Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1340: Leave the secret

When Ye Tian was a guest in the Longchi Secret Realm, his deeds of slaying the five immortals of Changbai Mountain had been spread all over the world, causing an uproar.

After blasting the world’s great empire last time and slamming Western powers, he became the focus of the world again after a period of time, and became the center of discussion for all mankind.

"Are you sure it's the five earth immortals? Could it be a mistake, it's actually just five gods?"

"Yeah, when did the earth immortals be so worthless? Five of them came out at once, and all of them were killed by the young demon king. It was like a joke."

"Five immortals in the northeast of China, Hu Huang, Bai Liu Hui, what the hell? I have never heard of it. Who knows, come to popular science."


The Internet is boiling, and the topic is sweeping the headlines of major media sectors.

Many people doubted the true state of the five earth immortals, thinking that the earth immortals could not be so weak.

After all, the Northeast Daxian is only a minority, and not many people know it.

"The five great immortals in the northeast of China, I know a little bit. I have a friend who is a horse immortal, who is very powerful in the northeast, and is a branch master. The five great immortals in the northeast are actually five mature animals who are practicing with the help of the virtues of heaven. The path taken is different from that of ordinary cultivators. It belongs to an alternative way of enlightenment. This way of enlightenment is lacking, so it can prove the Dao during the end of the Dharma. However, the earth immortal who proves this way has the cultivation base of the earth immortal, But it is a little weaker than the normal earth fairy."

On an international forum for cultivators, a netizen who introduced himself and wrote about the Great Realm of the Profound Realm said that he seemed to have a good understanding of the cultivation methods of the five great immortals.

The cultivators were originally a very secret group, but because of the many god-level battles that Ye Tian participated in, the mysterious veil was lifted, and they walked from behind the scenes to the front desk and became known to the public.

The International Cultivator Forum was established in this context, and it didn't take long. However, the website is very popular. Not only can practitioners exchange their practice experience on it, ordinary people can also talk freely and consult about cultivation matters.

Many netizens heard the words of this Great Profound Realm, and they burst out and shouted their knowledge. They didn't expect immortals to be able to cultivate in this way.

Some people feel ashamed and feel that they are not as good as a beast now, Alexander.

"They are the five weak version of alien creatures and earth immortals, their strength should not be underestimated, at least as good as two or three human earth immortals. The young demon king's ability to kill them is enough to show his strength. Looking at the world, dare to ask. Who is his opponent? Dare to ask who is worthy of being his opponent?"

"Don't overspeak your words. Since five alien creatures and earth immortals can suddenly appear in this world, other earth immortals may emerge, and there may even be celestial immortals. No one in this world dares to be number one in the world, young man. The devil won’t work either..."

"Didn't the blood clan say that there are twelve blood ancestors of the earth immortals? Why don't you see any movement?"

"I think I was frightened by the young demon king and didn't dare to be born."

"Couldn't the thirteen immortal blood ancestors be just legends, there is actually only one, has been killed by the young devil?"


This battle caused Ye Tian's reputation to increase sharply, and many people assumed it was No. 1 in the world.

It is an unprecedented record of slashing several earth immortals by one person, which is enough to be included in the history of world cultivation.


In the depths of the Changbai Mountains, in an inaccessible primitive mountain forest, a large mountain suddenly separated, splitting a barrier gate.

One big and one small, two figures walked out of the barrier gate, and then the barrier gate closed and disappeared.

The mountain is still that mountain, and there is nothing unusual.

If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that there was an enchantment gate here. And inside the barrier gate, there is a small secret world.

"The green hills will not change, and the green water will flow. Human brothers, we will have a period of time. Goodbye."

As soon as he left the Longchi Secret Realm, Changbai Ginseng was about to part ways with Ye Tian, ​​and he couldn't wait to flash.

As soon as his voice fell, he disappeared from the ground and escaped below the ground.


Suddenly, Ye Tian stomped his feet abruptly, and there was a loud bang, and a khaki thunder light burst out of the ground, as if there was a high-explosive mine buried in the ground. It was trampled on and overturned a large area of ​​the ground.

Amidst the earth-yellow thunder light and the black soil, Changbai Ginseng screamed.

"Human brother, you are not kind! Are you going to kill me? But let me go if we say it." Changbai Sanzu yelled, his face was ashamed.

If it were an ordinary creature, this earth-smashing **** thunder would have been crushed to pieces.

"I have no problem with letting you go, but before you go, do you have to knot fifteen drops of divine liquid for me?"

Ye Tianyi stretched out his hand, grabbed Changbai Ginseng Zu in his hand, opened his five fingers and pinched his neck.

Although this little thing is not a human, it is more clever than a human.

"Hehe, fifteen drops of divine liquid, I forgot if you don't tell me." Changbai Ginseng Zu smirked.

He knew that he didn't spit out fifteen drops of the sacred liquid, so he didn't want to get out, so he brewed up immediately and wanted to spit the sacred liquid.

However, he sucked in a breath and started coughing.

"Don't pretend to me, hurry up and throw up to me, fifteen drops of divine liquid, one drop must not be less, and I don't want more." Ye Tian urged.

"Ahem! I'm really not pretending. The air here is too dirty and choking on me. Mad, it wasn't like this three hundred years ago. Is this still the original Changbai Mountain?" Changbai Ginseng Ancestor had a dry cough, and he choked with tears as if he had inhaled smog.

In fact, the air here is quite fresh. After all, it is deep in the dense virgin mountain forest, and it is the season of lush foliage, but Changbai ginseng ancestor is a demi-magic medicine, extremely sensitive to the environment and very demanding.

Compared with 300 years ago, the global environment has degraded, the environment of Changbai Mountain must have also degraded, and the concentration of spiritual energy has dropped sharply.

In this environment, it would be very difficult for Changbai Ginseng to survive.

Ye Tian couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "As the land **** of Changbai Mountain, don't you have a few secret places to hide? Give me fifteen drops of divine liquid and let you go. Find your comfort zone."

"you are vicious!"

Changbai Ginseng spit out a stale breath, brewed it again, obediently spit out the liquid.

One drop, two drops,...

In a short while, fifteen drops of divine liquid will be enough.

Ye Tian said his words, put fifteen drops of divine liquid into the Yujing bottle, and left Changbai Ginsengzu.

Just when Changbai Ginseng Zu was released, Ye Tian sent out an invitation, saying: "If you can't live here, you can go to Penglai Xiandao to find me. The environment of my Xiandao is a hundred times better than Changbai Longchi."

"Just out of the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den again, do you think I am stupid? Golden den and silver den, not as good as your own dog den!"

With a slip of smoke, Changbai Ginseng disappeared, rejecting Ye Tian's kindness.

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