Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1412: Fight alone

"Child, you are quite capable. However, since ancient times, geniuses are easy to die. Young people do not know the depth, do not know how to advance and retreat, and they will inevitably die. Today, the old will take care of your parents and discipline you."

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Amidst the joking words, Sun Wushuang's palms shook his arms again, and the hundred long swords behind him unfolded for the first time, suddenly turning into two wings, and the whole person rushed out of the bow of the flying boat like a silver light.

Silver Frost Hundred Sword Wings!

Simultaneously control hundreds of flying swords and transform them into two wings.

Even Sun Wushuang's supernatural power of killing and defeating is also a supreme magic weapon.


The wingspan of the sword wings can be three feet long, like two heavenly swords, with unmatched sharpness, cutting across the void, and the space is instantly cut open, revealing two long and narrow cracks, spreading straight in the direction of Ye Tian.


A burst of sound like Hong Zhong and Dalu shocked the heaven and the earth. In the middle of the process, the silver frost hundred sword wings crossed to the scar of the sky, as if two supreme soldiers were clashing, bursting out infinite light, and the heaven and the earth were bright.

Yinshuang Hundred Sword Wings are extremely sharp, and Ye Tian's finger knife is already at the end of the strong crossbow after breaking through the sword energy.


Sun Wushuang taught him to advance by victory, his sword wings cracked the sky, his sword aura whistled, and he cleaved the mountain and cut the power of the mountain, and continued to cross towards Ye Tian.

At this moment, Sun Wushuang's head teacher is extremely powerful, and the whole person is shrouded in a group of cold silver, as if it merges with the hundred long swords behind it, and the body turns into a sword body, every inch of flesh and blood is so powerful. people.


The sword wings were dazzling with silver light, cutting through the void, stirring the chaos, as if Kunpeng struck the three thousand realms, and instantly cut to Ye Tian's front, facing the waist and eye position, he would cut Ye Tian in half from the waist.

"Ye Xiaoyou!" Li Chundao shouted, very anxious.

Zhao Qingyi also frightened Hua Rong pale.

Luo Feng, who was seriously injured, suddenly widened his eyes, and looked over carefully, wanting to see how Ye Tian cracked this life and death crisis. At the same time, deduced in my heart, if it is myself, how to break this game.

All the disciples of Qingshanmen were stunned.

Is the boy who claims to be covering the Green Mountain Gate so vulnerable to a blow?

They don't think so, and think that young people must have something to spare.

"The Yinshuang Hundred Swords and Wings taught by Sun Zhang can't do anything. You will see blood as soon as you do it. It's a pity that a genius." A big elder of Meihuamen twirled his beard in his hands and shook his head for a while.

"There is nothing to be a pity, the most abundant in this world is genius." said the owner of the Ziwei Valley Valley.

"Hehehe, what the Lord Purple Valley said is. Genius hasn't grown up, but ants. Only when he grows up can he be a real genius."



When everyone was discussing, the sword wings passed through Ye Tian's waist and really cut the whole person in the middle.

It's not that the young man didn't dodge, but that he didn't dodge at all. He stood there motionless like a pillar, stupefied and cut.

Everyone at Qingshan Gate was shocked, and 10,000 alpacas whizzed past in their hearts.

There was a loud laugh from the flying boat, thinking it was a king, but it turned out to be bronze.

But Sun Wushuang's palm teacher's eyes sank, and he felt that something was not right. When he crossed the boy's body, he didn't feel any force, as if he was cutting on a mass of air.

Suddenly, his back was cold, as if he had a pair of eyes staring at him behind his back, giving him a sense of thorns on his back.

"Not good!" He shuddered sharply.

At this time, the people on the scene also noticed something strange. Although the boy was crosscut, no drop of blood was shot out, and then the cut figure disappeared like a dream bubble.

Obviously, this is an afterimage!

"Teacher Sun, be careful, behind!" The owner of Ziwei Valley reminded loudly.

Everyone can see that a crack suddenly appeared in the void behind Sun Wushuang, like a gate of time and space. The young man stepped out of it and appeared just behind Sun Wushuang, close at hand.

"Broken Void, what supernatural power is this?"

Everyone in the audience was shocked, and it felt incredible.

"It's not a supernatural power, he must have a magic weapon of broken space." said the great elder of the plum blossom gate.

As soon as he said this, everyone on the flying boat brightened, including Xiao Tianshu.

In other words, space and time are the two supreme principles in the universe. Any magic weapon that smelts these two principles is the top magic weapon, which is hard to find in the world.

"Child, do you dare to teach Palmer Sun a try." The elder of Meihuamen shouted and rushed out first.


He raised his hand as a slap, and the entire palm was glowing. The palm of his hand was violently surging, and the vitality of the world was like a tide, roaring, and instantly condensed into a giant palm covering half of the sky, and he slammed Ye Tian.

Plum blossom palm!

Kunxu's plum blossom gate is the supreme uniqueness, claiming to break the sky with one palm.


Before the palm of the gods arrived, the invisible pressure had already come first, like the sky, Ye Tian only felt that there was a sudden force of tens of thousands of pounds.

"I'm coming too."

A tall man followed the elder Meihuamen rushed out of the flying boat, his hands quickly formed seals, and then he blew his lips and flew out dozens of sparks.

Boom boom boom!

Mars rose in the wind, burst into flames, and instantly turned into dozens of basin-sized fireballs, dragging a long flame tail, like a meteor shower, killing Ye Tian.

It was an elder of the Blazing Fire Sect, who was proficient in fire.

I saw that dozens of fireballs flew by, and the power was comparable to dozens of artillery sets. Even a 100-meter-high building could be easily razed to the ground.

Seeing these two people make a move, the valley owner of Ziwei Valley couldn't bear it either. Two purple divine thunders formed in the palm of his palm and blasted over to Ye Tian.


For a time, the sky rioted, and the destructive energy was like a raging tide, as if wild beasts came out of the cage, biting Ye Tian away.

However, UU read www.uukānshu. Ye Tian didn't even look at these attacks from the sky, and continued to attack Sun Wushuang.

In the Dianguang Flint House, Sun Wushuang's head teacher can only save himself. He pinches the sword art, and the hundred flying swords behind his back shake together, making rapid clank sounds, filled with shocking intent, like a hundred volcanoes. break out.

But, after all, it was a shot late. At the moment when a hundred flying swords were about to shoot out, a big foot stepped on his back, and this big foot stomped suddenly, as if there was a huge amount of power. Hundreds of flying swords were trampled into scrap metal at once.

Click! Click!

At the same time, there was a sound of cracking bones, and Elder Sun Wushuang took a large rain of blood, accompanied by screams, and fell to the ground like a meteor.

Next, without Ye Tian's action, take Sun Wushuang's remaining half of his life, the attacks of several Sect Masters and elders arrived. There were huge palms that shattered the sky, fireballs that burst out of a heavy cannon, and the divine thunder that destroyed the world....

Elder Sun Wushuang was swallowed by a storm of energy in the desperate roar, and finally turned to ashes.

But Ye Tian disappeared in a flash, avoiding all the attacks.

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