Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1384: Where to escape

The spirit of the fourth blood ancestor escaped with the help of the butcher knife. Ye Tian dared not neglect, and immediately chased after him.

The speed of the butcher knife was too fast, like a **** electricity, and it was extremely flaming, buzzing and shaking, and the momentum was shaking to the sky. Wherever it passed, the void was red and bloody.

The blood essence of the fourth blood ancestor, in addition to burning and transforming into divine power, part of it was poured into the butcher knife, leaving the butcher knife in a fully awakened state.

Coupled with the control of the fourth blood ancestor's spirit, the butcher knife is as flexible as a flying sword, with unmatched attack and destruction power.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ye Tian flashed three times in a row, like a ghost, traversed three hundred feet in an instant, saw the tail light of the butcher knife, and was just a little too close to catching up with the butcher knife.

But when he wanted to flash for the fourth time, he found that the void could not be broken. It was surprisingly that he used the flashing magical powers frequently, which used up the number of times he could use today.

In addition, his Suzaku Dharma body was exploded just now, and he couldn't turn into a Suzaku at once, unable to use Suzaku's extreme speed.

That hate in Ye Tian's heart!

He is determined to win the spirit and butcher knife of the fourth blood ancestor.

Unable to flash, and unable to transform into a Vermillion Bird, he used the light and shadow magic step, the speed was still incredibly fast, and at the same time, he blasted out a punch in the air and smashed the butcher knife.


Ye Tian yelled, blessing his punching skills in his fist strength. Under this kind of fist skill, the fist is firm but not scattered, with strong penetrating power.


I saw that a golden fist tore through the void, like a cannonball out of the chamber, it suddenly blasted on the butcher knife, making a sonorous sound, like metal fighting.

The butcher knife immediately destabilized, and flew away against the ground, where the mountains were dangerous.

"Child, you are looking for death!" The fourth blood ancestor was furious and panicked.


It's like an airplane is out of control, and the pilot works hard to control it, trying to save a bit of life.

The butcher knife reversed direction desperately and traversed an almost impossible curve, but in the end it hit a mountain, but it didn't matter, because the butcher knife was sharp enough, it cut the mountain top at once, and finally rushed to the sky.

"Youth demon king, you are dead, and your entire eastern country will be over! When my remaining eight brothers come out, you will surely make you a floating corpse in the middle of the earth, and blood flowing into a river." The fourth blood ancestor cursed and the butcher knife reversed The sky, continue to escape.

The speed of the butcher knife was even higher than Ye Tian's flashing shadow steps, and the gap widened.

Although Ye Tian had the Xuanguang Platform, he didn't know the flight path of the Fourth Blood Ancestor, couldn't determine the coordinates, and it was not easy.

"Almost forgot you." Ye Tian chuckled, raising his hand to call out a big bow and three black **** iron arrows from the universe ring.

It was the sunset bow and sunset arrow that were captured from the hands of the white-clothed youth in the secret realm of Dongyue. According to legend, they came from the hands of the ancient sun-shooting **** Hou Yi, but they are not the real sunset bows and arrows, but Houyi was entrusted by Emperor Dongyue. Another bow and arrow cast.

Of course, this was a one-sided statement of the boy in white, and Ye Tian didn't know whether it was true or not.

However, it is true that this pair of bows and arrows is very powerful, and on top of Ye Tian's Longjiao Divine Bow, it can easily explode the mountains.


Ye Tiangong pulled the strings, and the ten directions of heaven and earth gathered like tides. The bow tires glowed and trembled slightly. It seemed that the inner gods were resurrecting, filled with peerless murderous intent.

"go with!"

Ye Tian let go of the bowstring, and the black gold **** iron arrow turned into a black electric light and flew out, accompanied by the terrifying sound of wind and thunder, shaking the earth, like a thousand horses galloping.

call out!

The speed of the Black Gold God Iron Arrow was too fast, as if it had penetrated the void, and it suddenly narrowed the distance between it and the butcher knife. And this arrow can be locked in energy, and before the divine power is exhausted, it will pursue immortality.

The earth-shaking sound came from the rear, and it was not difficult for the Fourth Blood Ancestor to find the arrow approaching.

The butcher knife evaded and wandered out of various complicated curvilinear paths, but the black gold **** iron arrow followed like a shadow, couldn't get rid of it at all, and the distance got closer and closer.

Seeing that it could not be thrown away, the Fourth Blood Ancestor could only shake it hard with the butcher knife and the black gold **** iron arrow, and cut it down.

"It's just an arrow, you dare to be an enemy of my butcher knife?"


A loud noise came out, the butcher knife and the black gold **** iron arrow shook hard, the mountains and rivers were pale, the sun and the moon were dull.

After all, the black gold **** iron arrow was invincible, and it was smashed into the air, hitting a mountain, razing the entire 100-meter mountain to the ground.

But the butcher knife moved a thousand feet horizontally, and there was a gap in the sharp blade.

"Damn it, so hard!" The Fourth Blood Ancestor was shocked.

He could imagine that if it wasn't for the butcher knife, but for his body and the black gold god's iron arrow, he would be very tragic, and his bones would be broken.

At the beginning, Ye Tian's golden body also saw blood under the black gold **** iron arrow. This bow and arrow didn't come from the hands of the Great God Hou Yi, and it must have a great background.

call out! call out!

At this time, two more black and gold **** iron arrows flew over, like two black comets across the sky, wind and thunder were violent, and the sky was rumbling. Ye Tian also chased after him.

The fourth blood ancestor controlled the butcher knife and fought and left.

"It's useless, you can't escape." Ye Tian said coldly, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is like a world-class demon, about to set the fourth blood ancestor's life.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" The fourth blood ancestor roared loudly.


The butcher knife and the black gold **** iron arrow continued to shook hard, and there was a blade of light and sword in the sky, sparks splashed everywhere, and there were waves of heaven and earth cracking, and the sound of ten thousand ghosts crying.

The butcher knife and the black gold **** iron arrow have a yin and a yang, which is a contest between righteousness and evil.


The horrible fluctuations swept the world, and the void was full of holes, showing great rifts in the sky. The mountains on the ground continued to collapse, cracks spreading towards the distance.

The butcher knife and the black gold **** iron arrow clash, as if two gods are fighting, and the degree of excitement is not inferior to the battle between Ye Tian just now and the fourth blood ancestor. The eyes of countless spectators can't keep up, only two in the void. Daoguang was running rampant, hitting the earth every time like a comet.

The Black Gold God Iron Arrow was cut down continuously, but Ye Tian was summoned back again and again, shooting out vigorously. Obviously there are only three arrows, but there are countless effects, making the butcher knife tired of coping.

"I can't break three arrows, I'll cut you off."

In the cold voice, the butcher knife suddenly turned around and slashed and killed Ye Tian, ​​using his best strength.


Thousands of swords across the sky, the void was broken open, the thunder and purgatory reappeared, the vast world suddenly became dark, and it was all filled with a terrible energy.

The ghostly whirlwind swept across, the blood-colored thunder exploded, and the ghosts were crying and wailing,..., the world was bleak.

"Go to death for me!"

A **** sword light became the only one in the world, shocking the world.

Ye Tian stood on the top of a mountain, his hair fluttering, with a light cloud and breeze. In the face of the fateful blows from the fourth blood ancestor, he only raised his hand gently, the brilliance of his palm flashed, and a big sword that surrounded the sun, moon and stars appeared.

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