Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1406: Hitting people like hanging pictures

[Renren Novel Network]

"Who are you? Do you want to have a grudge with my Chiyang Sect?" Elder Jiuyang glared, his eyes flickering, and he wanted to see through Ye Tian.

However, he found that the aura on Ye Tian's body was very plain, even if he could not see through his eyesight. If this kind of person is not an ordinary person, he must be a peerless master.

A young man who was twelve years old, how strong can he be?

The top young Tianjiao in Kunxu Realm can cultivate out of the God Realm and rank on the list of Tianjiao.

After all, this kind of deity youth Tianjiao is only a minority. Kunxu has hundreds of millions of people, but there are not even ten of them. All of them are named and surnamed, and they are well-known in Kunxu realm.

Ye Tian made Elder Jiuyang very unfamiliar, and he obviously couldn't be the God Realm Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list.

In this way, Elder Nine Suns had no scruples.

Or, even if the gods are face to face, why is he afraid?

He is also a god!

"A group of casual repairs, see the uneven road, draw a knife to help." Ye Tian said, walking with his hands on his back, his expression was very flat, as if he didn't pay attention to this group of people.

"I don't need you to save me, go to my Qingshan Gate, and you will be there all the way east." Zhao Qingyi shouted, almost hoarse.

Compared to her own life and death, she cares more about the survival of the sect.

"A casual cultivator dared to provoke the majesty of my Red Sun Sect. I think you are tired and crooked." Li Changkong yelled, then flew out and rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​saying: "Let me teach you a little lesson."

His realm is higher than Zhao Qingyi's, and in the later stage of the Grand Master Realm, a terrible aura can erupt from every move.

Halfway through the journey, he slammed a punch.


Amid the explosion of heavy artillery, a circular wave of air exploded under his feet, the ground collapsed, smoke was everywhere, and the whole person flew into the air.

His fist was like molten iron, flashing a strange brilliance, and a sea-like killing intent radiated from his body, blending with his fist, like an angry dragon roaring, making the world tremble.

Accompanied by this earth-shattering momentum, a scarlet fist pierced from the tip of the fist, like an oval comet, dragging a blazing light tail, leaping more than ten feet in an instant, hitting Ye Tian Heart.

Boom boom boom!

Wherever the fist gang passed, the ground was plowed into a shallow gully, which went straight to Ye Tian's feet.

There was even an unmatched killing intent, instantly filling a small valley.

"Hurry and hide, this is Chiyang Sect's unique knowledge, red practice killing fist, once the fist strength enters the body, there is no chance of survival." Zhao Qingyi shouted, two clear eyes were full of panic, yes This type of boxing is very jealous.

Chi Lian Shaquan was created by the great power of the gods of the ancestor of the Red Sun. It was realized in the struggle of life and death. In the name of killing, killing is stopped by killing, and the way of killing is proved. The stronger the killing intent, the stronger the punching method. The greater the lethality.

"Zhangkong's Chi-trained killing fist is not far from Dacheng." A fellow elder praised.

"Yes, Chang Kong's fist is no less than the pinnacle master." Another elder said.

"Zhangkong's talent for cultivation is not inferior to the ancient Hanyu of the Profound Sky Sword Sect. Within three years, it is expected to break through the gods and be on the list of the arrogances."


Compliments are endless.

Elder Nine Suns did not speak, but with a beard in his hand and a slight jaw, he obviously agreed.

"Boy, it's an honor for you to die under my red-handed killing fist." Li Changkong laughed wildly, his originally handsome face very hideous at the moment.

But Ye Tian squinted slightly, watching the scarlet fist gang flying by like a comet, calmly.

He could feel that he was locked in by the fist-gang breath, sealing all escape routes.

However, if he wants to dodge, there are countless ways to dodge this punch.

However, he did not, because there is no need.

He gently extended his right hand, slapped his fist and exhaled it.

"Run away!" Zhao Qingyi was still shouting.

When she saw that Ye Tian not only didn't dodge, but instead slapped out a slap, trying to slap her fist, she could hardly believe her eyes.

How stupid does one have to do this?

This may be able to blast steel into a punch of iron mud!

The next scene would be very bloody, she couldn't bear to look straight, and closed her eyes.

"Stupid, do you think you are in the Divine Realm?" Li Changkong also scolded with contempt.

But just after his voice fell, a terrible scene happened.


Ye Tian slapped a slap on the Crimson Fist Gang, but the Fist Gang did not explode, but reflected back at a faster speed.

It seemed that he was not shooting a punch, but a ball, effortlessly.


Except for Zhao Qingyi, who closed his eyes, everyone was shocked.

Li Changkong couldn't even react. When his pupils contracted sharply, his fist blasted towards his body.

Among the lightning and flint, only Elder Nine Suns had quick eyes and hands, crushed a piece of jade charm, and beat the disciple's body.


In an instant, a golden shield was formed on Li Changkong's body, like a golden bell and iron cloth shirt, permeating a breath that was as strong as the sun, as if it could not be invaded by all means.

This is a jade amulet, the rank is much better than the ordinary paper amulet, it can resist almost any attack below the gods, whether it is fist moves, swords, spears, swords, and various energy spells and curse attacks.


The fist-gang broke out like nuclear weapons, and the violent shock waves swept in all directions, forming red ripples visible to the naked eye. The land covering a radius of tens of meters was scraped off a layer. Numerous stones were stranded. Broken into powder.

In the next second, Zhao Qingyi opened his eyes with a sad expression, because she felt that Ye Tian might be more ill-fortuned from this earth-shaking momentum.

However, when she opened her eyes, she saw an unbelievable scene. Ye Tian was still standing there, without moving a step under her feet, but Li Changkong was gone, leaving only a big hole in the place.

"The sky."

Accompanied by a loud shout, Elder Jiuyang stepped out and sprinted towards the direction of the waterfall.

When Zhao Qingyi glanced at it, he saw a large human-shaped pit on the cliff of the waterfall. Li Changkong was inlaid like a mural, forming a beautiful landscape.

"What?" Zhao Qingyi looked surprised, her eyes full of disbelief.

"I'll kill all of them, don't keep one!" Elder Jiuyang was furious and gave orders not only to kill Ye Tian, ​​but also Zhao Qingyi.

All the Red Sun Sect members in the field were full of anger and anger. An elder of the pinnacle grandmaster stage went to deal with Zhao Qingyi, and the remaining dozens of people Wu Yang Yang rushed towards Ye Tian.

"Who would dare to touch my junior sister?"

At this moment, suddenly a man's voice came, very magnetic and loud.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Along with the sound, there was also a sharp knife wheel slashing, like a bright moon in the sky, bright and white, and cut to the pinnacle grandmaster-level elder who was about to attack Zhao Qingyi.


The elder of the pinnacle grandmaster held a long sword and slashed it against Xueliang's knife wheel. As a result, the long sword in his hand suddenly broke, and the whole person retreated ten steps and was almost hit by the knife wheel.

In the void, a slender figure floated and fell in front of Zhao Qingyi.

"Brother Luo." Zhao Qingyi was surprised and delighted.


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