Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1396: Incarnation of will


A big hand can have a house the size of a house, thick as a mountain, making the sky shake for a while, protruding abruptly from the thundercloud storm, and slapped Qinghan's head.

Ye Tianhu's body shook, clenched his fist, and was about to greet him with a fist, but found that something was wrong. The giant palm protruding from the thundercloud storm was not condensed by illegal force, but formed by thunder light, bright and brilliant. Like colored glaze, the rhyme of mysterious Taoism flows out.

Bright glazed palm!

Ye Tian recognized at a glance, this was a magical power of the body of bright colored glaze.

In the first battle of the Holy See, Ye Tian had seen this magical power.

This is still Qinghan's thunder tribulation, Lei Mang is transforming, it is the will of heaven and earth that is taking action, continuing to attack Qinghan.

However, why did the will of heaven and earth transform into the palm of the bright colored glaze, instead of other means of attack?

A question echoed in Ye Tian's mind for an instant, but he didn't have time to think, so he urged Qing Han to take action and continue to overcome the catastrophe.

A kind of terrifying air filled the whole body, making Qinghan frightened, feeling that the person who came was not good enough to cause her to die, and did not dare to neglect, immediately waved his fist, rose into the sky, and slammed into the big hand.

The girl's body is radiant, shrouded in the monstrous sacred glory, as if rising from the sky, ethereal and agile, holy and dusty.

Compared with Lei Hai, her figure is very small, but the breath that diffuses is like a deep sea, and the entire Penglai Xian Island is moving because of her, as if she is the master of this world.

Both Taro Miyamoto and Xiao Qingtian were the earth immortals who professed Dao here, and Qinghan could vaguely feel the suppression of Dao.

In the same world, there can only be one supreme ruler, and Qinghan's Daoming is obviously above them, so that's why it feels like this.


Without using any martial arts or martial arts, the pure physical strength plus the strength of the true essence, Qinghan's punch seemed to burst the sky, and the bright glazed glaze palm that fell down immediately burst into shimmering thunder. He Dao marks, like rain and rain, are all taken into the body by Qinghan's body.


It was as if a nuclear weapon had exploded, and the aftermath was tens of thousands of waves. Under it, countless grasses and trees on the top of the mountain were turned into powder, and even the stubborn stones were shattered.

This was a big bust, playing the power of destroying the world, and Qing Han himself was surprised.

This is the first time she has taken a shot since she achieved her innate ability, and also the first time she has taken a shot since she embarked on the road of cultivating immortals. She did not expect to have such a powerful explosive power.

"So strong!" Everyone was shocked.

You know, Qinghan now only has the realm of Earth Immortal, and has never practiced any martial arts. This punch is purely a force that can break ten thousand methods, without any fancy.

Dao marks entered the body, Qinghan felt that his whole body was soothing, the vitality was like the sea, and his body was surging with divine power, and it was more in harmony with the sky and the earth.

Entering the innate realm, I began to perceive the rules of the order of heaven and earth, but most of them had to have an epiphany in the later stage, and Qinghan now vaguely felt it, and seemed to be able to spur a trace of the power of the great road.

The pores all over her body were dilated, and all the flesh and blood organs seemed to be breathing, and she was able to swallow thunder on her own.

After experiencing the first three thunder tribulations, the fear in her heart is no longer so strong, she has a clear understanding of thunder tribulation, and knows how to maximize her own benefit.


The void vibrates, the thunder is surging, and the thunder is ten thousand.

A simple and majestic pagoda fell from the sky, and it was exactly the same as the Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda in Qinghan's hands, but it was more than a hundred times bigger, with a height of ten feet, like a hill, and it fell to Qinghan.

The four walls of the small tower are engraved with the same patterns, flowers, birds, insects, fish, birds and beasts,...

The pagoda is still the manifestation of Dao marks, not a real magic weapon.

Qing Han was shocked, and quickly urged the exquisite pagoda in his hand, poured surging mana into it, and then blasted out.

Although it was only a few days to get along, Qinghan knew the pagoda very well and was very familiar with it, as if the pagoda was her natural magic weapon and had been with each other for a long time.


The Lei Mang pagoda formed by Dao Mark is very powerful and powerful. The exquisite pagoda thrown by Qing Han is not an opponent at all, and it was blown out suddenly.

Bang, bang, bang!

Qinghan shook his fist, each time with the destructive power of a nuclear explosion, but as a result, his bones were broken and his fists were bloody, and the pagoda only gave birth to a few cracks without damage.


The hollow base of the pagoda suddenly burst out with divine light, rushing out like a torrent, but permeated with a powerful suction force, and it suddenly sucked the Qinghan into the pagoda, and then the base closed, sealing the Qinghan inside. .

After that, the pagoda swiftly flew to the thunder sea, as if it had completed its mission.

Everyone was dizzy and didn't know what the situation was.

"Does the will of heaven and earth really exist in the underworld?" Xiao Qingtian wore his beard in his hands, with a look of shock on his face.

"I think there is someone in Leihai, someone must be taking the shot." Liang Fei said, very sure.

"Who can move in the Thunder Sea? It's a **** and it's almost the same. UU reading" Zhao Tianlong said.

"It's not a god, it's just an interweaving of the power of thunder and lightning. It may be related to the traces left by the ancient sages when they crossed the catastrophe." Miyamoto Taro said.


When everyone was discussing, Ye Tian suddenly made a move, and the sky-shaking seal in his hand shot out, blasting towards the pagoda like a meteor.

Ye Tian already knew why this thunder tribulation, as Miyamoto Taro guessed, was the mark of the ancient sage, and this ancient sage was not someone else, but the deity of God.

At this moment, it is the punishment from God's Dao Mark. He is merciless and wants to put Qinghan to death because Qinghan wants to replace him.

For Qinghan to truly become God, he must put the traces of God between heaven and earth into his body.


A huge explosion sounded across the sky, and the sky-shaking seal collided with the pagoda, and the pagoda was knocked out of a hole at once, and a figure quickly flew out of it.

"I'm fine, I can still fight." Qing Han said to Ye Tian, ​​his eyes sharpened, and he waved a small fist to smash all obstacles.

This was her disaster after all, and Ye Tian could only help.


At this moment, suddenly two divine lights rushed out of the thunder sea, domineering and fierce, Ye Tian could not stop him, his chest was penetrated at once, two wisps of smoke appeared, two front and back Transparent blood hole.

Ye Tian's eyes jumped fiercely with golden lights, and he went up in the light of the gods, and saw a figure in Leihai, vague and indistinct, but the figure was very tall, and there were faintly visible flapping wings behind it.

These two divine lights that penetrated Ye Tian's golden sacred body suddenly came out of this person's eyes, and they were only two eyes.

Behind this figure, a glorious and dazzling huge palace emerged, like a heaven, majestic and majestic, extremely gorgeous.

It is God's Dao Mark that finally manifests, and Qinghan will have the final ultimate showdown.

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