Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1389: 1 step Tianren

Less than half of the spiritual liquid in the spiritual pool was left, and most of Qinghan's body was exposed above the surface of the liquid, enveloped by the transpiring brilliance.

This energetic radiance is the essence of the spirit fluid, which constantly rushes into her body through the acupoints and pores, circulates in the meridians and spreads throughout the body, making her whole body crystal clear, and even the hairs are shining.

Every time she breathed, she was like a long whale drinking water, and a white pike condensed from aura was inhaled from her nostrils, and there was a big movement.

Her transformation is still in progress, and the spirit fluid is not enough, and Ye Tian has to use the spirit stone prepared in advance.

Bang, bang, bang!

The spirit stones were crushed one by one and turned into surging spiritual energy. They were attracted by Qinghan's body and gathered. Eventually, they wrapped the girl's jade body like a cocoon, washed her body, and opened up a sea of ​​dantian Qi.

The girl's body became more and more flawless, as crystal clear, and the powerful life fluctuations became more terrifying. Her temperament has also become more and more ethereal, like a fairy, with a breath of non-cannibalism, sacred and inviolable.

She seems to be undergoing the baptism of life, with her internal organs, limbs and skeletons, all bones, every inch of flesh and blood, being moisturized by the essence of life.

Her dantian qi sea is constantly being opened up, growing every moment, strands of true essence converge, converging into a small lake.

The master's Dantian Qihai is almost on this scale.


At a certain moment, Qinghan's originally calm Dantian Qihai suddenly heard a terrible whistle, the divine light was blazing, and the violent vitality rolled like a tide, and there was a deafening sound.

Not only is Dantian Qihai, her whole body is shining, and her heartbeat sounds like a beating drum.

An immense breath gushed out of her body, instantly filling the entire stone room, and the stone wall rumbling.

Under this breath, not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary internal energy masters can't bear it, they will vomit blood instantly, and even die suddenly.

Then, her body seemed to be burning, red blood flowing from the pores, turning into wisps of red glow, and the whole body was bright red. And her body is shining, with new blood regenerating, gorgeous and crystal clear, red and dazzling.

With flesh and blood rebirth, Qinghan was reborn again, possessing a strong body comparable to that of the Great Master of Transformation, with supreme power in every gesture.

Her skin looks smooth and supple. It can be broken by blowing, but it can be invulnerable.

Even if she hasn't practiced any martial arts martial arts, she can blow up huge boulders and penetrate thick steel plates with a single blow.

At this time, it was the eighth day of retreat, the spiritual fluid in the spiritual pond had dried up, and the spiritual stones prepared in advance had also been used up.

"It's almost there." Ye Tian took out the Demon Core Blood Soul Great Pill, ready to convince Qing Han.


At this moment, Qing Han opened his eyes abruptly, and the two eyes were shining like stars in the sky, full of spirituality, and her eyebrows were curved, condensing the rhyme of poetry.

Ye Tian exchanged briefly with her, and a big pill swallowed down.


As soon as Da Dan entered the body, thousands of bright rays of sunlight overflowed from her body, instantly covering her whole body with a mysterious halo, as if she was being burned by flames.

A wave of violent vitality quickly filled her limbs and a hundred skeletons, even if she was running the "Chaos Refining Qi Jue" in her body, she could not control such a massive amount of vitality.

Her Dantian Qihai quickly entered a state of fullness, unable to contain such a massive amount of vitality.

The sea of ​​consciousness in her eyebrows also surged into a terrifying force, constantly infiltrating the sea of ​​consciousness, scouring her soul, the pain was stronger than the physical body.

If it were the body of a normal person, it would have already turned into ashes at this moment.

Even a master of internal strength, a master of transformation, may also be crushed by the meridians, burst the dantian qi sea, and even tear the soul.

Of course, Qinghan was also protected from disaster by Ye Tian's support.

The Great Seal hangs on the top of Qinghan's head, and the Chaos Qi is hanging down, suppressing her physical body while also suppressing the vitality riot.

At the same time, Ye Tian was also helping her guide her vitality, opening up the sea of ​​dantian qi and the sea of ​​eyebrows.

Puff puff!

Qinghan's body was shaken violently, and his body was full of glow, bleeding from Qiqiao first, then terrible cracks appeared in his flesh, and a series of blood flowers spattered.

Qinghan was uneasy, the pain was unbearable, opened his eyes, and looked at Ye Tian nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Ye Tian said to her with a solemn expression.

After all, the master is a mortal womb, which is fundamentally different from the body of the gods.

If you want to step into the realm of the gods from the master, you must reborn again, cut the hair and wash the marrow, and if it is all-round.


Suddenly, the bones in Qinghan's body cracked, and through her inner vision, she could clearly see that her ivory-white and crystal-clear bones were shattering and then growing again.

Click! Click!

Her body was also like exquisite jade, cracked in a large area, and pieces of flesh and blood turned into blood mist.

Ye Tian made seals with both hands, poured surging mana into the top of her head, and at the same time released spiritual power from the center of his eyebrows to protect her spirit.

This time is a real reincarnation, cutting hair and washing the marrow, a thorough transformation, and a renewal of flesh and blood inside and out.

Ye Tian has experienced similar changes many times, and everything is under control.

The spirit pond was stained red with blood, and Qinghan's body was suffering unimaginable pain.

A huge amount of life essence gushes from the demon core blood soul great pill, scouring the flesh and blood, changing the bones and blood, allowing her physical body to grow again at a speed visible to the naked eye, almost helping her rebuild a body.

Her Dantian Qihai opened at an unprecedented speed, from a small lake to a large lake.

Her nine layers of consciousness were penetrated through the seven layers, and her powerful mental power surged out, capable of spreading for kilometers.

Above the Tiannvdong valley, a large cloud converges continuously, purely formed by the gathering of the heaven and earth vitality of Penglai Fairy Island, with a radius of one kilometer.

"Suddenly heaven and man so soon?"

Seeing this scene, everyone on the island was surprised.

Everyone is a monk and knows what this big cloud cover means.

It has only been more than ten days since Qinghan's retreat.

In more than ten days, it was a miracle to turn an ordinary person into a god-level heavenly person.

Ordinary, it is a Tianjiao martial artist, and it is difficult to enter the gods without the efforts of most of his life.

Of course, UU-reading Qinghan has only a realm in this fast-moving divine realm, but its strength is far below that.


Accompanied by a powerful wave of life emanating from the Tiannv Cave, the aura swept the world, and the clouds covering the sky instantly collapsed.

The brilliant glow in the spiritual pond also disappeared, revealing the figure of a girl.

Qinghan almost changed its appearance, only seven points similar, black hair like clouds, bright red lips, crystal teeth, graceful jade body like heaven's most perfect masterpiece, holy as a godly lotus, unparalleled beauty enveloped With a faint mist, like a dream and fantasy, extraordinary and refined.

The vigorous vitality makes her skin radiate brilliant brilliance, flesh and bones are also flashing Baohui, and the exquisite and petite jade body is filled with a powerful sense of strength.

Suddenly, she stood up, her flawless jade body was fully displayed, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Tian, ​​she smiled and asked, "Does it look good?"

Ye Tian nodded with a smile.

With a wave of Qing Hanyu's hand, a shirt that had been prepared in advance flew over and fell on him.

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