Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1343: Awesome

"Condensed water vapor becomes a sword, not bad." Qinglong general applauded.

Condensed water into a sword and condensed water into a sword are two concepts. The condensed water into a sword is far more difficult than the condensed water into a sword, because it is not easy to capture the water vapor in the air, just like manipulating the vitality of the world.

And if a person wants to flexibly control the vitality of heaven and earth, at least he must have the level of the gods.

Although he applauded, the Azure Dragon warlord did not release the sword, but stuck out two fingers, like iron tongs, which accurately clamped the water sword, and there was a sound of gold and iron clinking like a sword collision.

Ren Shuijian was as strong as a dragon and sharp as a spear. It was caught by the iron fingers of the Qinglong general, but he couldn't get rid of it.


With a sudden force of the Azure Dragon Warrior, the water sword broke in two, then collapsed quickly and turned into water vapor.

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation from the audience, and countless applause rang out, all for the Qinglong general.

The warlord is worthy of being a warlord, powerful enough to make one's heart palpitating, letting you have a thousand magical powers and a thousand swordsman, I will break it by myself.

Liang Fei's expression remained unchanged, and he shouted, "Ning!"

As soon as his voice fell, the collapsed water sword suddenly gathered, turning into an egg-sized water ball between his fingers, spinning around, condensing like a golden stone, blooming with a crystal-like brilliance.


Then he shouted again.

Then a terrible scene happened. The egg-sized water ball suddenly exploded, as if a high-explosive hand thunder exploded, and there was a loud noise. The water ball instantly turned into water vapor, magnified countless times, shot in all directions, and even rolled out a terrible shock wave.

The Azure Dragon General was at the center of the explosion, and his entire body suddenly became ill, and he flew out.

Fortunately, his physical body is strong enough, otherwise, the average master standing here is likely to die.

This is a trick created by Liang Feigang, named Yunqi Bomb, or Yun Bomb for short.

All the people were shocked, and they didn't expect Liang Fei to show this hand, hiding the hidden picture in the open move, and was caught off guard when he hit the Azure Dragon.

The Azure Dragon flew upside down for more than ten meters and fell to the ground, but it didn't cause any serious problems. He suddenly stood up, stunned.

"It's so daring to stay behind in the ultimate move! Junior, I have to teach you a lesson today."


The Qinglong general erupted in his fighting spirit, and rushed towards Liang Fei, as if he was about to act real, and let out a bad breath.

"Qinglong!" shouted a majestic voice among the onlookers.

It was Xiao Tianqi, the leader, who was worried that the Qinglong warlord would run away and hurt others.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Qinglong general said.

Liang Fei's complexion changed slightly, but he did not retreat. With his right palm stretched out, he slammed away at a large lake not far away.

Suddenly, the water of the lake was drawn up against the sky, as if the Tianhe River was rolling down.

Boom, boom!

This scene is shocking.

A big wave was attracted by Liang Fei's raising his hand, and amidst the thunder and thunder, he rushed away at the Azure Dragon general.

The real battle has just begun!

This is the rhythm of Liang Fei's smashing with Qinglong. Unlike the other alternate members, they only play their own strongest moves.

At this moment, I saw that the Azure Dragon general was as powerful as a wild dragon, and this little water couldn't help him, so he flew up and walked directly on the waves.

"Junior, you are very good, much better than some of them, at least it can make me angry. But if you only have these capabilities, you don't deserve to be my war attendant."

"I never thought of being your war attendant. I already have a master, countless times stronger than you." Liang Fei said indifferently.

"Really? Who is your master? Let him come out and I will fight him."

"My teacher can crush you with just one finger. You are not worthy of being his opponent."

As soon as Liang Fei said this, the audience exclaimed.

Many people think that he is bragging because everyone is under the same roof on weekdays, and they never saw him or heard him say there is a master. His water power was also awakened after he was injected with the awakening reagent not long ago.

Only Sima Xuankong smiled, knowing who Liang Fei was talking about was the master.

It's just that, although he has the truth, he didn't say to accept him as a disciple!

It seems that Liang Fei is a cheeky guy and is going to rely on others.

The Azure Dragon battle general immediately furious, said: "Junior, are you looking down on me? It seems I really want to show you a little bit of color."

Liang Fei was not afraid. At this time, another big wave was drawn from the lake, and seven or forty-nine thick water spears were condensed, and they shot away at the Qinglong general.


Qinglong Zhan will use his palm as a knife to smash these water spears to pieces.

But just as he was about to shoot, the big wave under his feet suddenly solidified and turned into a glacier. It first solidified his legs, and then pushed his upper body quickly to freeze his whole person.

Only then did he know that the young man in front of him had awakened the dual abilities of ice and water, and they had reached a very high level.

The scene fell silent, and suddenly thunderous applause broke out.

This time the applause is for Liang Fei.

His performance was unexpected.

No matter what the result is, he can be arrogant enough to let the Azure Dragon warlord collapse at this moment.

Among the many alternate members of Longwei, Liang Fei is not the strongest, but he is definitely the hardest.

These water abilities killer moves and tactics were the result of his hard work and practice.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Suddenly, the big sword behind the Azure Dragon warlord moved, as if it was alive, shaking violently.

"The younger generation is terrible! Junior, you won." Qinglong warrior gave a wry smile.

Then, in everyone's stunned eyes, a sword of light rushed into the sky.


The sword light is like a dragon, the sword aura is like howling, and it is as fierce as a bolt of lightning, making it impossible to look directly at it.

At the same time as the sword was rising, a coercion spread out, rolling away in all directions, containing a powerful aura of destruction, everything withered, and the world was in silence.

Click, click!

The glacier covering the body of the Qinglong warlord first burst out with dense cobweb-like cracks, and then suddenly burst and turned into ice debris on the ground. And this is only caused by sword energy and coercion.

Qiang Qiang!

The sword light circulated in the air, and all the forty-nine water spears that were shooting down were cut off in an instant, turning into monstrous vapor.

Then the Azure Dragon warlord grabbed his hand, and the big sword fell into his palm.

With the big sword in his hand, his whole person's momentum changed suddenly, his eyes sharp as a knife, UU Reading was full of murderous aura, and he changed from the invincible God of War to the battlefield killer.

"Come out!"

Accompanied by this inexplicable speech, he held the sword in one hand and cut across a dense forest.


A hundred zhang sword glow whizzed out, and even the void was broken open, revealing a long gap.

Although the Qinglong warlord walked away with a sword, the whole person seemed to have turned into a part of the sword, and he rushed out.


Everyone was stunned, all staring at the dense forest.

"Is anyone in there?" Everyone asked.

Sure enough, the sword light fell, the dense forest was split, and a figure appeared, a young man.


Facing the Baizhang Jianmang who was slashed down, the young man just raised his hand and flicked his finger slightly, and Baizhang Jianmang split at the sound. The Qinglong general was shocked, and the sword almost broke out.

"It's not too bad to be able to find me." The young man walked out of the dense forest with his hand held up.

The Azure Dragon general was furious at first, but after recognizing the identity of the young man, his face was horrified, and he didn't even dare to think of revenge.

"A bunch of trash, let's go together, my human brother will let you two arms, let him make one arm, and you will win."

Changbai Ginseng sat on Ye Tian's neck, shouting loudly, lest the world will not be chaotic.


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