Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1387: 4-pin Shengdan


The demon core blood soul great pill really seemed to be wise, aware of the terrible thunder tribulation, and even wanted to rush into the cave to escape, but Ye Tian slapped it out and guarded the entrance of the cave, placing a restriction.

Boom! rumble!

Thick thunder pillars continued to land, bombarding the Demon Core Blood Soul Da Dan indiscriminately. Let it escape, the thunder pillar is drawn by the heavenly Qi machine, like a shadow.

As long as you are under this starry sky, there is no escape.

If it hides in a cave, thunder robbery will even blast the mountain top.

This is the will of heaven. The more you resist, the stronger the punishment will be.


The Great Dan wailed, and soon his skin broke and his flesh was burnt.

However, in the time of thunder penalty, these scars can soon heal.

Moreover, after healing, the great pill will become more radiant, crystal clear, and its volume will shrink a bit and become more refined.

"What a powerful Thunder Tribulation, I don't know when it will end? Can Dadan bear it?" Mengyao was startled and worried.

She saw a vast expanse of whiteness in her eyes, the entire valley was flooded with thunder, the flowers and plants that had been planted so hard were all turned to ashes, and the ground was riddled with holes.

The thunder pillars were thicker than the other, and the thunder punishment became stronger and stronger, and the momentum was earth-shaking, leaving the entire island without a quiet place, and countless small animals were scared and scurrying.

This great pill is the first pill that Mengyao has refined in her life. A lot of effort has been devoted, but she doesn't want her effort to be wasted.

"Ten Dao, Fifteen Dao, Twenty Dao..."

Ye Tian was also counting the thunder robbery, his expression was slightly solemn.

"It should be able to survive, Lei Jie is about to end." He said, his tone was not very sure.

The more stable the foundation of human beings, the greater the possibility of success.

The same is true for the pill to cross the catastrophe, the more complete, the greater the possibility of success. It was his first time to refine the Demon Core Blood Soul Great Pill, and in the whole process, he was not able to participate in the whole process, leaving some irreversible small flaws, so that he was not completely sure.


The thunder light moved the sky, and the five thunderbolts descended from the sky, presenting five colors, like a rainbow, gorgeous and dazzling, but full of terrifying aura.

God thunder of heaven and earth five elements!

The Demon Core Blood Soul Great Pill seemed to be very scared, hiding behind a huge boulder.


There was a loud noise, as if the world had collapsed, the huge boulder burst into pieces in an instant, the demon core blood soul big Dan skin opened and the whole body turned into coke, covered by a pile of rubble, motionless, and the injury showed no sign of healing.

"Teacher, I'll go out and have a look." Mengyao was anxious.

"It's not the time yet." Ye Tian looked at the thunderclouds in the sky. Although there were signs of dissipating, lightning was still gathering, and it was clear that the thunder penalty had not yet ended.

Five minutes have passed this time, and there was no thunder landing, and finally there was movement in the rubble, and a bright light burst out.

The demon core blood soul great pill broke open the gravel pile little by little, giving people a feeling of thief.

On its body surface, the seven orifices are faintly visible, but they are only initially manifested, and they are far from real formation.

Generally speaking, it takes Shendan to be able to transform.

With a whoosh, a pile of rubble collapsed in all directions, and a divine light rushed up. It was the Demon Core Blood Soul Great Pill, and wanted to escape.


But at this moment, four more thunders landed, each of which was thicker than the water tank.

The earth, fire, geomantic, and water are various, and the four elements in the four thunders rotate, as if opening up the world and evolving a small world.

As soon as these four lightnings landed, the entire cloud was darkened, and the lightning bolts were almost gone, and they all merged into these four thick lightnings.

Mengyao drew a sigh of relief, and Hua Rong paled.

"Teacher..." she yelled.

"It can only survive by itself."

Ye Tian held the Heaven-shaking Seal in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not make a move.


The demon core blood soul great pill stopped escaping, hovering in mid-air, bright divine lights burst out, forming a shield.

The thunder sound shook the ears, and the four thunderbolts fell at the same time, shattering all the protective masks, accompanied by a loud noise, the four thunderbolts did not explode, but turned into four divine lights, and rushed into Dan. Medicine inside.


The great Dan trembles, bursting out with divine light, like a round of Shenyang hanging in the sky, feeling that it may burst at any time.

At this moment, Ye Tian shot like lightning, threw the sky-shaking mark, shrouded in the great alchemy, drooping chaotic energy, suppressing the big alchemy.

It took a full hour before the Demon Core Blood Soul Great Pill calmed down, all the divine light was restrained, and the last four lightnings were melted into the body.

"A total of seven or seventy-nine sky thunders, with four thunder patterns, are a fourth-rank sacred pill. This monster core blood soul great pill was finally made."


Ye Tian sighed, holding a crystal clear red big pill in his hand, and laughed loudly.

Not only did the great pill have four more thunder patterns, but the seven orifices were also clearer, and it looked like a creature. If it continues to grow, it will transform a few more times, it may not be impossible.

Unfortunately, it couldn't grow, because the spiritual sense was obliterated by Ye Tian.

The phantom of the blood ancestor in the great alchemy also disappeared and was dispersed by the thunder robbery.

The strong fragrance of medicine made everyone drool and their eyes hot.

Almost all the people on Penglai Fairy Island rushed to the surrounding area to get a glimpse of the true face of the peerless Great Dan.

"It's all gone, there is only one great pill, which is left for Qinghan, and I don't even want it." Ye Tian laughed, waved his hand, and let everyone scattered.

He suddenly thought of the eight remaining blood ancestors. If all of them were caught, it might not be possible to refine a great pill of similar grade.

He sealed the altar, ready to break through the innate, and then go to the blood sea to drop demons and slay demons. Now his level is too low, and if he acts boldly, he may be more ugly than good.

"Teacher, how do you return Lihuo?" Mengyao said, leaning out two white jade hands, and two clusters of flames were freed from the palms.

"Put it on you first, I won't need it for the time being. And this treasure cauldron, you keep it for now. There are many elixir on the island for you to try out your pill."

When Ye Tian said this, everyone was shocked.

Especially Zhao is a little jealous again.

Hey, the same disciple, this difference is too obvious, right?

"Junior Brother Zhao, you can find me if you want to make alchemy, and Baoding will lend you. In fact, the teacher just asked me to keep it temporarily, not for me."

"What's the difference? It's yours if you keep it."

"You, are you looking for a fight?"

Zhao Tianlong laughed, and suddenly he said, "You said Miss Qin is here, should you call her a senior sister? Or should you call her junior sister? If there is any disagreement, should we listen to you? Or should you listen? Where's her?"

Mengyao's expression suddenly changed, her face sinking like water.

How should Qinghan face the arrival of Qinghan is a question!

"What the teacher says, just do it well, don't have so many flowers. The only thing we have to do is to practice well."

After speaking, Mengyao vacated away.

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