Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1410: Deceive too much

"Elder Li, now that you have Senior Brother Luo, just ignore who is Ye. If you say that he is so powerful and can't beat him, it should be no problem to escape." Zhao Qingyi said.

Li Chundao shook his head and said, "Do you think I am the one who fancy him? I fancy the sword in his hand!"

Want to restrain the Sky Profound Sword Sect, only the Sun Moon Sword in the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

The Sun Moon Divine Sword was in Ye Tian's hands.

This is a big secret, only he knows.

He promised to keep secrets for Ye Tian, ​​without telling anyone.

Otherwise, as soon as the news of this sword comes out, it will definitely cause an uproar in Kunxu, driving countless people crazy to fight for this sword.

"What sword? He came empty-handed and didn't see a sword on his body!" Zhao Qingyi asked in confusion.

Li Chundao just shook his head and said nothing.

"Blade storm, big cut!"

At this moment, I heard a cold voice coming from outside the barrier.

The two crescent scimitars, under Luo Feng's arm-like instructions, rotated crazily, orbiting each other, turning into a huge tornado and chaotic blade storm. In the storm, every wind blade was a sharp blade of light.

Two figures rushed out from the bow of the ship, each armed with a sword and slashed towards Luo Feng, but before they could actually make a move, they were cut into blood mud by the blade storm.

"I know who he is, Luo Feng, the chief disciple of Qingshanmen who disappeared seven years ago." Chiyang Sect Sect Master Zhao Muyang said with a shocked expression on his face.

He Chiyang Sect and Qingshan Gate are close neighbors, and he knows more about Qingshan Gate than other sects.

Luo Feng disappeared seven years ago, Qingshanmen also asked Chiyang Sect for help, and went to find it together. He was very impressed with this talented teenager.

"What? Luo Feng? The first fairy seedling of my Southern Territory seven years ago?"

"Yes, it's him, I can see it, it is Luo Feng. It's just that this kid has disappeared for seven years, how can he become so strong?"

"He is still him. Unfortunately, the Southern Territory is no longer the Southern Territory it used to be. The Qingshan Gate is no longer the Qingshan Gate, but belongs to my Chiyang Sect. I will meet him."

While talking, Sect Master Zhao Muyang of Chiyang rose into the air, stepping on the void, and every step he stepped out of the void, there was a sound of explosions, and the vitality of heaven and earth was boiling like the sea.

"Boy Luo, you are so fate. You have disappeared for seven years and haven't died. The Southern Territory can no longer tolerate you. Today I will send you to the west." Zhao Muyang roared, the sky shook, and the mountains shook.

A wave of cold murderous aura rushed out of his body like a tide, like a wisp of blood, showing a crimson color, at the same time an iron fist was clenched, the monstrous fist merged with the murderous aura, and it blasted out suddenly.


A scarlet fist mark, as if condensed from blood, contained a sea of ​​blood from the corpse mountain, like a cannonball out of the chamber, unbreakable and unbreakable. The violent sonic boom resounded through the world and killed Luo Feng.

At this moment, a strong murderous aura permeated out, instantly flooding a large area, making people throbbing.

It was as if a supreme **** and demon was taking action, to destroy all things in the common people and wash the world.

Chi Lian Shaquan, Chiyang Sect's unparalleled learning.

This punch was punched from the hand of Sect Master Zhao Muyang, which was ten times stronger than that of his disciple Li Changkong, and was about to set Luo Feng's life.

Zhao Muyang's thoughts are the same as those of the Nine Suns. The Chiyang Sect wants to annex the Qingshan Gate, and this person must be removed, otherwise it will be a great evil.


Chi Lian's killing fist was like a broken bamboo, and the two blade wheels were shattered one after another and shattered into iron filings.

"A strong killer!"

Everyone was stunned.

"There are three levels of Chi Lian Shaquan, killing the heart, killing the gods, and killing, adhering to the name of killing, stopping the killing with killing, and demonstrating the way. Sect Master Zhao’s Chi Lian killing fist has been cultivated to the ultimate goal. Realm, a punch has the power to exterminate all things in the world." said the great elder of the plum blossom gate, and he knew the Chiyang Sect's red killing fist very well.

"Luo Xiaozi is so bad. It's a pity that a genius. If you give him another ten years, I won't necessarily be his opponent." The head of the Yinshuang Sword Sect sighed.

"There is no such thing as if there is no such thing as a peerless Tianjiao who hasn't grown up, is always an ant."


In the mountain ancestral land behind the Qingshan gate, everyone in the barrier was shocked.

Zhang Qingxu is even ready to take action and fight with his apprentice against a powerful enemy.

At this time, Luo Feng said indifferently: "An ant dared to yell in front of me. When I cut off your dog's head, see if you dare to speak such big words."

His eyes were blood-red, like a wild beast, full of devilishness, three blade wheels were broken one after another, and his body was as stable as a mountain without any fear.


His body shook, the terrifying breath erupted, and his aura climbed to a high point.

Qiang Qiang!

Behind him, suddenly another nine crescent scimitars rushed out, turning into nine silver light horses, and shooting straight into the sky.

In mid-air, the nine silver light horse training suddenly merged into one horse to practice Tianhe, and when it was spinning rapidly, it turned into a huge knife wheel with a diameter of about ten feet.


The void was broken in an instant, and the mountains on the ground were divided into two by only being rubbed by the sword energy, forming a straight sky moat.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The knife wheel runs through the void, and the blade's light impacts Xiaohan, like a magic knife that splits the world, nine heavens and ten earth, ten directions up and down, all being broken in front of this knife wheel.


Zhao Muyang's Chi Lian killing fist, which was capable of exterminating all things in the world, was instantly broken open and collapsed into the void.

The ten-zhang knife wheel's momentum is unabated, killing the world, as if it can shatter the world, and continue to cut away at Zhao Muyang.

"Sect Master Xiao, save me!" Zhao Muyang shouted anxiously, with a look of horror on his face.

In almost an instant, the ten-zhang knife wheel rushed in front of him, and the astounding swords were overwhelming, sealing all his escape routes.

Xiao Tianshu deliberately made a move, but it was too late, and the shocking knife wheel passed everything from him in the next second, leaving a cloud of blood mist.

After that, the Shocking Sword Wheel continued to advance, slashing towards the flying boat. Everyone changed color.

"Senior Brother Luo is too strong."

"Senior Brother Luo is extremely talented, and he deserves to be the number one arrogant and number one seedling of my Southern Territory."

"Senior Brother Luo, come on, you must kill these invading enemies."


In the Houshan barrier, many Qingshanmen disciples cheered and cheered loudly.

"Humph!" Xiao Tianshu snorted coldly.


Accompanied by the sound of a dragon's roar of swords, a bright sword light shot up into the sky in the sword box behind him.

Suddenly, a peculiar murderous intent permeated out, the heavens and the earth were in silence, and all things withered.

Everyone on the flying boat suddenly felt cold all over, breathing hard, as if hundreds of millions of needles that were invisible to the naked eye were stuck on their bodies.

The Profound Sky Divine Sword finally came out of its sheath, turned into a sword light that pierced the sky, like a divine dragon that cut through the sky, and directly slashed the ten-zhang blade wheel.

At that moment, the mountains and rivers paled, and the sun and the moon sank.

A glowing sword light became the only one in the world.

Xiao Tianshu stood proudly with his hands in his hands and his eyes were cold. The whole person was connected to the Qi machine of the Profound Sky Divine Sword, as if it had also become an Divine Sword straight into the sky.

Since the birth of the Profound God Sword, it has cut more than a dozen divine realms and more than a hundred grand masters, without any disadvantage.

Xiao Tianshu used the cultivation base of the Peak Divine Realm, holding the Profound Sky Sword, and could fight the immortal.

As if there was no one in the sky, the Heavenly Profound Sword immediately confronted the Shizhang Blade.


A burst of metal symphony like Hongzhong and Dalu resounded through the world, and the ten-zhang knife wheel was immediately disintegrated and turned into nine small knife wheels.

Luo Feng stepped back, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

"Brother Luo." Zhao Qingyi shouted anxiously, her slender hands clenched into two small fists.

Everyone in the enchantment became nervous, and a heart was raised in his throat.

Xiao Tianshu is really too strong, Luo Feng hasn't really grown up after all, it is difficult for one person to turn the tide.

"Luo Feng, if you take refuge in my teaching, I don't need to kill you." Xiao Tianshu said lightly while holding the sword proudly.

Luo Feng responded to him with only one word:


He didn't see a trace of discouragement in his expression, but he was full of energy.

I saw that the nine broken scimitars, as he shook his tactics, became one again, turning into a ten-zhang knife wheel, like a huge full moon, lying in the void, full of great perfection and greatness. At ease, the breath of destruction.


With a wave of his iron palm, the ten-zhang knife wheel struck out, sharp to the extreme.

On the flying boat, all the teachers and elders were shocked.

With this knife alone, Luo Feng can be tied with the top Tianjiao in Kunxu.

Changing for any of them, there is no absolute certainty to take the knife.

However, his opponent is Xiao Tianshu, the number one powerhouse in the Southern Territory, and he holds a peerless magic weapon.


Xiao Tianshu took out a sword flower in his hand, and the ten-zhang knife wheel immediately fell apart, flying away in all directions, making a buzzing and wailing sound.

Luo Feng's figure was shocked, as if struck by lightning, he took a hundred steps back.

"The unification of the Southern Territories is the general trend. Refuge with me is your only way to survive. Are you still stubborn?"

"As long as you take refuge in my teaching, I may even allow you to be the chief disciple, and you will be more likely to inherit my mantle in the future."

"Furthermore, I don't need to destroy the Qingshan Gate and leave the orthodoxy, provided that I am willing to belong to my Sky Profound."


All attractive conditions were put forward, but Luo Feng remained unmoved.

The nine-handled round-moon scimitar was once again united and turned into a knife wheel and cut out.

Xiao Tianshu was furious and slashed down with a sword. His power was more powerful than before. The sword energy ran through three thousand feet, and the three mountains were flattened.

When the smoke cleared, everyone saw Luo Feng lying in the ruins, **** and severely injured.

"Zhang Qingxu, aren't you coming out yet?" Xiao Tianshu stared at the direction of the back mountain and shouted.


A ray of light suddenly rushed out, revealing an old man with blood-stained clothes, who was the Sect Master Zhang Qingxu of Qingshanmen.

In the previous battle, he was also severely injured and his vitality was almost exhausted, but his spine was still straight, ignoring Xiao Tianshu's supreme power and rushing into the ruins.

"Brother Luo." Zhao Qingyi shouted and rushed out.

Then came the elders.

"Master, I'm useless." Luo Feng said with difficulty.

"Child, you have done well."

Zhang Qingxu hugged Luo Feng and left, rushing back to the direction of the back mountain.

"When I don't exist?" Xiao Tianshu frowned, and suddenly slashed with a sword.


A thousand-zhang sword glow whizzed out, the space was torn apart, the sword energy storm rolled, and the world was in chaos.

"Broken!" Elder Li Chundao made the first move. First, he threw the dozens of protective magic weapons on his body at Sect Master Zhang Qingxu, and then waved the saber in his hand, cutting out a shocking blade of light.

Immediately afterwards, the other elders also took action. Everyone had as few as a few, as many as a dozen body protection magic weapons, all of them hit Sect Master Zhang Qingxu and Luo Feng, and then waved various weapons in his hands. Cut to Qianzhang Jianmang.

For a time, the void seemed to boil, all kinds of ultimate moves collided, and all kinds of energy were intertwined.

However, in front of the Qianzhang Jianguang that the Profound Sky Divine Sword slashed, all attacks seemed so fragile, whether it was a sword gang, a sword light, a fist mark, and so on.

Qianzhang Jiangong came from the void, and it was cut to the top of Zhang Qingxu's head. A total of multiple protective masks, like paper, were broken open in turn, unable to protect them.

Zhang Qingxu raised his eyes and took a look, UU reading's eyes were full of despair.

"Child, I can't help you as a teacher!" Zhang Qingxu said sadly.

He struggled with all his strength to throw Luo Feng out, but he couldn't do it. Most of his vitality has been lost, and his sword is like a mountain, which crushes his body.




At this moment, all the disciples of the Qingshan Sect were stunned.

At this moment, suddenly, a golden finger light appeared out of thin air, piercing the sky and the earth, revealing a general immortal aura, as if coming from shattered time and space, pointing to the thousand-zhang sword light.


Qianzhang Jianmang broke.

"Shit, peerless sword, but so."

A cold voice came from afar, full of disdain.

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