao, only one can be produced through the ages.

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