Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1408: Life and death

Although Qingshan Gate is not well-known in Kunxu, it is only a humble small sect, but all the disciples and elders up and down together, there are more than one thousand people, occupying a treasure land with a radius of tens of kilometers.

There are beautiful mountains and clear waters, lush vegetation, exotic flowers and weeds everywhere, birds and beasts everywhere, and the wisdom of Zhong Tiandi is really a good place. It is hard to find in the secular world with lanterns.

Following the stone steps and entering the deep mountains, the first thing that catches your eyes is a tall mountain gate, the building is generally towering, with two ancient words in the book: green mountain.

But at this moment, this tall and towering mountain gate has collapsed, dead bodies fall down among the green grass and trees, the green water is dyed blood red, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood.

A huge flying boat hovering in mid-air, unscrupulously shuttles between the tops of the Qingshan Gate. It can be more than 30 meters long and 100 meters up and down. It looks like a floating island from a distance, giving people a powerful visual impact. force.

The whole body of the flying boat is made of wood. It is naturally not ordinary wood, but the unique iron pear wood in Kunxu. The texture is clear and beautiful, and it has a dazzling brilliance. It has the hardness of steel. Ordinary swords cannot even cut a gap.

In addition, the flying boat is also engraved with a heavy protective array pattern. Once all of them are turned on, the super ground penetrating missiles of the secular world cannot penetrate, let alone shoot down.

Flying boats also have a certain aggressiveness. There are many crossbow arrows perforated around them. They are also called crossbow guns. They are fired by organs, and the crossbow arrows shot out are thicker than the mouth of the bowl. With a variety of energy special effects, such as the Explosive Flame God Arrow, the Ice Soul God Arrow, the Gale Wind God Arrow, the Armor Break God Arrow..., the power is no less powerful than the world's missiles. It is common to destroy a mountain with one arrow.

There is a tall mast on the flying boat, with a big flag hung from it, in the shape of a sword, hunting and hunting, the two bronzing characters "Tianxuan" are very eye-catching.

Yes, this is the flying boat of the Sky Profound Sword Sect.

In all respects, in the southern part of the hidden gate, which is at the bottom of Kunxu, only the number one sect such as the Sky Profound Sword Sect could possess the extravagant flying magic weapon like flying boat.

On the bow deck of the flying boat, a series of tall figures stood, all breathed like a dragon, majestic and majestic, shrouded in clusters of gorgeous brilliance, powerful enough to make one's heart palpitating.

"Bailong observes the subject."

"Valley Master of Ziwei Valley."

"Elder Meihuamen."

"Silver Frost Sword Sect Leader."

"Sect Master Chiyang."


Each of them is not simple, or the leader of a religion, or the most outstanding elder in the religion, all have the cultivation base of the gods, so they are qualified to stand on the flying boat.

They appeared on the flying boat of the Profound Sky Sword Sect, indicating that the sect they belonged to had already fallen at the feet of the Profound Sword Sect.

Among the group of people is a man wearing a nine dragon cannon and a purple gold crown. He is very old, with white beard and hair, but he is full of golden light, blood is boiling, and his eyes are like torches. There was a monstrous fluctuation and a kind of majesty of the king, as if he was the only one who respected the nine heavens and ten places.

This person is no one else, but Xiao Tianshu, the supreme master of the Sky Profound Sword Sect, a pinnacle god.

From what he wears, you can see his ambition to unify the southern part of the hidden gate and become a supreme king.

The southern part of the hidden gate is the most backward area in Kunxu. It is called the Southern Wilderness by the other areas. There is no land immortal for the time being, and the pinnacle of the gods is already the supreme existence.


"Fight with them."

"My Qingshan disciple would rather die than surrender!"


The shouting and killing sound shook the sky, a burst of swords, lights, and swords, and flesh and blood flew across, one by one, the fresh lives were harvested, and the world was killed.

After the Qingshan Gate was completely defeated, thousands of disciples lost their helmets and armors, and kept retreating back to the mountain.

There is the ancestral land of Qingshanmen, and it is also a forbidden land, protected by a powerful magic circle.

At this moment, in the space barrier covered by the back mountain array, there was a rush of heads, many people were injured and collapsed on the ground, wailing.

This was the biggest catastrophe that Qingshan Sect had experienced since the opening of the Sect, and it might not be possible to survive it safely.

"Zhang Qingxu, do you still want to resist? Do you really think I dare not slaughter your Qingshan gate up and down?"

Xiao Tianshu's voice came, resounding through the world, clanging like a sword, throwing the ground with a sound, full of death.

"Is the sky going to perish my Qingshanmen?" An old man was sad, holding a broken sword, his clothes stained with blood, his body trembling unceasingly.

It is the Sect Master of Qingshan Gate, Qingxu Taoist, the only **** of Qingshan Gate.

After repeated battles, he was seriously injured.

"Sect Master, please give your order. I, Qingshanmen, will never get caught and be trampled on."

"Please order from the lord, we went out to fight with them, the fish died and the net broke."


Taoist Qingxu looked around, and all the disciples of Qingshan were filled with indignation. He believed that even if he didn't need to mobilize himself, all the disciples would throw their heads and blood for the Qingshan Gate.

This made him very gratified. The Qingshanmen established a teaching for two thousand eight hundred years. He has experienced many hardships in history. It is because of his arrogance that his foundation has always been constant.

"But this time, can you get through it safely?"



Taoist Qingxu took a long sigh, with a look of depression, as if desperate.

"Report to the Sect Master that the Profound Sect Sect has surrendered to the Profound Sky Sword Sect and refused to come to help."

"Report to Sect Master that Taixuan Sect is considering surrendering and refuses to give me a helping hand to Qingshan Sect."

"Report Sovereign, Xingluo Sect..."


"Okay, okay, let's all go down." Taoist Qing Xu shook his head, knowing that he was counting on others to rescue him at this time. It was a idiot.

"Qing Yi has been out for two days, why haven't he returned? Didn't I find anyone?" A thin old man next to Taoist Qing Xu said to himself, UU reading is Li Chundao.

"What about it, with his own power and ability to save my desire for Qingshanmen?" Daoist Qingxu frowned, without any hope.

Li Chundao was also silent.

When he knew Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian was just a master, even if he broke through the **** realm now, he couldn't be the opponent of the enemies outside.

"Oh, or, let's surrender. It's better to stay with the green hills and no firewood. It's better than the dead religion." An elder sighed and said.

"The Heavenly Sword Sect's unification of the Southern Territory is a general trend and cannot be violated. We have no choice but to surrender." Another elder said, shaking his mind.

"Those who want to surrender, I won't stop them, they can go out now." Daoist Qingxu said indifferently.

However, no one went out, and the elder who proposed to surrender also sighed and stayed.

"Vow to live and die with Qingshan."

A voice resounded in the barrier, shaking the earth.

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