Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1356: On stage

Based on Ye Tian's previous life He Dao Zhenxian's cultivation base and knowledge, many magic circles in the underground palace and the flaws in the magic circles can be identified at a glance, and thus can be solved.

If it is a perfect circle, it may take some time to crack it, but the circle in the underground palace has gone through the ages, many Dao patterns have been worn out, become incomplete, and there are many flaws. Ye Tian can easily crack it and find A moment after another.


When Ye Tian stepped on the ninth eye for the last time, he shouted:



The underground palace shook slightly.

Suddenly, all the killing formations were dormant, the heaven and the earth were clear, and all the killing opportunities ceased to exist, as if returning to the world from the eighteenth hell.

Taoist Dongyue was dumbfounded and swallowed fiercely.

"It must be a coincidence, relying on the arrogance of the flesh and the solidity of magic weapons."

Daoist Dongyue said in his heart that he couldn't believe that Ye Tian was still a master of formation, and his attainments were so terrifying that he could break the formation with his fingers, just like a fantasy.

It is not difficult for him to see that Ye Tian's physical body is very powerful. During the first battle outside, he even activated the ten-zhang giant spirit law body.

The Xuanhuangdao platform on top of Ye Tian's head was the first time he had taken out his hand. It was able to drop the chaotic energy and exuded a breath of immortality, very mysterious.

"Old thing, roll over and see what you explain!" Changbai Canzu shouted angrily.

It was really frightened just now, and it hugged Ye Tian's neck tightly, and its marks came out.

Ye Tian didn't speak, he had already arrived at the center of the underground palace, standing under the high platform, looking up.

The ten-zhang high platform is not very tall, but it gives him a sense of standing up from the mountain, as if facing Mount Tai, with a majestic aura.

This is the starry sky teleportation formation, connected to the unknown cosmic starry sky, Ye Tian was very excited, and his breathing was a little short.

Although, judging from the mottled and damaged base, the transmission array at the top may not be complete.

But no problem, this still makes him happy. The teleportation formation is destroyed, he can also try to repair it, it is possible to repair it.

"I hope it doesn't break too badly." Ye Tian muttered to himself, then stepped out and stepped onto the first step of the base of the formation.

It’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. The transmission formation requires a lot of materials. It needs to be a variety of magical materials. Some may not exist on the earth. They can only be found in the star field. Ye Tian is a repairer. If you can't find the right material, don't even think about repairing it.

"The formation is suppressed. It is connected with the power of the stars and the energy of the ground veins. Non-celestials cannot climb it. I have tried to climb to the top countless times, bathing in the cultivation of the stars and the ground veins, but I can only climb nine steps. , The pace is difficult to move." Dongyue Taoist walked step by step, said to Ye Tian, ​​persuading Ye Tian to stop.

"You are not ashamed, do you think my human brother is as useless as you?" Changbai Ginseng sarcastically.

"Hmph, don't blame me for not reminding you." Daoist Dongyue gritted his teeth.

The high platform has a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one steps, which means nine-nine unity, and a heavenly road connects the universe.


As the Taoist Dongyue said, as soon as Ye Tian stepped onto the steps, he felt a strong pressure. When he stepped on it, it seemed to be extremely heavy. When he wanted to lift it, his feet seemed to be coated with super glue and stuck to the steps. Up.


On the high platform, Xinghui and Earth Vein Qi surged, and it seemed that the invisible formation method sensed the breath of people, and it operated more frantically to wash people down.

Xinghui and the Qi of the Earth Vein blend with each other to form a kind of Chaos Qi, which falls down one after another. Each strand is extremely heavy, boundless, terrifying, and people can't help but want to kneel on the ground and worship.

Boom boom boom!

Chaos Qi rushed down like a torrent, trying to rush Ye Tian off the high platform.

On the top of Ye Tian's head, the mysterious ecliptic platform was also dripping chaotic energy, protecting himself.

He has a firm pace, and the golden body has unlimited power. Although the first nine steps took some effort, he quickly stepped over without stopping.

This shocked Taoist Dongyue, his eyes were almost glaring, because he could only climb the ninth ladder at the highest level.

"Relying on foreign objects is not enough." He muttered to himself and found an excuse, and his mood instantly became more comfortable.

However, he said that he had only ascended the nine steps when he had a magic weapon to protect himself.

With bare hands, the three steps are his limit.

As he said, only Jin Dan Tianxian can board this formation, which has extremely strong suppression on the realm below.

In fact, not only the Taoist platform is suppressed, but the entire underground palace is suppressed. Even when the golden core comes here, many magical powers will not be able to be used, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The ancient immortals left behind when they built the teleportation formation, they had only one purpose, to guard the teleportation formation. After all, it is too precious, and it is very important. If there is no teleportation array, those sages who left the earth will not be able to return to the earth.

However, although Ye Tian was not a golden core, he occupied a golden core.

Nine steps, eighteen steps, twenty-seven steps, thirty-six steps,...

Although the speed is getting slower and slower and his feet are getting heavier and heavier, like a tortoise walking forward with a load, Ye Tian never stopped walking forward.

Boom boom boom!

The Chaos Qi scoured more and more crazily, like a torrent, like a waterfall, and a vast fog, scouring the high platform rumblingly.

"Made, a chaotic waterfall, it's unreasonable! It's just a step, it's not to demolish your family's ancestral grave, as for?" Changbai Sanzu cursed.

Ye Tian's golden sacred body glowed, his body was like a **** golden glass, and his golden blood was surging to the sky. More powerful divine power surged out, always standing tall.

The Xuanhuangdao platform above his head is also strong enough, and it whispers softly, rushing out a ray of divine light, shaking hard with the chaotic energy.

At the fifty-fourth step, Ye Tian paused a little.

"If you can't bear it, come down. The suppression above will become stronger and stronger. In the end, it will be like Mount Tai, and you will be crushed into blood and mud. You are just a god. It’s a far cry from the heavens. It’s pretty good to be able to climb to this height.

"Shut up, you old man, the ability of my human brothers is not what you can imagine." Changbai Sanzuo cursed, very disgusted with Dongyue Taoist.

Daoist Dongyue's nose was getting crooked.

He is the master of Dongyue sect, has he ever been so disrespectful?

Ye Tian still ignored it, booming, a more terrifying aura erupted in his body, and the flaming golden brilliance flickered, opening up a gold god's realm, isolating part of the aura.

Bang, bang, bang!

He quickened his pace and continued to sprint towards the top of the platform.

"What?" Daoist Dongyue's jaw was almost astonished, not only surprised at Ye Tian's cool supernatural powers, but also surprised at Ye Tian's ability to break through the suppression and display supernatural powers.


The high platform vibrated violently, the chaos was turbulent, rolling like a tide, accompanied by the terrible roar of the road, rushing towards Ye Tian's body, like a starry river sinking.

This time, Ye Tian climbed to the seventy-second step in one breath and stopped for a while.

The chaos was vast, his whole person was submerged, only a figure with a curved back was faintly visible.

"Finally can't bear it." Taoist Dong Yue sneered in his heart.


At this moment, a dragon head crutch suddenly fell down, facing Ye Tian's direction, it was extremely thick, manifesting a large dragon phantom, powerful, as if it was extremely heavy, and the sky was shaking.


At the same time, another sword light came across, the cold light illuminating the world, fierce and fierce.

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