Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1353: Dongyue Taoist

The diamond circle and the sunset arrow collided several times in a row, and the momentum was earth-shattering. Every time the diamond circle flew out, its power was inferior, but the sunset arrow was also knocked off the direction again and again, and its power plummeted.

Seeing the white-haired old man rushing closer, Ye Tian took the sunset arrow and fell from the sky.

The real name of this diamond circle should be called King Kong Zhuo. It is the magic weapon of the Taishang Laojun in myths and legends. It is terrifying in power, can strike all things, can cover the world, everything is not broken, and everything is not collected.

Of course, the white-haired old man’s diamond cut should not be the one of the old gentleman, otherwise the sunset arrow he shot would fly out. After all, he didn't have the ability of Hou Yi to shoot down the sun.

However, Ye Tian looked at this diamond cut, it was also exquisite and unusual, about a foot in diameter, silvery white in color, densely covered in **** patterns, natural rhyme, simple and natural, and it was a decent artifact.

"Old Sovereign, there is a humanoid magic drug here. It is the ancestor of the legendary mountain ginseng in Changbai Mountain. It can help me to break through the digital earth immortals, and I may even be born into heaven immortals in the future. Moreover, this kid has discovered the Penglai immortal. Island, and occupy the island as the king. We can take Penglai Xiandao, move our Dongyue Sect to the past, and create a prosperous world on Penglai Xiandao. After all, this world is too small, and it restricts the development of our Dongyue Sect Growing up. Hahaha, God helped me Dongyue. Brat, I want to thank you for sending us such a great gift." The old white-haired woman laughed, daydreaming, whimsical.

As soon as she said this, all the Dongyue disciples in the field were excited, their eyes glowed, and they were very fascinated by Penglai Xiandao.

The Dongyue Sect was created by the Great Emperor Dongyue, and it was also a large sect before eternity. This Dongyue Secret Realm is the remains of Dongyue Sect, the grand occasion is no longer. And this white-haired old man is Dongyue Sect Master, named Dongyue Taoist, a half-step immortal.

After all, this small world of Dongyue Secret Realm is too small to be compared with Penglai Secret Realm and Changbai Dragon Pond Secret Realm. Its only aura is more abundant than the outside world, and there are not many ancient laws imprinted, so it is difficult to prove Dao Dixian here.

However, even half-step Dixian, Dongyue Taoist is also much stronger than the outside half-step Dixian, because the accumulation in the small secret realm is not comparable to the outside world.

I saw that the Dongyue Taoists had all white beards and hair, clear appearance, clear eyes, and wisps of divine brilliance overflowed from the body, dazzling the body, there was a kind of fairy-style dao bone air, floating like a fairy.

However, he was hunting and hunting in a robe, and his whole person was like an invincible abyss, fluctuating out of the air that destroys the world, as if it could swallow everything in the world.

In the eyes of the disciples of Dongyue Sect, Ye Tian would definitely finish playing once the old Sect Master appeared.

"Made, old lady, let me go. Believe it or not my human brother killed me?" Changbai Sanzu shouted.

The big net that the old white-haired woman threw just now, actually put it in accurately. It is useless to allow it to struggle violently. On the contrary, the net is tightened and it will be deformed.

"Let go of you, is it possible? From now on, you will be my sect's companion magical medicine, and I will take it away." The white-haired old woman said gloomily.

"Azhu, let go of the magical medicine, don't be rude." Dongyue Taoist said suddenly, the sound was like thunder, majestic and mighty.

Then, he said to Ye Tian: "The Lord of Penglai is here, and I am glorious in Dongyue Pengxun, and if I miss you far, I hope to forgive me.

After finishing speaking, he also bowed his hand to Ye Tian.

Everyone was stunned for a while, the old Sect Master didn't even make a shot at Ye Tian, ​​but greeted him with a happy face and a smile.

Is the old lord being jealous?

All the sect disciples were puzzled.

But Ye Tianli ignored it, descending from the sky, using flashing magical powers, and in a flash, ghosts and charms generally appeared in front of the white-haired old woman, lifted a big slap and drew her old face.

"Daoist, please stop!" Daoist Dongyue yelled, his pace was disillusioned, and he rushed over as a light, trying to stop it.

However, no matter how fast his speed is, it can't be compared with Ye Tian's flashing supernatural powers.

"Dare you!" The white-haired old woman's pupils shrank suddenly, and an extremely powerful pressure enveloped her whole body. Suddenly she was unable to resist or avoid it.

"What dare I?"


Ye Tian slapped his palm, and the white-haired old woman flew out, half of his face was bloody, his teeth were almost lost, and his hair was scattered, lying on the ground like a madman, shouting.

"Fellow Daoist, you are too strong." Sect Master Dongyue, no matter how good his temperament is, he can't stand it anymore, his expression cold.

However, he still did not make a move and maintained restraint.

"Really? I'm strong, so what? Annoyed me and overturned your entire secret realm." Ye Tianzhen was angry and murderous.

He made a knife with one finger, and opened a large net with one finger to rescue the Changbai Ginseng Zu.

Sect Master Dongyue also waved his palm, and a divine light flew out, like a sword like a sword, cutting off the vines, and letting down the white-haired boy who had been slinged. The vines wrapped around him like a mummy turned into powder.

"Old ancestor, kill him. Otherwise, he would think that Dongyue is a good bully."

"I think Dongyue has stood tall from eternity to today. No one has dared to come to the wild. No matter which great **** you are and how capable you are, since you are here, don't leave."

"We go together, you can't kill him if you don't believe it."


Many Dongyue children clamored and filled with righteous indignation.

"Shut up all!" Taoist Dongyue said softly, "The distinguished guests came to the door. Not only did you not meet you, but you made a rough shot. You are still being punished for three days of retreat."

Suddenly a group of Dongyue disciples turned black.

"I Dongyue is isolated from the world, UU reading www.uukā has not been in the world for a long time, some disciples are impetuous, unaware that the sky is high and the earth is thick, rude and rude, making fellow Daoists laugh." Sect Master Dongyue then said to Ye Tian, ​​his tone of voice Easy-going, his posture was very low, he didn't mean to be an enemy of Ye Tian at all.

Seeing this, the Dongyue disciples were very dissatisfied, but they were helpless.

If he didn't hit the smile, Ye Tian couldn't be stronger anymore, so he would forget the blame.

A crisis disappeared and the atmosphere eased.

However, apart from Dongyue Daoist, all the others still looked at Ye Tian and wanted to kill them soon.

Ye Tian didn't care, how can a group of ants stand him?

"Daoist friends, please come to the humble house." Taoist Dongyue sent out the invitation, very sincere.

Not far away, there is a palace and pavilion, which is very spectacular, accompanied by the pine forest, and the spring water is gurgling around, as if in a painting.

Ye Tian did not decline, and went to sit in the hall with Taoist Dongyue for a while, drinking tea and sipping tea. After all, he wanted to ask others, and wanted to inquire about Tianlu from the Dongyue Dao population.

"Brother Ye Dao is really a blessing and got a magical medicine to accompany him. According to legend, only the Supreme God can get such treatment." Taoist Dongyue raised his glass, his eyes full of envy.

"Dao brother Dongyue misunderstood, Sam Zu is not following me. It is the environmental degradation of Changbai Mountain, which is not conducive to its survival. I just want to change the environment in Penglai," Ye Tianqian said.

He mentioned Penglai, and the envy in Dongyue Taoist's eyes became more serious.

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